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New member
How stupid and and arrogant does Liam have to be to be taken in by:
1. The toxin pad remover
2. The magnets around his fuel pipe

In the first case he sticks a plaster on a filthy foot then a "miracle" occurs. He removes it and it is filthy - not from toxins but from dirt. We all have a liver and kidneys for dealing with toxins but I guess they don't sponsor gullible youtube influencers :cool:

In the second he believes placing magnets around morgan's fuel pipe will improve fuel efficiency. As though every single vehicle manufacturer doesn't spend millions on R&D to beat the competition on fuel efficiency but neglect to fit some magnets that would cost pennies. He should use google for purposes other than just to find film locations for Robin Hood :LOL:

Stupid, gullible and and an arrogant twat.
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Same old same old, it's like watching the same video over and over again.
Liam and Janine bingo

A disaster
A poo in a local supermarket
Entitled attitude somewhere
The van is too big
Enter/ exit the van through the front instead of using the side door
An absolute nightmare
A beach
Someone recognises the van
'This is what it's about'
A drone shot
Same t shirt two days in a row
Random kiss
Coffee and a wander
Wrong clothes for the weather
Montage of something pointless (the side of the van or a supermarket)
Can't believe it's not open
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Have they stopped uploading on a Wednesday then? Just realised there was no video last night
Maybe they are having to backfill filming some drama about the undoubted disaster they faced but could have averted with either a) Googling or b) thinking a bit about what they are doing. I find it funny that they haven't answered or liked any comments that refer to them being back in blighty either. Bloody charlatans.


Bloody knew it lol!

If you go to their story on Insta - they have a video going out tonight about some drastic changes which are a
'bitter pill to swallow" - what telling the truth about failing in Europe due to bad planning?? Ready for laughter and lies guys!
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The plant based eaters versus being vegan sums them up nicely. Thanks to whoever coined that term. No care for animals at all and the treatment of the gull was pretty shocking as their whole ethos is meant to be about caring for animals… They also dont care for fauna and flora either and that upsets me a lot as they mash up our country lanes. Animals live in the hedgerows and bushes of Britain and should be cared for too. Anyway moving on.. The nude bit is completely for engagement only, just look at the views and see these ones vs normalish disaster thumbnails.. They got far me views… I don’t think they are swingers but are now sexualising themselves for engagement. Whatever floats your boat peeps. I can see how childlike Liam becomes around the topic, pathetic frankly and what’s the point of it. ‘Oh there’s another nudist beach we strumbled across’ to create a clickbait thumbnail. ‘Amazing’!!! The drone footage isn’t that special to me as anyone with a DJI mavic mini can do that basic shot as it is pre programmed in. My husband is a drone pilot though so perhaps I’m not being very forgiving… I think they are both partridge candidates which is what I’m there and here for 🤣 Although lately it’s just all been the same ole same ole. Even Alan has new material! 🤣 I have never really subscribed to the Janine is down trodden discussions. I feel she is incredibly manipulative and if the clickbait titles she comes up with doesn’t speak to that I don’t know what does. This is of course along with her lack of driving and cooking etc. She is the creative and brain behind the channel don’t you know. Liam is the doer, she is the thinke, ahem.. 🤣 Can you imagine going to the pub with them? You’d ask them where have they been lately and they would then regale you with that time they spent 49 minutes in Barry.. 🤣🤣🤣 Abother point that I agree with is the thing about rushing… Why on are they going fast forward? Surely as others have said, you would want to savour the moment. My husband took me for away to an airstream this weekend and I have to say we’ve been here 3 days and leaving today and it’s not nearly been enough to get a proper feel for the area we are in! I can say with conviction that it is amazing. Not the kind of flippant ‘amazing’ comment you get from Janine about absolutely every place they go, every thing she eats and every beach she stands on… If it’s so amazing guys, how about finding a real park up and staying a week?? My husband and I calculated how much you earn vs how much you spend on fuel and parking fines. No wonder you’re always trying to get free parking as this time must be quite costly at the rate you’re going. The general advise would be to slow down and just think for a nanosecond about where you are going and why. You have no facts and interesting info on areas you go to. The film location thing may have had legs, just anything interesting at this point would be refreshing please. You make vague statements that leave the viewer thinking you’re just entitled and ignorant in your own country.. Do better, be better and certainly try and be fucking happy.. Pair of numpties.

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Chatty Member
Oh he can f*ck off with his 'I call this the Gulf of Snowdonia' like some arrogant, English coloniser. I was going to give them the benefit of the doubt whilst they're here and hoped that they like this amazing part of the world, but then he comes out with a sentence like this for - of all places - the heartland of the Welsh language and culture!

