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Happy birthday itsmethatlikesamoan

I think you may be right when you said that Paul referenced me. I saw that he had wrote on Facebook that he was gonna go live and I immediately wrote on here that watching his video of him sorting out his clothes drawer would be riveting viewing and then ten Minuites. Later, I went on YouTube and saw the title of his upcoming video listed as SORTING ANOTHER DRAWER. RIVETING STUFF. i did think it was a bit of a coincidence. If he is referencing me, it proves he regularly reads here. I think he does but hard to prove
He definitely reads here, he’s that type that acts like he’s not bothered but right now he knows he’s wrong and can’t help but read what we’re saying. Hi Paul 👋🏻
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I think he sees Jason as a thing he owns, a possession
100% agree and that is why Paul almost always refers to him as “My ‘usband” instead of using his name. I feel sorry for Jason but he is also irritating and it’s disappointing that he’s propping up Paul’s delusions. Does he actually have any friends? I don’t think so.
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Good luck with getting a refund on that ancient Kia. Was it a private sale does anyone know? I can feel a new drama coming his way grab some popcorn 🍿
They keep saying it’s under warranty but that could mean anything it certainly wasn’t a Kia dealership they got it from more likely a second hand dealer and if that’s the case “under warranty” is definitely open to interpretation and it always benefits the dealer not the buyer I think we might be in for a few furious Paul vlogs as he realises that unless the engine has actually ceased he isn’t going to get a refund 😉
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Hope he didn't cough on his barber.

I can't find it, but i did find this one and as you can see he's wearing a t shirt trying to plug his non-existent business.

View attachment 1264415

What absolute waffle being kind to other beings and the plant 🤣🤣 News Flash… I don’t think Linda thinks you’re kind…. And all that processed shit you’re eating that’s being made in factories etc isn’t exactly kind to the planet …. Such a effing hypocrite.
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Funny that. I distinctly remember that he said on last nights live that he wants people to call him out and he responds like that when you do.
😂 I'm not going to lie. There are times I actually feel sorry for him. Cognitive dissonance is alive and well.

The tricky thing about Paul/Adam is that they are masters of disguise. You wouldn't recognize them in a forum if your life depended on it 😂. Oh lordy
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wumbhi tahaza

Chatty Member
Good on you for looking after the cats. Lovely work. This is what annoys me with Paul. He puts on this facade of being a nice caring person but his actions tell a completely different story. He does nothing outside of his self centred little bubble to help others. His fans should look at his actions and not listen to his fickle self serving words.

Chinesealan, bloody horrible business, that Covid. Hope you feel good soon.

Batteries on his wishlist. That blatantly takes the piss. That just screams I DONT WANT TO SPEND MY OWN MONEY AND I EXPECT SOMEONE ELSE TO SPEND THEIRS SO I CAN GET IT FOR FREE. if someone buys them those batteries they are fcking idiots.

Paul recently said said on one of his videos,SOME PEOPLE THINK WE ARE MONEY GRABBING BUGGERS. Well how can we think anything else? PAUL ,please tell us why we are wrong, please explain to me what justification there is for you to expect free stuff from people. For a man who has a job with a partner who also has a job, and a car, a house and a freezer full of food, and home furnishings etc,....what makes it ok for you to receive and request handouts? Please tell me
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Chatty Member
He's just posted this on fb.WTAF??? 🙈🙈🙈
You know, friends, and even family can be really harsh sometimes.
A simple question can be met with such ignorance, and even spite. It's like some people don't actually want what is best for you.
So I'm sat with Isis on my knee this morning stroking her lovingly. I decided to ask her where she got her fine rabbit's knickers from, as I would love a pair myself.
I ask again, increasing the density of the compliment by telling her that her rabbit's knickers are some of the finest I've ever seen, and I would love to know where she got them so that I could purchase said knickers for myself and maybe even Jason.
Again, nothing!
I called out her ignorance, and was met with even more.
She's now in the back garden lazing in a ray of sun.
We'll speak again, at some point, but not yet.
Not yet!
Anyone else experienced this?
Are they growing some Mary Jane in the allotment? It's the only thing that would explain this unhinged diatribe, apart from him being absolutely nuts.
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He's just posted this on fb.WTAF??? 🙈🙈🙈
You know, friends, and even family can be really harsh sometimes.
A simple question can be met with such ignorance, and even spite. It's like some people don't actually want what is best for you.
So I'm sat with Isis on my knee this morning stroking her lovingly. I decided to ask her where she got her fine rabbit's knickers from, as I would love a pair myself.
I ask again, increasing the density of the compliment by telling her that her rabbit's knickers are some of the finest I've ever seen, and I would love to know where she got them so that I could purchase said knickers for myself and maybe even Jason.
Again, nothing!
I called out her ignorance, and was met with even more.
She's now in the back garden lazing in a ray of sun.
We'll speak again, at some point, but not yet.
Not yet!
Anyone else experienced this?

