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Well-known member
Hello, I've been reading this thread for a couple of months now and felt the need to register and post on it myself after the last video.

I said to myself several weeks back 'they are going to end up with letters' regarding illegal parking and fines. Sure enough it happened. I could just tell Liam was sticking that huge van places and not thinking rules applied to him. I couldn't believe they had the nerve to pressure the monkey sanctuary to open up again just for them. That is not on. Just because they are not organised and can't google on their phones opening hours! When Liam said 'we can get them to come and pick us up' in regards to their friends, again entitled much? Also the diet.... how much booze? how many cakes and puddings? I have to say I've come to the conclusion that I would not wish to invite them to my house as I think they would be using the washing machine, the shower, cooking themselves meals. Often they say someone has kindly said yes to this and that or offered them this or that, I wonder if really Liam just bluntly saids 'can we have some water', 'can we use your washing machine' and the other party feel obligated to say yes. You give them an inch and I think they would take a mile. Janine looks lost. She smiles but her eyes don't. Liam ignores her all the time. He drives that huge van down all these country lanes and he doesn't think of cars coming the other way. I wouldn't be surprised if they end up having a crash on a country lane. I watch for the comedy as they are so unorganised and their live looks stressful to me.
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These two are a pair of absolute clowns.

Click bait nonsense at its finest. I have it on very good authority that they had the log burner installed in their van so that they could fry steaks on the top.
They are both addicted to red meat and the fact they pretend to be vegans for likes is actually pretty fucked up!

Ever wondered why Liam doesn't lift his silly straw hat up? It is to cover the packets of beef jerky he stores under there. A regular Paddington Bear!
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I really get frustrated with all the ‘experts’ imparting their knowledge of how to deal with mental health … I’m sorry no two mental health issues are the same so stop playing a dangerous game.
I suffer mental health episodes and 100% a walk in the woods hugging a tree will not lift that black dog off my mind.
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Martini travels

New member
This pair have got to be the most useless/unprepared/whinging/bone idle /waste of space/eejits in van ever !
As a vanner they boil my piss 😤. There are thousands of us that manage to travel here and abroad quite happily without any of this self inflicted drama!
If Liam had another brain it would be lonely and as for Janine ( my namesake much to my annoyance !) Is she just thick.....or worse completely downtrodden by that scruffy cockwomble she's married too . Everything with them is a 'disarrster' including driving down country lanes - if Liam can't manage a Cornish/Devonian/Welsh narrow road he shouldn't be driving - its a Luton van ffs not a 44 ton arctic !
I've spoken to LLT about that conversion and not only did they royally con him , they wouldn't take advice about the build and then proceeded to bad mouth LLT all over the net . I know LLT isn't everybody's cup of tea but he's a decent,hardworking guy and un-deserving of the shit that has been laid at his door by this pair !

Just watched the first EU vid.

What a pair of utter wet wipes. Use my mantra - get in the gutter where you belong. Wife and kids love to yell that one out as we exit the tunnel.

As for the moisture issue - crack a window, or stop being a pair of mouth breathers. Granted we tend to only site camp, but we always have the driver and passenger window fully down when parked up and in sleep mode - we have a blackout cover that wraps right round the outside front and hooks over the doors. We also keep a Kilrock 'moisture sucker' in the footwell, to keep a handle on moisture but some mornings we have to resort to a quick wipe down of windows etc with a microfibre cloth. Its just part of kipping in a tin box.
Karcher window cleaner is a game changer for dealing with condensation whilst sleeping in a tin box 👍
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These two are entitled twats. The toxicity they claim they get is as real as their chuffing disasters. They face criticism, they massively deserve criticism as does any free loading, disingenuous channel on YouTube. If you can’t even be bothered to get basic skills you need during vanlife then you deserve the soaking. Bloody wet lettuces. Liam - ( we know you read here -hi) You literally deserve all you get and I hope my comment really confirms how much people think you’re an absolute arrogant numpty. Not once have you paid someone for their hard work and advise, yet have the audacity to complain in the most awful snidey and passive aggressive way about the services that you perceive to have failed when really it’s your lack of knowledge and personal graft/ van maintenance that has caused these very minor problems. Face to Face, trust me, the toxicity from most would be the same. This is because, you’re not likeable, you don’t listen, learn, pay, plan or wash.

