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25 and above is too hot for me 😭😂
25 for me is almost jumper and boots 🤣!
Like @pinkbubblegum, our winter temps are in the low to mid 20’s and at this temperature, I feel cold if the wind blows too strongly.

Complete change of subject here, but does anyone remember NoFanny saying a few months back now that she got the question right for the UK series of 1% Club?
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yes thank you. Not sure how to read all of that but clearly subs are flat or down and. overall rating not great.
One way to try to 'read' it, especially if you don't keep up and make notes, is to look at the two squiggly charts at the bottom. One is # of views.

In January 2023, she got about 3 million views (the highest point since Sept '21).

But in May 2024, she was way down - way below 1 million views. I'd guess about 50,000, maybe 100,000 but way way less.

IIRC Youtube pays by views, not by subs, but the other squiggle chart monitors the # of subs, in a similar way to # of views.

Now, somebody can come along and explain how I got this completely wrong, but I think that's what's going on, with those two charts anyway.
Oh and a bit more about views to $.

Each youtuber has a "cpm" (the number of thousands made per million views.) A low cpm is 1 (so $1000 per month per million views that month.)

A high cpm is 5 or even higher - so if 5, you'd get $5,000 per month per million views.

Cpms vary a lot - it depends on multiple factors, the type videos you do (videos that give advice on your finances are the best - I think gaming ones the worst?) Cpm also varies by location - both the creator's and the viewers. Creators in Russia get like 0 per million, and Americans doing videos on finance with an American audience might get a cpm above 10 (tens of thousands per million.)

Another variable: a video with non-skippable ads will have higher cpms.

Just going on type, assuming a top country, a google search AI result said:
  • How to make money online: $13.52 (1000s per million = $13,520 per million ).
Oh well, I'm sure I've screwed that up - I'm sure Tiffluffy know every detail - but here's an article about it:

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What about all the weddings coming up? Will she still be able to go, with a 4mm lung nodule?? 😂 Which is probably nothing, was always there but doctors didn't notice it, or will just disappear like a miracle from God. Can't wait till thursday how this all wil play out, it's like an episode of a soap serie.
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FrumpyFox and Fluffy Fanny are clearly plants and probably TT herself. Can you imagine sitting around creating these names and posting just to try to get sympathy on a YT channel and steer the comments to more adoration from her "fam"?

from what I have figured the blocking system at least for mine is I can post but it seems invisible to anyone else and never gets a like or other replies.
Frumpy is one of us. A respected trowell and a chemical engineer. She has the channel with scientific videos among other things.

Yes no point commenting if you are blocked.
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Make sense of it!

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I think I remember someone here saying Jenny Rice is a follower of TT? JR's most recent video is about YTubers in general but referring to one in particular and how she is being criticized for just "living my life" and vlogging it. She is defending the concept of after cancer just vlogging your life...JR does that now. The title is "Am I naive" and I think Jenny may be in terms of what TT has been up to for years. I think she has not been watching for very long. There are two options with cancer follow the critical times and then if things go well back to life....or they die. Most lose viewers with the" life as usual "phase and that is just human nature.
That was me, yes JR is a TT sucker supporter.
didn't watch her "Am l naive" video but scrolled through the comments.
MadamePopova is exactly the person TT loves alot alot 💙💙


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Make sense of it!

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I’m wondering if she will put out anything today 🤔 Odds are that she will, for payday Sunday lol Does anyone think we will get a video today?
Just saw this comment, they said they rang the hospitals and none of them had her lol
Maybe they should try calling the local mental health facilities.
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I predict that Tiffany will be blocking out information about her second diagnosed lung nodule. She doesn't want people mentioning it. She will say 'It's OK' even if it isn't. She will balk at further chemotherapy, and continue thinking the nodule is fine, as the 'watch and wait' approach is by default for the next two to three months until the next scan unless she becomes PROACTIVE in her SITUATION. She will insist that she is fine and feeling well, so, of course she can't possibly have cancer, right? Nevermind that she was breathless ON VACATION in Italy and unable to climb stairs properly with Matt in a park somewhere. Nevermind that her eyes seem even more sunken in than in the past.

Sorry, but I predict that she has one year of functionally relatively good health, and that she will either be operated on again or have to have some treatment before the end of this year for that nodule. In her next scans, which may even be as soon as two months from now if this is a new nodule, that nodule will have grown, and perhaps there may even be others.
She needs to be aggressive about her SITUATION now: Ask for removal of that nodule instead of 'watch and wait' for two to three months. Ask about treatment and clinical trials. Make an appointment with another doctor in the private sector to get a second opinion. Will she do any of this? I predict that she won't! Well, Tiffany, don't say you weren't warned!

