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God. Here she goes again. This woman behaves like a completely self obsessed 14 year old. It is just madness. Bimbo. Except when it comes to making money from cancer to continuously buy stuff for herself.

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Genius. Such good attention to detail. These videos don’t get enough views! You would have to be a sour faced bagpuss not to laugh, even T’s sheep must secretly laugh 😂

Agreed. Talking publically about a stoma and stoma supplies but never shows it? I actually do believe she has one because of small detail like the brand of stoma supplies she’s issued, they are NHS supplies. I however don’t believe the extent of surgery she’s claimed to have had, and I don’t believe the lung nodule she had removed was growing.
I see regular manipulation such as Tiffany on holiday out walking and getting breathless. Tiffany is unfit, she doesn’t regularly exercise, of course she will get breathless duh! But Tiffany will happily keep that in her videos and let people worry (and that includes people here) who will worry why she is breathless or worry about Tiffany’s weight. Yes I haven’t forgotten all those that claimed Tiffany wouldn’t survive surgery because she apparently had cachexia haha. Errrrr a surgeon wouldn’t be offering surgery to a patient with cachexia? And cachexia shows in blood tests. Oncologists know when a patient is suffering cachexia. Cachexia? Jenny apple yes! Tiffany? No, Tiffany is just naturally slim built. Cachexia = death is around the corner.
Yes, unfortunately or fortunately I may have more understanding and experience due to my personal experience living and caring for a stage 4 patient, but I do believe Tiffany intentionally manipulates her audience. If she didn’t she could easily edit a lot out. What evidence do I have? I will never forget it. Her post surgery video. Speaking in a slow slurry voice , telling her audience she was on a ventilatorrrr, she couldn’t see properly because something was wrong with her eyesight. Nurse asks Tiffany are you ok? Tiffany smiles and answers yes Thankyou in a normal voice, and then goes straight back to vlogging in her slurry give me sympathy voice.
I don’t believe in God, but I do believe in karma. Recently I saw karma in action. A couple of years ago someone was taking the piss out of a patient that was hypoxic and struggling to breathe. Recently that same person was in respiratory failure himself and requiring 8 litres of oxygen to maintain a saturation over 94. Karma! Tiffany does have a large regular audience there is no doubt about that, and I think she deliberately emotionally abuses that audience.
Manipulation in the first few minutes. Why didn’t she tell the nurse she wasn’t ok? Couldn’t see but somehow managed to switch her camera on? And no she wasn’t post surgery recovering and under the influence. Why? She wouldn’t have her camera in the recovery room


Case in point! Paramedics would take an emergency to the closest hospital.
The moment people started mentioning her obvious breathlessness, I thought to myself that it was yet another strategic manipulation on Fanny's part. She does not leave such in her videos for shits and giggles. She wants the grandmas to worry about her. She wants people to wonder about her breathlessnes and make the connection to cancer. Like you say, she is breathless cause she is unfit and sits at home in pyjamas all day.
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I feel like at this point their relationship is a convenience thing. They look more like friends than anything, of course relationships ain’t all about constant romance or lovey dovey, that ain’t realistic. But I get the vibe that Matt sticks around incase the cancer comes back elsewhere and is not treatable, which is no way for him to live.

I wonder if he wants children and knowing that can’t happen with Tiffany sends him into overdrive. I think he would be relieved if Tiffany chose to put the camera down permanently, but it’s her money maker and that’s way too important for her to push it to the side.

btw, I’m not team Matt but I can’t help but feel for the guy. He’s literally put his whole life on hold for her, and she comes across as so childish and ungrateful!
I hope those two will never have a child in any way possible. No adoption, foster care, surrogate Imagine a grown up woman with an intelligence of a 4 year old raising a child? They should stick to each other and buy a cactus;
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Matt used to run marathons and participate in triathlons or something of that nature, and he might still be running either on his own or with a team. I believe Matt is very fit. For some reason, Matt seems like he would be a natural in drag! 🌈
That’s so true, he was once so fit and quite fanatical about health and fitness. This entire saga has taken as big a toll on him as it has on the beast herself!
Matts entire life has changed 360° and he just continues to nod and grin (and grope!)
Just confirms the muppet boy status … never did that Clown Car Convo speak greater truth 🤡🤡🤡
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Chatty Member
Matt will put his pee pee in any random gay hole in any public toilet! Remember gay sex is very promiscuous. Not a slow burn as in the hetero world. No paying for dinner - just a grinder hook-up. Go the Irish Stallion.
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If you have to say the thing, (alot alot) you are not the thing! "Your girl" is anything but happy hence the need to keep saying it.
This is the only take-away I take away from her videos. She's trying hard to convince people of stuff, including herself, because it's not true. I always think of the celebrity posts from couples of how happy they are etc, right before they break up. It's a sham.

