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VIP Member
I honestly can't see Tiffany gaining the weight required. She does not eat properly. No nutrition, vitamins etc. She seems to have the taste of a child. Pizza, burgers, etc. Her mother and Matt seem to be good cooks and prepare healthy meals. She would be much healthier and would gain weight if she ate the meals Amma and Matt prepared. I know for sure if she does not gain the weight, they will not operate. She is too frail and could possibly even be anemic. The surgery would be too much of a shock for her frail, weak body.
However everything she does eat is high-calorie, because most of it is junk.
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Well-known member
"... she said she will recover and relax in bed even if it's up to a year, watch tv." - This woman is not from this planet. What does she think the surgery is? A day at the spa?
She will start buying cozy Christmas pajamas now for relaxing after surgery, like it's a vacation.
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Over on YT the poster called OurCorrectOpinions is still running his/her alternative place to comment (for those who were originally running from the FluffyFox moderator!). And there are some mercifully sane comments on there. A lot of people are getting truly fed up with it all.
Are you able to drop a link? My search brings up a podcast.
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Problem is that she never seems to eat enough of anything!
I noticed she eats very little and very small bites. I thought maybe she had some eating disorder but some have hinted she may have gastrointestinal disease. Perhaps she gets sick often if she eats the wrong food.
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Tumour markers can give false positive or negative readings. It is only a small indicator but needs all the other information and tests to fill out the big picture.

Or someone in her circle or family will watch it and talk to Amma about it! Seems off to publish it but try to keep it a secret from your closest family member.

I skipped over all the fluffy parts, I wish she too would have skipped it but then added more substantive medical information after their appointment to give us the straight scoop, as so many have asked over and over.

If her Amma blended her drinks, she'd receive everything from her fruit/veggie shakes that she needs, then Tiffany could focus on high protein, high calorie meals. Good to see Amma making a chickpea dish; Tiffany needs more than a few bites of it!
I think they all try, Amma cooks, historically her sister was always cooking for her, Matt tries. Tiffany eats like a bird at the best of times.
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@Sheba @AlwaysScience

if the average time of survival is 14 months, when do we start mesuring this period ?
Starting with the first diagnosis or with the pelvic excenteration (surgery) ?
Hold up! That particular clip was specifically about PE surgery as a purely Palliative measure. I had argued that doesn't happen. But it does. And that was *average post-surgical* for *palliative* PE surgeries. Does not apply to Tiffany.

The bulk of PE surgeries have a curative goal.


If I may suggest, please edit your comment as it is the first reply on a new thread and misleading? The paper is back great one, but many, many pages long.
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VIP Member
Exactly this. He could have easily sent a message back, politey reminding her he was busy in clinic with his other patients and that he would see her at the next planned consultation. T doesn't give 2 hoots about others awaiting surgery or follow ups.
Tiffany having her mum allowed to sleep over when she had C-diff? Other families aren't allowed to sleep at the hospital, they have to adhere to strict visiting times.
But in Matts words "He loves you" Tiffanys words "Yeahhh why does he love me soooo much"?
But how do we know the story about the surgeon coming to speak to her is true??
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If you read through the “cancer influencers” page people have talked about her over there 😊
thanks, i don’t follow any other threads on tattle so this totally passed me by. i follow her mum, dogs and own instagram but didn’t know about her dads fb. rip gorgeous monique. relieved she is no longer suffering.
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Matt mentioned "the colon thing wasn't there last time" "the removal of the colon that's an extra part [of the surgery]"

So the surgery sounds more extensive, no? (I ask this knowing that Matt is an unreliable information narrator.)
yes that is what I understood...more extensive.
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Anyone that would leave their partner because of that is horrible and the person is better off without them!

I think she can have a vagina reconstructed. And I believe once healed an individual could have intercourse with that... I am not sure how it work regarding sensation though.
Very sad.
Yes, vagina would be reconstructed by muscles from her thighs
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To be honest the choice is not hers anymore..surgeon will do surgery providing she gains weight and is this weight he runs a high risk of losing her on the table.He is not going to take that chance. He needs to feel there is a good chance of decent outcome and right now I think he has been crystal clear to Tiff that he does not think he can do it without her changing things.
It is much more important if you are healthy (except cancer) than how much you weigh. She has been always tiny, you can see it from her earlier videos. You can have 80 kg and but if you have serious heart disease, unthreathed high blood pressure, liver, kidney issues and other serious chronic condition you might die on the table. And your recovery would be hard and long with complications. If your organs are healthy, even you are tiny you can recover quickly.
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I feel just terrible for her after watching this last video. You can really tell how shook up she is. I can imagine how much it is to take in and get one's head around, especially after one has been in denial for so long. Matt frustrates me the most of all of them. I'm sure he means well, but his comments are not helpful and only serve to cause more confusion.
i know and she waiting for him too tell her what she wants
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Chatty Member
I also don't see how a surgeon can do that kind of procedure on someone that doesn't even weigh 100 lbs and so sickly at that. For her to put on the needed weight she would have to eat tons, but I think another issue of her just not eating much is because it has to come out the other end...and that gives her pain and a lot of issues.
Another option will be tube feeding through a permanent tube with a pump. That is the only way to put on some weight.
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Agree with you. Have seen documentaries on the Tamils and women are definetely not skinny. Also they have a strong “ food culture”
Yes they are also amazing cooks and they enjoy their food. Same with indian women. Their body types are very normal, by no means skinny nor fat. In general.

I was surprised to see that Tiffany's diet is quite western (the bad type of western). She eats simple carbs, junk food, eggs, and no greens nor fiber. Never seen her eat beans, chickpeas or lentils. But that could stem from her life-long stomach problems.
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I actually think she will have it as you could see the realisation dawning on her in that video - that it's the only thing that will now give her the chance of more life. She knows.
the weight loss she will have after surgery will be a lot so she needs to gain more than 5 lbs but more like 15 lbs. All to withstand the weight loss after the surgery.
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She had total hysterectomy, we can say it is part of PE. It is usually adjusted to individual patients. Not total PE. Total PE used for advanced gynecological cancers
I've had a total hysterectomy( removal of uterus, ovaries , Fallopian tubes and cervix) ...for endometriosis and's NOTHING like PE surgery! .....where did you train?
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Blue skies

Well-known member
No not necessarily. If they got married that doesn’t automatically mean Matt has any legal claim to that house, particularly if his name is not on the deed. Anyone in Tiffany’s position should have a will. And if they were to get married that will should be updated to reflect what she wants to happen to her house and other things if she was to
Die first.
I see. Thanks for clarifying ! 👍
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About the 5 day hospital stay for another biopsy: this might be about more than the biopsy. They can get the rest of the pre surgery testing done (like heart tests), have each of the surgeons on the team meet with her, and do any psychological evaluation.
and if required I think they could just keep her and do the surgery. I got the impression many scenarios are on the table but clearly something will happen within the next 30 days.

Amma's husband died in 2020 of covid, he didn't live in the UK;
that is right guess they were divorced then earlier when the girls were younger. One of her old videos has Tiff and sister talking about the old days.
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Well-known member
Ah ok I misunderstood what she said in her video after her failed biopsy. Thanks for clearing that pony up.
you're welcome. yea in the failed biopsy video filmed at the hospital two weeks ago she was talking about how they took blood and the results would be back in 72 hrs, that's when she mentioned her last blood test from weeks before had fairly low markers. I commented on here that we're finally getting news about the blood test tumor markers weeks later. We more than likely willl never know the results of her most recent blood work taken at the hospital.
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