Also, Tiffany removed ALL comments about MARRIAGE to MATT and Catholicism that were under this or the last video. I guess those comments really hit a nerve with her!
A lung nodule wouldn't cause breathlessness. When nodules turn into large tumours they can put pressure on the airways which causes a dry cough and breathlessness.
The one nodule (if cancer and that's an if) wont cause no harm remaining in situ. Spread doesn't occur from spread. Spread all occurs from the primary. I posted a paper on the evolution of metastatic spread in recent posts which showed spread patterns and how scientists tracked and mapped spread.
If they are suspicious of that node then T won't be moved to 6 monthly scans, she will remain on 3 monthly scans.
Why wouldn't they rush to offer surgery? Because surgery wouldn't be extending life. If the nodule was already on her previous scan back in march?
If a nodule was growing and remained 'stable' with no further spread appearing, surgery can and would be considered.
Am I making sense
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Tiffany is just shuttling between Croydon, Tunbridge Wells, and her various optometrists' offices in case she is still working. Of course, she has zero time, even in the car, to film a 2-minute update on her health, right?! :rolleyes: That is asking too much, apparently!
If the nodule has been deemed to have a high probability of being cancerous (Sometimes, morphology of the lung mass gives an indication of whether it could be cancerous or not.) and she is being prepared for its removal, she will likely be moving back into her Croydon house so her mama will take care of her.
I waver between thinking she is 100% fine (no suspicion of cancer recurrence) and is just playing her usual hide-and-seek games with her viewers, and thinking she got news that her stage 4 cancer has progressed further. In the former case, she has no reason not to post an update, and I hope she loses followers permanently.
This was just written on her video from an account that started on June 26. So, a Fluffy-imitator purports to know Tiffany or someone who has seen her. So, Tiffany couldn't give a rat's ass about updating her subscribers. People should ALL unsubcribe!!

5 minutes ago

Tiff was at work today, so she is ok
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Heat and humidity together is dangerous because the body isnt able to reduce temperature by sweating and the sweat evaporating. Very different from “ dry heat.”
I understand that but a good part of Aus is either wet tropics, tropics or sub tropics and we get humidity up to 98-99%. Most of the time it's 90% or higher here. I'm in the wet tropics and it's 94% humidity now and 25c, at 7am which is "cool." Couldn't get through summer here without aircon. Glad we've got it.

All those people are acting like they've never attended a specialist appointment in their lives. Even if the dr didn't have time to prepare for the appointment, he could bring up the results on screen and read the radiology reports while the patient is sitting there. This is common practice. They would rather call a Dr incompetent than accept Tiffany's bending of the truth.
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I am not really clear here. "she needs to be aggressive about her situation now". Do you think they are telling her they want to remove it and she is saying no? Is she being told "watch and wait" as a second option? Are patients at RM getting different advice if they are not private pay?
She is not some new patient coming in...has a long track record at this point with one of their top surgeons...does he see any of these scans anymore or asked his opinion based on the diagnosis? Would they be more likely to want to take it out if she were private pay?
You are correct and I am not judging her current medical team. If they offered surgery, I am pretty sure Tiffany would agree. What I wondered was in case surgery wasn't YET on the table with her team AND she wanted it removed or a second opinion about removal vs. just wait for the next scans, THEN she should get a second opinion. If she, or any patient anywhere, feels she isn't getting timely treatment, Tiffany is well-poised financially to get a second opinion about surgery vs. waiting for future scan results.
What I mean is that different oncologists might have different opinions and levels of experience that affect the treatment decisions they make on patients. My post wasn't meant to say that private was better. I don't know if she could get a second opinion for free within the NHS system, which is why I mentioned private oncologists.

Remember her initial cancer diagnosis was different at the first hospital. The first hospital had said that the FIRST lung nodule (and, presumably, the only one she had at diagnosis) was a metastasis and that she had Stage 4 cancer. Then, she switched to the Royal Marsden, which said that the lung nodule was benign and that she was at Stage 3, although there was one doctor during one appointment who said she was at Stage 4. Remember that Tiffany had blurted out in the parking lot at that time "Stage 3 or Stage 4, it doesn't matter!" and that she was visibly upset that one doctor had said Stage 4 at the RM.

As it turned out, her first lung nodule was cancerous, and thus the diagnosis from the first hospital was correct from the onset. For this very reason, I would be wary of an 'all-clear' by the RM on the lung nodule. I would probably go back to that first hospital, make an appointment, and have them look at the scan of her second nodule to see what they say.
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A few thoughts on TiffanyThinks

1. I think even if she has been told her team wants to remove nodule 2 she should have put out a video for her folllowers. She put out videos when her she learned her cancer had horrifically invaded throughout her lower abdomen including her vagina.

2. Agree she has lost control of the comments section. It has to be stressful for her keeping up with increasingly negative and pointed comments (especially on point comments about clickbaiting and withholding information to get more videos out to the “family”) showing up and deleting them I have a. No idea who if anyone in her family may have been helping her with deleting comments previously but I’m guessing whoever might have done it before has to be tired of having that responsibility and might have even ”resigned.”

