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Im just making a point that there’s been an influx of “Doctors” on here posting huge posts about medical procedures, ailments, diagnosis, prognosis, surgery, drugs, etc etc etc all proclaiming to know everything under the sun and it’s fucking tedious. No one on these threads is an oncologist - I’d guess no one here is actually a Doctor at all. If I wanted to read a medical journal I’d go do that. It’s just boring.
Agree. All the medical speculation - particularly when it's just vast swathes of text - is off-putting. I don't follow this thread anymore for that reason. Just dip in out after Tiffany posts an update
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In some cases if the patient requests it and they are able to they will reconstruct a vagina. I think it’s done case by case. Its just very sad, however you look at it. Cancer is a bastard.
Yeah, for young women they should reconstruct vagina. She will have really difficult time.
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Chatty Member
So tommorrows video.

Will it be......
1)A video about 'How much would you pay?'
2) A video about what Tiffanys bought from Amazon? Hopefully whatever it is will be the blue that Tiffany thinks represents her loving online family
3) A video watching Matt cooking while Tiffany watches. Close ups of the coffee machine with lots of Mmmm's and orgasm like sounds?

After yesterdays cliff hanger most rational folk would expect a video with info on a plan. What diet changes have been made, what exercise regimes she's started etc. Thoughts about the actual surgery and how T plans to adapt to those changes. Or even better, a quick video saying she is busy preparing for a major surgery and won't be able to make any videos for a long while.
Tmr's video:
How are you all my loving Tiffanykinks family. Im having a spot of tea in this arm chair as i want to look like im doing a talk show. Comment down below what do you eat to put on weight? Should I eat a whole mouthful or just nibble? I'm going to have a big huge roast chicken for Christmas. With stuffings and gravy. Matt and Amma will cook while I sit here and reply back to all your comments an DMs.

Also remember I said I didn't want to get anyone christmas presents? Well what the heck everyone's getting a gonk! You get a gonk! You get a gonk! You get a gonk!

Also l9ok I'm wearing cosy mumu melons. Like Lulu Lemons only cuter.

he didn’t say that the dr said it’s better for her mental health if she has the surgery instead of waiting..
Watch "No surgery" video.
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I would think counseling and therapy pre-surgery would be a mandatory thing with such a big operation, does anyone know if it is in the UK? This is what she needs, someone to sit and evaluate her and to see if she's even capable of comprehending the magnitude of what's happening. And if not, try to find a way to get through to her before the surgery.
the last hour of the meeting with team was "nurse" and I bet that is setting up some meetings in prep for surgery.
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That is not what I heard. I heard that "wait and watch " failed and in retrospect surgery should have been done weeks ago. He seems willing to do surgery but her physical condition is so poor he would like her to gain some weight and get stronger first. They know the recovery from this massive life changing surgery is vicious and she will lose lots more weight during the one year recovery time. They will do a biopsy but probably at that time just continue with the surgery. I hear no team members saying "if" they find cancer. They probably want the biopsy to know a bit more about the tumor which will affect the surgery. Tiffany has just had her world turned upside down and seemed in shock. They went to eat (not to celebrate as some indicated) but because she was told to eat. I honestly don't think Matt will make it thru this entire journey. At some point during the recovery I think we will see less of him. He is not strong enough for this and is a really poor person to take to the meetings. I think the sister knows what is happening and now they are going to keep Amma in the dark. Probably not the smartest thing. Without the chemo etc. this tumor is on the move and things could change in terms of surgeon undertaking this complex surgery. It was hard watching that lead up to the news in the video with the doorstop (that does not work) etc. This surgery, if it happens, will be before the holidays. Tough news and no matter what my heart goes out to her. No one could be making all of this up as some indicate . Her life as she knows it is gone at the age of 30...that is tough.

they analyze it and use the information for the surgery.
Absolutely agree but compassion isn't very popular in these parts. Not as much fun I guess.
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My father got a stoma at 78 years old and managed it very well but having one is a learning process, in terms of how it functions, caring for it and finding the supplies that suit you best. As someone else said it can be messy, there will be lots of leaks and accidents. I simply cannot imagine adding on a urine bag too.
I was following a young woman very much like Tiff who did the chemo...had the surgery and had a temp. stoma and then it was reversed. That scenario is long gone for Tiff as this is a much more complex and advanced cancer. I think Tiff's pollyanna lifestyle maybe ignoring health and signs of trouble has brought her to this point. If surgery is not an option she is just terminal and that is it. I hope she gains the weight and strength because at this point she knows it is growing inside of her and could cause complete blockage at any time. I really do feel bad for her and her family and hope others can learn from her mistakes here.
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Yes but the surgery she is waiting for is called " Mother of all surgeries" for a reason.
It would be definitely the hardest experience in all of her cancer journey (if she decides to go ahead).
Mother of surgeries s HIPEC. It is given to people who have peritoneal metastasis. Since she doesn't have peritoneal metastasis I think she is going to have e-TME or b- TME.
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What I didn't like in yesterday's vlog was when they were in the car and he was constantly cutting in and speaking over the other two - very brusque, not entirely listening.
I notice he did that with the surgeon on the 'NO SURGERY?' video. The surgeon was talking and Matt interrupted and talked over him asking something about chemo. It was in the small little portion she played of that meeting and put in the video.
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I told before that the thing about the surgeon is strange. ... Now insists again for endoscopy despite the narrowing, for what. During surgery and after surgery all materials are send to pathology anyway. In my opinion she should have surgery as soon possible
Not sure if this has been said by now, but i speculate that she requested the biopsy.