What's he on about? Could he be anymore more weird?
No… 🤣
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How can he seriously talk about wallowing. He has wallowed in his kitchen for two years, doing anything he can to make money so he doesn't have to get a job. He has taken wallowing to a whole new level

So clearly in his mental health VLOG, most of what he said is based on this thing with Linda. He has made this as a way of offloading his thoughts without addressing it directly. Sneaky twat.

He was vile to Linda and now He talks about mental health like he gives a shit .knobhead

He's a fecking psychopath and has shown his true colours this week.
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After it was mentioned on here that his meals vlogs have ridiculous titles that nobody would find helpful on YouTube Jason has renamed the weekly meal vlogs. You’re welcome guys! Come back for YT tips any time 👋🏼
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wumbhi tahaza

Chatty Member
And the commenter wrote this about Pauls compassion after everyone saw him verbally abuse and humiliate Linda on his live. These people need to wake up
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Herbert, you do make a good point. He is hardcore in terms of veganism from the comfort of his kitchen and in the real world he has bent his morals to make money at his job. That's a good point. But now he is in the real world, he has to know that not everyone adheres to his rules and he either has to adapt or stop working. If he has adapted his principles to fit in with the real world then that's fair enough I'd say. It beats the thought of him ramming his vegan principles down people's throats. I am Not sticking up for him though, he's still a manipulative scrounging git but even if he is contradicting what he has said before , at least he's now adapting a little bit. I would rather he adapts and keep his job for a while than be scrounging from my tax contributions. But having said that, even though he now has a job, theres doesn't seem to be any signs of his YouTube scrounging ever ending
I agree. Adapt and retain his job if he has to, but stop with the vicious berating of other people, he can't have it both ways. The begging will never stop, it is 2nd nature to him. He's a grifting bully, and job or no job, a very unpleasant person who has pulled the wool over far too many people's eyes.

On a lighter note;

a) How enthralled does Stuart look to find himself face to face with the plate of "picky bits"?
b) How long does it take for him to eat it?

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What is going on with that Alex girl? He seems to hate her.
I'm getting the impression he likes hanging out with young people as they are easier to manipulate and dominate. He actually finds her quite annoying (which is why normal 52 year olds don't want to be best friends with someone in their early twenties). The issue is she buys him things so whilst she is useful he will just about tolerate her. In today's festival vlog he talked over her whenever she tried to join in. She tried to talk about lunch in the car and he interrupted her, it felt awkward as she looked away. Like her feelings were a little hurt.

In the comments under the food festival vlog, someone said

View attachment 1268958

All i''ll say is wow, just freaking wow. A money grabbing old queen changed your life. really?

Also poor old verbal punch bag Alex was thrown another little beg;

View attachment 1268963

but thankfully came back with;

View attachment 1268966
Without a shadow of a doubt that was a not so subtle hint as to what he wants from her next. Her reply will have annoyed him as she was either not picking up on it or she was putting a boundary in front of him. She failed the test and that is threatening his control over her. She seems a bit timid doesn't she?
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