Those Happy Days - You've been traveling along Bae Ceredigion in Meirionydd (Meirion grandson of the Celtic warrior-prince Cunedda), Gwynedd. You are in Llanbedrog (The place of St Pedrog's church) on Pen Llŷn (The Llyn Peninsula), Gwynedd not 'The Gulf of Snowdonia'. Snowdonia is called Eryri (meaning to rise, or eryr - eagle) and you're not in Snowdonia when on the Llyn. Barmouth is called Abermaw (mouth of the river Mawddach), and Black Rock Sands is called Morfa Bychan (small marsh). The people from this part of the world would respect and embrace you so much more if you did the same for our rich language and culture. The places you are visiting are steeped in Welsh history and are very special to many people, they deserve to be called by their actual names.
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Well-known member
That's a point! Does Janine ever cook? Can she even cook? Only thing i can remember seeing her cook is that pastry stuff that comes out of a tube, ready made stuff. Never see them doing any washing, except her in the shower, but no clothes or dishes. Never see them empty their grey waste, We know they have frigging good bladders and bowels as they never go to the loo, and we never see them pay for anything.
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I just don't understand them at all. It seems to me they drive around aimlessly although I'm sure it ties in with where they are doing shoots/promos for their Vegan Food UK business. Just seems a complete waste of time and fuel. They don't do anything interesting or talk about anything interesting. They worry about the van when they have to leave it for any length of time, they're scared of the wind and the rain (and bird sounds) when they're trying to sleep in it, they moan about finding park ups, moan about people thinking it's a removal van, moan, moan, moan. Their whole lifestyle is so boring and fraught with worry for them. Why bother?
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It needs too … it really should of been removed at the start I have absolutely no idea why they would be driving round with Free Quotes and Big Green Removal Van plastered all over it and not expect people to not think it was a removals van, they really are a pair of complete morons….
I mean, the funniest thing is that the original writing was removed and when they replaced it and got new graphics they still chose for 'removals' to be on there.
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A video about why you shouldn't do van life in Europe and why it sucks
Most of those "problems" would not have been "problems" if this inept pair had bothered to do a little bit of research before they went. They are just too lazy.
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VIP Member
Did anyone else see the drama tonight!?

THD uploaded their usual clickbaity vlog complaining and making out that there are issues with the van. Apparently people were slating LTT in the comments so he did a live defending himself, seemed pretty upset about it all and confirmed that he only charged £4800 for the van build and went through every issue THD are having with the van and explained none are his fault, he's offered to look at them all regardless and that THD haven't replied to his message asking for them to put a pinned post confirming all of this. In the meantime THD made their vlog private, did their own live (now deleted) and now the vlog is back with comments disabled....


eta sorry @Moonlily we posted at the same time!

Would like to hear opinions about this couple.
In answer to this, they just love making out like they're really hard done by, don't they!? Love a clickbait title and a dramatic voiceover.
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Well, that really goes to show what a couple of wet lettuce's they are. They can't stand ANY negativity at all. On the plus side it's the first time I've been barred from anywhere in 71 years. Get outa my pub...
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
So they lost their log book because they had 'looked after it too much'. Riiight. Sounds legit.
I reckon they fled back to the UK because driving around on the Continent scared them more than they thought it would. Plus it is expensive. And looked wet and cold. Making the brakes into one of the reasons holds no water as they were heading back by then anyway.
They'll not be going back any time soon. Possibly Ireland.
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Chatty Member
As for their previous gardening business... why do I feel like if asked, they wouldn't know the first thing about common garden species and how to care for them. No doubt they blagged their way through that for a few years too. Charging extortionate rates for bramble bashing, that's just the vision I get anyway :LOL: When you put it into context two ex-gardeners mispronounced and misidentified fly agaric mushrooms - toadstools, probably the most easily identifiable mushroom in the world. They'd identify every item in the Tesco isles, but definitely not the fauna and flora they come across everyday.
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Well-known member
Thanks all for this thread I’m CRYING 😂 I think L&J owe you some commission from their many undeclared ads 🤔 as the comments here make the blogs watchable. Not the comments on YouTube “you’re the best filmmaker since Spielberg” etc 😐

Re the van and the LTT debacle I think if you selfbuild you’ve basically got a DIY project on wheels. If they wanted to throw money at something that just worked straight away they should have got a camper van from that show they went to. If someone builds it for you out of a removal van and some timber, you’re going to have constant issues and teething problems. That’s why it’s called SELF build, you’re meant to have a clue how to fix issues that come up and more importantly the enthusiasm for it. Not to mention the sense to put a toilet in it. Taking it to a different random garage each time it goes wrong…. £££££

So many gems in this one…crying at the toilet comments. Loved the track “I’m the snake oil salesman” playing about 25 minutes in. …yes you certainly are. This video should be #ad before the title, text in the description saying “kindly gifted” is not enough.