I think when the biopsy came back so good last time (because they were just on the surface margins of the tumor - the part inside her colon) she got the wrong idea that it was dead. (duh).

And now she needs to be sure it is not definitely cancer before she has a full PE. (double duh).

I am not saying that there is any basis for this thinking in logic, but i suspect that, "Them's the 'Tiffany Finks' for ya, there."
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Surgeons don't deliver news, Oncologists do. None of it makes sense unless as always she's refused to talk to anyone bar him.
Yes actually she did say she wasn't going to meet with anyone other than her surgeon from now on, because he knows he body better than the rest (her words). In the end what does it matter as she has to have surgery next month and he's doing another biopsy Friday.
He probably would have talked with her about all that anyway. She's done with treatment for now, its onto surgery.

They've discovered new thickening in the intestinal wall higher up in the 'colon' which needs to be investigated as it may not be cancer, could be inflammation, infection or some other condition which is non cancerous.
I didn't hear about it possibly being inflammation. The only think Matt ans T said with certainty after the talk with the surgeon was the tumor grew.
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To be honest I don't think she was talking about being so young in general terms for cancer. I think she was referring to her particular grade and type of cancer which is actually valid.
I joined this sub as I too was getting frustrated with Tiff but I agree with others that some people on here just like to nit pick and talk absolute nonsense like only their viewpoint matters. Like a playground bully.(Yes yes I know I can leave if I want) :rolleyes:
I thought today's video was very raw and you could see each of them in the car trying to go over different things in their head. If I just had a 3 hour meeting with medical professionals about such life changing surgery for myself or someone I love, I could imagine the (gobildeegook) I'd come out with after being given such a drastic and frankly life altering prognosis. Yes tattle is a snark page but it doesn't mean we have to hate just for the sake of it for every little detail. Anyways thats just be my opinion and we are all entited to that.
I don't really consider it nitpicking. These were words out of her own mouth. She's not above criticism just like anyone else
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I hate hunting from the bottom of my heart, but this is brilliant. 👍🏻
No animal should be killed, I totally agree... but it was just too funny:) I had another picture with a fox who hung himself up on a fence.. but I don't take the risk to be blocked over here... I'm already blocked on Tiffany's channel :ROFLMAO:
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It made me sad when she said that she has been in bed since Friday. I understand her being devastated- very normal and anyone would feel the same. But laying around in bed is not when she hasn't been in treatment the last few months she also appears to have not been doing much at home. A lot of people undergoing cancer treatments are working and/or have children to look after. As difficult as that may be better for some because they are more active and occupied. She even alluded to something like this when she said that she has to stay occupied so she doesn't dwell too much on her situation.
I think Tiffany would have been better off if she was able to work part time. Maybe that wasn't possible in her situation but I think she'd be better off mentally if she something to do when she wasn't being treated.
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@Sheba @AlwaysScience

if the average time of survival is 14 months, when do we start mesuring this period ?
Starting with the first diagnosis or with the pelvic excenteration (surgery) ?

TT was "officially" diagnosed in September 2021

I refer to the link @Sheba posted in thread #6:

what is written there is basically what I intended to express earlier, that a pelvic excenteration is not an easy matter and positive effects are limited while the risk of dying from the operation and the consequences (colostoma, urostoma etc) are rather bad.

the sort of pelvic excenteration that is discussed in TTs case seems to be a most difficult one since she says only 15 surgeons in the world are able to perform it. That does not mean that the one of these 15 she has will do it. Again, the possible benefits (if there are any in her case) need to be weighed against the risks and consequences.
That is not true!!! Pelvic exenteration are done around the whole world every day. Thousands of surgeon are able to that. What do you think PE are done only in the US a UK or in 15 countries in each countries one surgeon?!?
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I think it depends on how strong the relationship is to start. I’d never leave my partner in a million years over something like that, but they don’t strike me as having a deep, meaningful bond that can withstand this. I think Matts a tit but that’s not a criticism on him, it’s understandable if this wasn’t a forever thing anyway. I think it’d be better if he was honest and bolted now than after.
Based on past videos I think they have been together about two had about one year together before the diagnosis. I guess he moved in at the time of is an odd arrangement but I guess these days working out.
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Chatty Member
That is very true, because colorectal cancer is not common in the under 35’s compared to other age groups and often there are genetic factors affecting young people getting colorectal cancer
Very true on the genetic factors. I actually had expected Tiffany's genetic testing to come back that she did carry a mutation, but glad for her family that she did not. Not sure how many of you caught the results of the genetic testing so it's worth mentioning. This is going back a month or two now.
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