3. Thank you to those of you who watch videos and summarize content for those of us who don’t want to watch them and contribute to view numbers.

4. I’m using TiffanyThinks in all my posts here on TattleLife for a reason. I want people who are concerned about her videos to maybe be able to find my comments here if they do an internet search. I came here because I was feeling increasingly uncomfortable with Tiffany Thinks videos. It was here that I learned the techniques Tiffany uses to get view and engagement numbers up so she makes more money from YouTube and can maximize sales of her WeGotThis merchandise. Without this website I would not have known any of this, including the hidden texts using the names of deceased cancer bloggers.

Im glad none of you know my name and address so I don’t have to worry about a WeGotThis shirt showing up at my door 🤣🤣🤣
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All this reinforces how abjectly boring her stupid content is when she gets more traction/attention when she posts nothing rather than something. Wouldn't do alot for your self esteem that. She's been wasting her time all these years . Just say F all instead.
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No payday sunday... the princess is very angry loving tattle members... now she can't be hiding under her rock forever, if she waits too long the money and followers will dry up, and that's not the plan.
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They have to try and make sense of things themselves because Tiffany is too stupid or too manipulative to give them a straight story. But of course she doesn't owe us anything, so it's okay.

And I guess all we do all day is lash our darkness out at the world. We have cancer of the soul for knowing we're being lied to. I guess they haven't seen Tiffany's dark, soulless eyes.

P.s. There is something wrong with Fluffy.

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I'm thinking that she will wait for Sunday for her next video. Maybe she'll post a short saying that there's been a lot,a lot, a lot going on and she's been listening to her buddy but will be back soon and reassure the sheep that she loves them a lot, a lot, a lot.💙💙💙
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Well, the Fluffy and Hope clans have not done their homework.

1. Tiffany is NOT a citizen of the UK. Therefore, she is prohibited from voting in parliamentary and prime minister elections in the UK. Remember, she flashed her French passport on the screen in the context of one of her many vacations.

2. As far as I know, GAMBLING is incompatible with Bible teachings. So, why is Vee proud to be a gambler?? Vee said that he returned from Las Vegas, where he made enough money to cover his trip. I thought Vee promoted Bible teachings. Las Vegas is known as 'Sin City'. Vee is another religious hypocrite.
So, Vee, before you promote sending trowels to re-education camps, why don't you work on curbing your sinful habit of gambling. Repent, Vee!!

3. Vee has weird videos on his channel, and I doubt he and Fluffy are the same person.
Check out one of his videos called 'Ghost Watch 2024 06 30' , one of several long videos of the inside of a church.
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One way to try to 'read' it, especially if you don't keep up and make notes, is to look at the two squiggly charts at the bottom. One is # of views.

In January 2023, she got about 3 million views (the highest point since Sept '21).

But in May 2024, she was way down - way below 1 million views. I'd guess about 50,000, maybe 100,000 but way way less.

IIRC Youtube pays by views, not by subs, but the other squiggle chart monitors the # of subs, in a similar way to # of views.

Now, somebody can come along and explain how I got this completely wrong, but I think that's what's going on, with those two charts anyway.
Oh and a bit more about views to $.

Each youtuber has a "cpm" (the number of thousands made per million views.) A low cpm is 1 (so $1000 per month per million views that month.)

A high cpm is 5 or even higher - so if 5, you'd get $5,000 per month per million views.

Cpms vary a lot - it depends on multiple factors, the type videos you do (videos that give advice on your finances are the best - I think gaming ones the worst?) Cpm also varies by location - both the creator's and the viewers. Creators in Russia get like 0 per million, and Americans doing videos on finance with an American audience might get a cpm above 10 (tens of thousands per million.)

Another variable: a video with non-skippable ads will have higher cpms.

Just going on type, assuming a top country, a google search AI result said:
  • How to make money online: $13.52 (1000s per million = $13,520 per million ).
Oh well, I'm sure I've screwed that up - I'm sure Tiffluffy know every detail - but here's an article about it:

Get better soon, did you remember your "We got this" merch before "RUSHING TO THE HOS PIT AL" 😂 Seriously l hope you are recovering ❤
Ok that was my third hospitalization in 60 days and one of the 2 nurses in the “Discharge Lounge” remembered me. I’m gonna get a frequent flyer card in the mail from those people.

And nope, the Discharge Lounge does not serve cocktails or snacks.

It’s a really smart concept. Instead of your nurse going over the 30 pages of discharge instructions, they send you down to the Discharge a lounge. Two nurses staff the Lounge. They print out the instructions, go over the package with you, and remove the IV from your arm. Hospitals in the US like to leave your IV line in your arm until right before you leave so if anything happens the hospital can quickly get medication into that line. I think this is really a great idea.

With the 2 nurses in the hospital Lounge doing this stuff the nurses on the floor can stay focused on 1-patient care and 2- the handover process that happens at shift change
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