Barani is pillow-man in the photo below, and he is sitting as far as possible on the couch away from Elodie! It is clear that no one wanted to sit in the middle, and that Barani didn't scoot over to be closer to Elodie so that Matt could also join them on the couch
What in the Sigmund Freud is this pillow talk saying?!?
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I see a crisis coming our way 😂 Wouldn't it be perfect if she's in hosp it all during all those weddings and festivities? Ideal way to avoid all the questions about her own relationship status and she will receive a great deal of pampering, worrying, attention and hosp it all care.
That would be a perfect plan. She would be the centre of everyone's attention. I doubt she will enjoy other people's weddings. She is not one to be happy for other people.

I think we will get a RUSHING INTO HOSPITAL at some point in the following weeks.
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the release today took me 3 min. to scan for anything of interest. Got a haircut but then back to the clip and same old same old. Scans happening for Sunday video. So silly as they are long done and results back.
Scans = the doors doctors are coming from
$400! This turd is absolutely shameless and those around her are worse.
Finished watching the Turds offering this evening. She said on the day of the wedding they went to Judith was out working on his bike.

She posted a tic tok 2 weeks ago about this major event - "things I don't understand".

So today's vlog was at least 2 weeks ago. No doubt she has had the scans and the results already.

But those dresses and lip glosses won't pay for themselves waaking 2 or 3 days a month.

Ching ching cancer ££££££££.

Disgusting. Wait for karma bitch.
Ha looks 50.

They look like father and daughter here.

His youth is behind him.

No Colleen will take him.

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13k views 😅 😄:eek:

It's time to stage a typical Fanny emergency.
Those top tier holidays will not pay for themselves.

Some ideas for her:

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So my thinking cap has been in use 🤣

TiffanyThinks True Bitch of Sitch; withholding crucial health information to increase the Ching Ching situation!

it definitely is no secret … I absolutely despise this beast and have done so for a very long time. I called her out for deceitfully manipulating her content for financial advantage long long ago. She’s never changed despite being given a death sentence!
Her claim to be of Christian faith is utter bs given her actions.
Lung nodule or no lung nodule, 4mm or 40… she’s a dead man walking. Enjoy your money you stupid bitch faced rat because ‘time’ for you is of the essence 🔥
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$400! This turd is absolutely shameless and those around her are worse.
Finished watching the Turds offering this evening. She said on the day of the wedding they went to Judith was out working on his bike.

She posted a tic tok 2 weeks ago about this major event - "things I don't understand".

So today's vlog was at least 2 weeks ago. No doubt she has had the scans and the results already.

But those dresses and lip glosses won't pay for themselves waaking 2 or 3 days a month.

Ching ching cancer ££££££££.

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This evenings offering is perhaps the greatest illustration yet of this young ladies capacity to be a passive aggressive/simply aggressive cunt.

She has a lung nodule, perhaps she doesn't. It has always been there. Perhaps it hasn't.

After all these weeks waiting on the 'results' the person she spoke to has no clue what it all is.

If I were a cancer patient I would change hosp it als immediately. The Royal Marsden has no clue what this nodule is all about, after all this time.

Then the cunt waits until the end to give out to her stans to stop asking her about results!!!!

She is an abomination and the next thread title needs to reflect that!

I love humour but this bitch has just surpassed any realms of decency. Ching ching No Fanny. I hope you choke on it.
She needs to stop exploiting this "cancer journey" for money on youtube if she wants people to stop asking about results. Idiot.
Honestly no expert here but she is so full of b.s. it was hard to listen. On one hand saying they need to "sort" out if that nodule had been there??? They have had that scan for weeks and they know if it was there last time or not. Did it change from last time or new? All of that is known. He is going to have the radiologist look again? I am sure that was done. She is fabricating a story to drag this out. If it had changed or appeared more testing would be done. At the end she said "benign" which tells me is was same as last time and unchanged. What an insult to the idiots following her....."my real life"???? And seriously waiting in the doctor's office for 1.5 hours? Wonder about that too. Usually they will not put you in a room until a bit closer to when it is estimated that the doctor can come in. I note she makes such a big deal out of wearing the "merch" but doorMatt does not. Glad that Amma has gone back to her life and not doing the tick, tick, tick and staring at doors.

last time was there were two seen and one had changed ...thus the surgery??? I don't think anything has changed....she needed this for views.
She said now that there were 2 lung nodules the last time? I thought only one and it grew hence the surgery.. Last time she made up a story about the liver potentially having cancer too.
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A qualified life coach 😂
As if that meant anything admirable.
And Judith singing "lullabies"" to the fictional child in No Fanny's no belly.

