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Surely anyone is n a commited loving relationship would not have any issues getting naked or even showering with their partner. Why on earth does she need a blind on that internal window?. Weird
"i don't want to see Matt brushing his teeth, hihihi" says the 4 year old borderliner.
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Same for me - my whole food vegan diet won't cure my cerebral palsy BUT overall I'm healthier. My bloodwork is always optimal, too. Oddly enough my eyesight improved as well. Must be all the carrots!

I have a condition called serrated polyposis syndrome (SPS) that causes my colon to produce fast-growing, hard-to-detect flat polyps. I have to get a colonoscopy every six months. I’m in an international Facebook group with people who have it. We compare diets and those of us who are whole food vegan seem to produce fewer polyps than those who eat meat and fish. Some grow 50+ polyps within months. The most I’ve had was 10. Purely anecdotal, we realize but my GI is very supportive that I’m not eating fish and meat.

Did Tiffany mention when her next scan is taking place?
Thanks for sharing this. There might be people with this condition reading this and it's relevant to all of us. Actually we are unlikely to know if we have a condition like this. Many of us have never even had a colonoscopy.

I do believe veganism or vegetarianism is the healthiest 'diet' style because it encourages more vegetables and grains.

It's interesting cause the mediterranean diet is promoted as the best but for example spanish people eat a lot of fry foods and they fry it in a lot of oil (yes olive oil but still). They eat quite a lot of meat and seafood too. On the other hand they do cook from scratch more, use good fresh produce and eat more fruits and vegetables. They also love cheese and yoghurt and pastries. They exercise a lot. They love running, padel, tennis, swimming. Generally speaking but also what I've witnessed.

I think it's about balance and different things might work for different people. Some people 'wither away' as vegans as they don't absorb supplements well or there are other issues. Some people don't like the protein alternatives. For example some people hate tofu.
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That pee pee will get some going over in Lake Garda. He'll have nothing left for his bum bum boy when he comes back.

No Fanny on the Aitch RT will be rampant.
His bum bum boy must laugh hard upon seeing NoFanny's videos.
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Make sense of it!

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I knew her pointing out his pee pee was a fatal mistake. Just like telling us that Mr Ferris likes a private time with a pink suckies drink.

Her error of pointing out every banal thing around her. It's like she is identifying objects around her. She narrates every single thing. I'm just gonna make myself some peppermint tea. I'm cold I'm gonna put a jumper on. This is where my no balls boyfriend's pee pee is.
"Or soiling yourself on the sofa during the foursome" l was almost on the floor in tears of laughter.
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I still think that after her pelvic exenteration, she was all sewn up from front to back bum bum. She and Matt probably have some erotic ritual they do for his sake (whatever that implies!), while the groping of sagging breasts must now be his specialty. Don't imagine any of this, as such thoughts could be vomit-inducing!
the references to "breasts" escape me..she is just about as flat as can be and as for sagging not enough to sag from what I see. doorMatt is groping at empty air when he goes for her "breasts".
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Yes a urine infection and she mentioned at least three times about the extreme burning when she pees but nothing about frequency or the other traditional symptoms of infection. And yes poof it is gone!!! Maybe that is the surprise.

yep...for the "engagement" 100 people telling you to seek some help for infection. Of course so much of what she mentions is just made up.

the glimpse of Barani that we got in this the guy could not look any more fowl.
She can't stay away from mentioning likkle medical issues as if they were noteworthy.
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God I hate her sayings. It's always the same. She has such a limited vocabulary (and brain).
If I spent that much money on skincare and makeup and that much time on myself I would want a better result...same with that rat nest hair.
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She was all out of breathe just to climb some stairs. She should work out more and build her body sorry buddy up... or there is something very wrong with her "buddy"... no woman in her 30's should be gasping and wheezing like an old horse just to climb up a hill. DoorMatt had to drag her all up, it he really loved her he should motivate her to exercise more or go to the hosp it all to get an early check up. This is not normal for her age.
her lack of breath was pretty severe in that one..I would have edited that out...not flattering at all.
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Does the cold-capping method work for those undergoing types of chemotherapy that cause hair to fall? Some news source mentioned it is 90% effective, but didn't show evidence. Isn't it worth a try for certain cancer patients? If it does work, why are pictures from St.Jude's children cancer hospital full of kids with no hair? St. Jude's is free for those who don't have insurance, but I would think that the price of cold caps is a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of the actual chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
In US it is not covered by insurance and very expensive. I have a relative that had some very strong chemo that will cause hair loss and she did the cold capping. It worked for her very well. Really no hair loss. It is a real process that requires some discipline..
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Make sense of it!

