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Make sense of it!

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Old mate rachel6046 is upset at TS because her "Tiffany is a cute sweet girl".
One day Rachel will wake up, until then what is it with these people calling her a "Girl"? she is a fully grown 32year old woman with a pre pubescent body, the face and hands of a haggard 60year old and the voice of a toddler that needs a good smack.
She is not a girl no matter how much she tries her BS on you Rach.
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It is really her hair she wants to talk about. In case anyone hasn't noticed yet, she is obsessed with her hair. Rain + hair = wet hair. Sun + hair = highlights in hair. EGGS + hair = eggs in hair or hair in eggs, depending upon the frame of reference!
I trust you all get the pattern!
The hair talk is off the charts....she uses some sort of brush the shape of which we use on our dog. And she is really rough in her brushing. The hair is overwhelming considering the rest of her is very overwhelms her and has no real style. But you would think she is a world famous model for L'Oreal or something. How many times can the TT fam get interested in her hair...and her tossing it around and putting it up and then down and back? It is just another sad testament to her self absorbed existence.
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I couldn't resist having a bit of a dig at FF today after reading some old threads on here. It was in late April last year that she made that parody video about Tiffany and her spending to the tune from the Benny Hill show.
I also have noted that the doorMatt is not looking too happy having the camera shoved in his face all the time so of course had to comment about that too. No doubt they will be deleted.


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Another lung nodule... where is God now??? Is he on vacation? Is it Matt's fault for not wearing the we got this shirt?
But guys we don't know it the nodule was always there, blablabla... rubbish, those doctors know exactly what's been there and what's not princess.

And please be kind and stop asking for the results, this is my real life you know.... the 2 braincells don't understand it's not about the results, it's about the £££ you're earning with building up the suspence towards results day, that's what people turn off and shows what a shitty person you really are princess
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Matt's blazer and pants don't seem to match, as they aren't the same color. Also, the blazer seems a bit tight on him. His tie also seems frumpled and stuck to his shirt, perhaps with double-sided tape, at an odd angle. Matt should have just worn a leprechaun outfit! 🧝‍♂️
I think that this ill-matched and ill-fitting outfit of Matt's sends a message: Matt might not care about these weddings as much as Tiffany does, which is why he just constructed his suit piecemeal. In fact, Tiffany mentioned that when she was getting herself ready, Matt was working on his bike! Matt is a real no-nonsense type of guy, and as long as he is wearing the elements of a suit, who cares if it matches or not, right?!!
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I can't watch today....I just can't anymore. Will be interested if there is anything reported here. It started out with a 30+ year old couple go to the woman's mothers for a sleepover. I had to stop there.
Heeooowww Eberywannn. Blink game. Daughter - when am I getting my moonneyy??
HA went out with his boss and got a head ache - ie went on the drink like Irish people do. She had to drive him home and went mentalist because his coat in the boot blocked her view.

She made a real sacrifice and got him paracetamol from the filling station as HA wasn't well.

Once he had gotten to sleep she woke/shook him up at 4 am to ask him how his head ache was.

Well it was fucking fine until you woke me up.

HA took the next day off work and princess went in for a whole half day.

These two so, so , so deserve a holiday.
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I also disagree that Matt is a "healthy" weight. He is very skinny, not much muscle going on. His shoulders are very hollow looking and he looks like a weed imo.

We can't make any assumptions of people's health based on how much weight they have on. Someone can be malnourished and starving yet be obese. Whilst someone thin can have clogged arteries and on the brink of a heart attack. This whole idea that health correlates to weight is very outdated and there are too many variables to make broad generalisations whilst bringing veganism and omnivorism into question. It just doesn't make sense. There are genetic factors involved and it doesn't all boil down to personal choice, although we all need to make responsible decisions for our own health.

Maybe Elodie is an ethical vegan rather than a vegan for weight loss. It might be shocking to some here, but there are numerous reasons for becoming vegan, not just to "be skinny." If you are losing weight on a vegan diet, you are probably not doing it right.

I'm actually kind of shocked that Tiffany has made very little effort at all to understand Elodie's veganism. She said she has cookies in the freezer for company, yet made no consideration for her own vegan sister. Maybe she doesn't have the mental bandwidth to think about these things, because it involves thinking about things and people other than herself.

Who you do think would win in a fight between Matt and Brad Pitt?
Agree re Matt. He is weedy. I see no muscle, no evidence of athleticism.
I think Matt is naturally lean he’s into endurance sports which is suited for his physique type..and he’s obvs the fittest of that bunch by a mile..and I’m not getting ethical vegan vibe from Elodie cos she’s always posting those stupid shaky instagram food posts full of meat dishes..she used to post a lot a lot about her weight issues so I’m thinking she considers going vegan as a form of weight watchers….and a cure all and she’s not mentioned animal cruelty once ever in any of her posts…I consider myself one of those pain in the arse ethical vegans after years of being vegetarian because I thought it was healthy for me..but i went vegan for the animals..i’m an atheist but I have a strong belief in that we shouldn’t cause any suffering to animals if it can be avoided..I’m not getting that from Elodie her food choices have nothing to do with animal welfare..the only animals welfare that she’s concerned about is her own self…
No way Elodie would ever be an ethical vegan. They just don't think of other beings other than themselves. She is doing it for weight and health reasons.

Yes, veganism = weight watchers is as far as Elodie's brain can go.
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Some of the comments, both on TT's channel and TS's channel are gold, like Katikeskyla's.
And like make sense of it has said, the fluffy one must be sleeping on the job. There's a few negative comments still on the last couple of videos.
My apologies, these are out of order.
I did a Google search on Matt and Tiffany and look at the first two results.😄😄


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That new video by TS dedicated to us trowels is rather docile (minus the lions!). It looks like an advertisement for Tiffany's channel!