Question: how biodegradable are the single use sachets that go in your fancy bottles for people who are too thick to drink water? And their packaging? Least sustainable product EVER in a country where drinking water comes from the taps.
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I haven't watched the last 3/4 vids. Just was not interested BUT when I saw they were in europe, oh yes, I knew this was going to be good...

Fancy the customs people thinking the big green removals van with removals van on it was a removal van. I don't know how the french authorities came to that conclusion.
What country is this? Is this luxembourg? what language do they speak? Where the toilets? Where the supermarket? what bus do we catch? Try googling and doing research before you leave the uk.

I could sense anger in Liam and Janine looked scared at some points.

They come across as two 18 year olds on their first trip abroad without mum and dad winging it, not two middle aged adults.

I think there will be more comedy to come. Wouldn't be surprised if they cut short this trip to Europe and come home under some excuse.
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Been watching them for quite a while now and have mostly enjoyed there content.. the drone shots etc… I did think the big green Luton was a bit OTT when it first appeared but have enjoyed watching LiamTT work on it could not believe how indecisive they were on the whole and the lay out could have been a million times better… I’ve seen a few that are absolutely gorgeous and seem to have tons more room inside the wood burner for a start is a complete waste I can’t see the point when they have a diesel heater …
Let’s just say I’ve completely gone off them… definitely team Liam the Terrible
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Chatty Member
Just read the latest notification of a new vid tonight - basically laying out their shilling policy' - the usual crap about we only shill for products we've tried or believe in, blah, blah, blah.

They've also gone on to blame video sponsors for the lateness of some videos due to the sponsor having editorial control effectively.

I wonder if they will actually do the right and proper thing and display the paid promotion tags etc for more than the nanosecond they put one up for recently on the knife advert. Had to laugh - that knife had 70% off - its down to £35.17 inc shipping. Hurry there's only 37 left. It looks like a right janky, scammy website - they must be proper brassic to be shilling that kind of bargain basement telly selly shite.

The coming shill is an outfit they used in their old life apparently... ooh I can't wait to see what tut they're shilling tonight.

Someone above mentioned that they are minted - not far from the truth I'm guessing... his father's gaff they always drop into, that is/was their business address and is on a street where houses go for 750k or more. The fact they dropped north of £5k on upgrades to the van before the failed Euro trip also shows money isn't a problem. The accounts for their business shows a potential different story or they are so cunning or shite at running it. Its got creditors due in a year of over £10k, and fixed assets of just over £10k, current assets of just over £21k - so capital and reserves of just under £22k for 2021 - up from £1500 odd in 2020 - are they classing the van as the main asset of the business.

I also would love a unofficial sighting of them to be filmed. We've had a few hints with the Euro trip cockups and them being spotted home early.

I bet their diesel outgoings are considerable, driving whats basically a wall on wheels with a tonne of t&g cladding plus associated tut - that said from the 2021 MOT to the 2022 MOT - their mileage was a 'mere' 9,982 miles.

Boredom has led me down this rabbit hole....

Giving a rough 25 mpg, at £1.82 to the litre, 9982 / 25 = 399.28. Round up for convenience - 400 gallons x 4.54 = 1816 litres x £1.82 = £3305.12 in diesel costs.

I'm out of the rabbit hole now! Huzzah. Edited the business figures as I got meself muddled up between this and some work stuff. Whoops!!
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Everyone online is toxic and jealous

I think they bring out the worst in people. Most of there problems are caused by there lack of planning/ researching and not wanting to get their hands dirty. The van build was done in a hurry like everything else they do, they didn't sit down and really think about it. Everything is wonderful until there is a problem (usually small) and then its the biggest drama.

Wait for the next drama, lighting the stove . We nearly burnt the van down or we only just escaped with our lives !!!!
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I don't understand why they are both so tired all the time. Just park up somewhere for a few days and chill. Relax, listen to some music, read, daydream and get offline. Wander about and enjoy nature without constantly looking for 'content'. Actually I take that back. I think their tiredness is that they're fed up of living like they do but they won't admit it. Beach, coffee, field, supermarket, same old curry/pasta or, be still my taste buds, a 'fancy salad', editing, editing, editing, uploading. It's boring. They, unfortunately, do not come across as interesting people. A lot of van lifers have something engaging about them, be it their philosophy, their plans, their sense of humour and/or their genuine interest in and enthusiasm for the places they visit. These two have nada. Yet, I watch them so what the heck is wrong with me?
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