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This made me chuckle, found on MK's channel.
That comment is GOLD!! Thanks for grabbing a screenshot of it.

Speaking of screenshots l got a few from TT scan day Sunday BS video (these are from her actual video) for those of you who didn't watch and missed seeing the doors, waiting room chairs, corridor and stairs as predicted Tiffany did not disappoint with the quality Hos pit al content 👏
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I took the plunge and skipped through her babbling. She's discovered comedy and laughter after attending a comedy show featuring "Ramesh". Here's the gutbuster joke that made her laugh ... hold on tight folks ... here it is (and I'm paraphrasing her version of this most brilliant joke) ... If you have a job that you like then that's great, if you have a job that you don't like then just do the Bare Minimum.

I hope Ramesh has better material than that advice that made TT go ha-ha
i can't imagine thinking that is funny so got to wondering if his whole routine is like that? Looks like he played O2 in London so assume he gets big crowds. Maybe a cult Tami audience?
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That comment that said "all the best with the chemo" and good riddance to that rats nest! That should get its smug face off You Tube. 🔥
Her face is soooo dryyyyy, the stuff that comes out of Matt's pee pee has loads of vitamin E, might help the dry "situation".
View attachment 2911401
I'd be scared too if I looked into the camera and saw myself a 32 year old woman looking like this!
His bum bum boy must laugh hard upon seeing NoFanny's videos.
That pee pee will get some going over in Lake Garda. He'll have nothing left for his bum bum boy when he comes back.

No Fanny on the Aitch RT will be rampant.
Yes the "aitch rt or haych rt" is going to be major theme.
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My gut instinct tells me this was a gift. Which if is the case it’s quite nauseating.
there are lots of lonely people out there that would gift them a trip. I think it could be. You never hear her mentioning planning the trip (other than packing) or saying we were considering that hotel etc.
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13k views 😅 😄:eek:

It's time to stage a typical Fanny emergency.
Those top tier holidays will not pay for themselves.

Some ideas for her:

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On that note...The vibe I get from what is shown of Matt in these videos is "Matt the Irish gigolo!" Matt gives off a gigolo type of "paid-for" vibe in this video.
Why is it that I have a little sorrowful feeling for Tiffany every time I see her get all dressed up (according to her standards, that is!) for dinner in a hotel when they are on a trip? She is likely expecting something from Matt, (i.e, an official engagement ring) while there's really nothing that special about the evening at all. Then, they return to the hotel room, and she says she is going to take all her makeup off. So, she bothered to wear all that makeup just to eat dinner. It's almost as if she is trying to impress Matt, who likely doesn't give a rat's hiney about the makeup on her face.
They just seem like a couple past the 'honeymoon' phase (especially on Tiffany's side) who have 'missed the boat', so to speak. They seem directionless as a couple.
I think the make up was for the vlog, not Judith.
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Sorry to be so blunt. Why would you push for surgery or a second nodule? If T's got a long nodule which turns on to be metastatic spread or 'seeding' I can almost guarantee that she will not be offered surgery. It would be pointless. It would confirm her body is full of metastatic disease slowly popping up. Systemic treatment would be used, ie chemotherapy.
My late husband had a 'lung nodule' pop up in his right upper lobe in his lung. It was only small measuring 5mm and the oncologist said it had also been present on the previous scan but it wasn't reported. The radiographer 'marked it' but didn't report on it. When it showed on the second scan 3 months on, then the radiographer was suspicious and reported it. People would be surprised at how many times patients find out they have a nodule or even a large tumour, and are told it was also on previous scans but not reported on. I actually believe Tiffanys oncologist may need to contact the radiographer to ask if there is a change in size and how longs its been observed for on scans. If the radiographer felt it was suspicious then there would be no major rush to do anything. Observing would be sufficient.
The reason oncologists don't do second, third and fourth resections is because surgery isn't enough. Systemic treatment is needed.
As you have written, I have thought about the case where she would have metastatic disease. So, keeping your last sentence in mind, why couldn't she have more treatment along with a surgery to remove the nodule? Isn't is worth a try since she is young and apparently doesn't have any other co-morbitities?
Since it apparently isn't possible to do biopsies on a 4mm tumor, the only way to be SURE if it is cancer or not is to remove it and analyse it, right? That is why I wrote that I would push for removal of the nodule. Then, of course, if it were found to be cancerous, treatment should follow. Recall how much treatment Jenny Apple went though.
I wonder at what point Tiffany would 'give up' and go fully palliative.
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She said the scans were good? :ROFLMAO: Many in the comments are congratulating her on the good results.
If so, then why mention lung nodules in the title?

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