One thing she did that I really find odd given her manic attitude toward cleaning is that she put used makeup brushes directly in her cosmetic case with all the other makeup when she was packing. So, the outside of the other makeup products would be full of powder from those brushes, not to mention the case itself. That isn't clean at all. The used brushes full of makeup should obviously be in their own little case. She could get a children's pencil case and use that for her makeup brushes.
Also, when she is in one of the cream flat's bedrooms putting on makeup with those brushes, she is often sitting on the floor and all of that makeup is collecting on the carpet as she brushes the makeup on her face! Maybe that's why Tiffany often comments that she needs to clean. She creates messes and then spends time cleaning them up.
I think she wanted to show appreciation to us trowels. I think TS is overwhelmed with the support. I don't think she expected people to love her work so much. If you think about it, she is just a normal citizen, and a mum of 3 (or 4) who has a good sense of humour and knows how to express it creatively. Maybe it's overwhelming to suddenly have this online presence.

She is not very hygienic. Constantly touches her face and mouth and nose. It was extra disgusting during covid. She has no sense at all.
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Fanny says she shouldn't have to work in order for her to feel like she deserves a holiday.


Screenshot 2024-05-12 003809.png

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If she didn't work then what would she be taking a holiday from?

It's not like she has children or even a gold fish to take care of, no one in her family needs her help, Matt takes care of himself (;)) she has zero obligations. So what exactly has she done to "deserve" a holiday?

She says she "shouldn't need to work in order to get a holiday" and it's all I can do to stop myself from using uncivil language to express my contempt at her appalling and undeserved sense of entitlement.

If I said what I'm thinking I'd have the Bumbumbridge Wells 🚔 knocking on my door! 🚨❗
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a little walking situation, a little breakfast situation, a pool situation and a massage situation 🤪

Going home, to Amma who misses her dearly... translation: to Amma so she can wash the clothes and cook a decent meal before going back to the little apartment situation.

But first things first, let's pity play about your poor poor girl and doorMatt wanting to make "memories" but have to WORK first to earn money for their next trip. Poor princess missed out on so many trips during her CANCER treatment, ... and making memories is sooo important for the princess and doorMatt. Plus they don't need a lot a lot a lot, they go on low budget holidays... says our princess who just stayed in a 4 star hotel in Italy;

Back home, princess is gushing over lake Garda like this was the first holiday she ever took in her life. She even got tears in her eyes when she had to leave😂 Like a toddler!! Poor girl has to set up a holiday- funds... come on grannies, donate money for this likkle princess, she has to make memories you know.. maybe her time is limited on earth;

Also donate for more cream, the skin is still very drrrrrryyyyy... she needs tons of cream for her face. We didn't get to see Matt in his little cycling pants situation, but I'm sure he also has a pee pee whole in that pants.
A new video called UPDATE.

I wonder what she is updating about. Make up?
of course, 90% of the vlog was putting on make up, cream and lip gloss... admiring herself in the mirror. DoorMatt is still in conflict what he wants in life, our likkle toddler princess or Colleen... he needs another trip to lake Garda to figure it out.
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You hit the nail on the head for me.

The otherday she was preaching about how hope and God makes everything ok. How she was saved blah blah and then went on to say "you have to have hope".
Quietly I pondered on it. Did my husband have any chance? Did he hell. He was given a prognosis at diagnosis and that was that. And it is the same for thousands of other people. It is the nature of the beast that we all know as cancer. Imagine me telling him while he was dying that he needed to have hope?
When.... and I do believe it will happen.... When Tiffany next gets scan results telling her its back.... is she going to say it is fine, hope will fix everything? No she will be crying like a baby to Amma & Matt.
Tiffany has no right to speak about God. She is a chronic sinner. She is a fake Roman Catholic Christian and so is Matt Ferris.

Ignore everything she says about God. It's not for me to judge Matt and Tiffany but they keep proving that they are liars, fornicators, and break God's Commandments daily.

She's a fool. Her words are meaningless. Always remember that ❤
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As I've shared before, I lost my colon to cancer, then had my uterus tubes and ovaries removed due to cancer. I had already gone thru an almost 3 year menopause when I had my surgery, but had a second vicious menopause after the surgery that lasted almost two years.

I was under St Barts and the Royal London and was told under no circumstances would they prescribe HRT.

Originally they had wanted to save my ovaries, as the trickle of oestrogen even after menopause is enough to give some protection against heart disease, but once 'in there' my very wise surgeon decided that risk of a recurrence of cancer completely outweighed any slight protection from heart disease.

The second menopause was brutal and nothing 'natural' helped ( except cutting sugar out of my diet- helped a little, but I couldn't maintain it!)- if that's what Tiffany was experiencing I do sympathise with her, but it does settle over time. At some point she WILL have to come off HRT and will have to cope with the flushes etc in any case!
I don't watch her anymore and thought I would catch up here. I dint feel as though I've missed anything apart from.the wit here lol.
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Fluffyfox has special needs/ mental/ intellectual disability. I'm not saying this as an insult. I think it's just glaringly obvious for all to see. And she says she is studying psych? How concerning. If she can't pick up on sarcasm when it's slapping her in the face - I think she might have a very low IQ. I wonder what her dissertation is about?
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Only this egocentric moron makes such a big deal out of a plaster from a simple blood test.

Andi, flashbacks to those times when she rambled for hours about likkle plasters.
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She cut off all the negative in her life and has only positive people around her 😂 Sure princess... Your brother in law is depressed, and so is your little nephew. The poor kid grows up in a toxic environment, only cookie pretends she's happy in that household. I don't want to know what is happening behind the scenes over there.
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