FFS. These ppl should be committed for their own good.

Judith is more interested in the best brand of crisps ( great crisps innit - well they do come from spuds) - and his next "holiday" with the bum chums and where his next nose bag is coming from and are his bicycle chains clean for his next ride.
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Pretending again that she misses Stella so so much that they are heading straight to hers. As Stella resumes chauffeur duties 🚕 🚖 and their car is at hers!!!! As LeonorG has pointed out they also stayed on to get their washing done and have some nice left over Mutton. Top Tier Mutton and room temperature 🐔 🐥 chicken. Scrumdiddlyumptious- 🤢

But it is all for the love of Stella of course.
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So who thinks that she has already had her scan results?
Andi, don't forget her hair. She was treating it to clean mountain air!
Of course she has the results. These scans are in her chart soon after but maybe the consult is a few days later. I was looking at the recent number of views and she is spiraling downward so I am expecting her to bring up something that was found on the scan....just something that will build suspense. As it happens with most of us things are seen, maybe noted but of no real concern. It will be something like that but she will build it up. In looking back at videos..anything mentioning scans gets over 60,000 views but right now she is averaging less than 20,000. Still a lot considering the content but trending down. Can you imagine someone saying over and over "floofy"??? She now does that just to agitate some viewers. I still contend that it is almost impossible to comprehend why doorMatt is putting up with this. Watching someone pack and unpack stoma supplies???? What a life.
Yes she isn't as cocky about the scans as last time (when she was pretending she didn't know the results) so maybe she doesn't know yet. Or she is trying to evoke a sombre and serious energy and possibly bad results for views. The devil that is Tiffany will do anything for views, even manifest a likkle recurrence.
She is clearly doing a set up for some sort of hitch with the scan....some "likkle" thing they find...they will report it as of no concern but it will make the YT video thumbnail. Watch the fun. Today more days of doing nothing...what a job...her income from that job could hardly be much.
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My prediction if her views continue to tank is that she'll leave YT for a while like she's done a few times before. I think she'd rather act like it was her choice to take a break and give up a few dollars rather than have it shown that not many people want to watch her content. And of course the big clickbaits and nail biters are going to be pulled out of the hat very shortly for scans. It's all so predictable.
The likes on those comments above are revealing, lots more people finally seeing some light at the end of the eye exam.
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The surprise was Elodie and Barani's visit, during which they ate pizza and lots of cookies, which in itself isn't surprising. It is a surprise that Cookie Monster no longer has a height: She has a radius, as evidenced by her potbelly, adding to her girth. I mention this because Tiffany was wondering if the cookies were vegan, and Cookie said they're OK because the packaging said they were vegetarian. That isn't the same thing, but, of course, how can one expect Tiffany to know the difference?!

So...while being overweight is a challenge for a lot of people to overcome, what I don't find logical is being VEGAN FOR ONE's HEALTH and then BEING OVERWEIGHT. (I don't believe a vegan diet leads to good health, but being VEGETARIAN and being healthy is far more possible. I believe that being vegan actually leads to being in fragile health in many cases.) Anyway, if being a VEGAN means looking like Elodie, FORGET IT!!!
Barani is pillow-man in the photo below, and he is sitting as far as possible on the couch away from Elodie! It is clear that no one wanted to sit in the middle, and that Barani didn't scoot over to be closer to Elodie so that Matt could also join them on the couch.
Conclusion: Barani is definitely NOT into couch threesomes!! NO WAY he would ever be in favor of Elodie carrying Matt's fertilized product! Barani, why not break the ice with Matt and let him sit next to you on the couch next time? Don't worry, Matt will be a good boy and mind his own carrot!!

View attachment 2984695
So many LOL moments here:

It is a surprise that Cookie Monster no longer has a height: She has a radius

Tiffany was wondering if the cookies were vegan, and Cookie said they're OK because the packaging said they were vegetarian. That isn't the same thing, but, of course, how can one expect Tiffany to know the difference?!

Anyway, if being a VEGAN means looking like Elodie, FORGET IT!!!

Barani is pillow-man in the photo below

NO WAY he would ever be in favor of Elodie carrying Matt's fertilized product

I didn't watch her newest crap. This looks like a scene from a Big Brother house. They are sitting there on the couch like idiots along with the forever pyjama clad rodent.
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