‘Those Crappy days - The ultimate what not to do guide for vanlife’ thread suggestion title
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I get very fed up with youtubers/celebrities/people in general going on about their 'mental health'. As someone who comes from a background of pure abuse of every kind, I think most people don't know what real stress, anxiety, fear, terror, trauma actually is. It does get my back up. There are lots of people who come from abusive backgrounds and then there are those who like to think they are dealing with some deep sh*t and yes, I agree with the poster above when depression comes on hugging a tree or looking at the pretty flowers will not shift it. I find it insulting to those of us who have lived through terrible things.
Completely agree…

They really rile me going on about the van having major problems … ie a leak, letting idiots tinker with the wiring and a shod break pad are not major problems 🙄 and certainly shouldn’t have been sufficient enough to cancel the Europe trip and all could have been fixed on the road…
As for their mental health suffering because of it I hardly call being a pissed off because things haven’t gone totally your way a mental health issue, mental health issues are far more complexed than hugging a fricking tree and taking a walk in a park, the pair of them are a pair of hippy, tree hugging, mollycoddled twats.
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I think the clickbait title should have been ‘reasons we failed in Europe’. As we all know the reason they fail at everything is they are entitled and ignorant, with a bit of snow flake chucked in for good measure!
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Chatty Member
I cringe when he makes gestures of love to her for the camera, all I see is a hideously co-dependent relationship. As much as he tried to hide it, stressed, his aggression came though in that video. Why didn’t they make a nice clip about preparing for the journey by making some food ready to have on the way beforehand. Rather than making it peak stress travelling time. They make everything so much less enjoyable than it could be, rushing around when they don’t have to. Also, I couldn’t stand their brash, Southern accents miss-pronouncing words and the borderline racist, xenophobic, English attitude in some of the comments they made. They’re just the worst kind of tourists. Entitled and ignorant.
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Have also watched it. These people are jokers. They say they got "stung" in Europe - absolute cheek of them - what they mean is that they did not prepare or research or plan properly, and so they fkd up but wont admit it! They never take responsibility, only blame others. Self entitled so and sos. Theyve also said on previous vlogs that they were "stung" because they got a ticket for illegally parking!
What winds me up the most is that they lie, take the mick out of their subscribers and viewers, promote crap products, pretend they have limited money, pretend they live van life fulltime, constantly ponce off peoples goodwill, and bulk their vlogs up with supermarket shopping trips. And no Janine to be seen, the poor princess must be exhausted from her video editing. My arse.
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Well-known member
I get very fed up with youtubers/celebrities/people in general going on about their 'mental health'. As someone who comes from a background of pure abuse of every kind, I think most people don't know what real stress, anxiety, fear, terror, trauma actually is. It does get my back up. There are lots of people who come from abusive backgrounds and then there are those who like to think they are dealing with some deep sh*t and yes, I agree with the poster above when depression comes on hugging a tree or looking at the pretty flowers will not shift it. I find it insulting to those of us who have lived through terrible things.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Why didn't they do a big food shop in the UK before they left? This looking for shops as soon as they arrived seemed so short sighted. They have got this massive van and could easily have taken enough food for a few days so it didn't become urgent.
They are so frustratingly gormless at times.
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I noticed that with Liam, obviously just sat in the van on his phone waiting for it to get fixed. I mean this is meant to be their friend?!
I noticed no picture of LTT on that speech 😂
You might want to tell your followers then to not go to someone else's channel and badmouth them.
Not sticking up entirely for LTT here, however I think he shouldn't of helped them out in the first place.
I also think they did zero research into van living other than watching other YouTubers and thought Oohhh that looks so lovely parked up to a beach!

Also, people don't show EVERYTHING on YouTube, fair play for them filming their daily disasters but accept the criticism 🤷
To be fair, LTT profited just as much as them from that van build in that he doubled his subscriber count which makes a huge difference when trying to get sponsorships. And they agreed on the £4800 pay beforehand.
Where it all went wrong was them driving off and only stopping by once a week to film an update on the build. So not only did they not see the hard work and the many hours that went into it but they also took all the freebies for granted and couldn't even be bothered to thank LTT and those brands properly. On top of that, they chose the cheapest option against LTT's advice which I'm guessing is what caused the most tension as they blamed him for things not working properly afterwards.
And I think it's that entitlement that makes more and more viewers express their disappointment (toxicity in their eyes), the not getting involved part and acting like the physical labor is beneath them and is being delegated to "friends" who are "absolute legends" for doing it for free.
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Watching the Oktoberfest vlog as someone who has lived in Munich for the past 20 years:

- Tables in the beer tents get booked months in advance because they're so limited and it's one of the first things you would read if you google the Oktoberfest
- It's not outside the center of Munich like Janine said, Theresienwiese (where it takes place) is 10 minutes at most by foot from Central Station or Karlsplatz Stachus
- With their ticket, they could have used public transportation all day in Munich, so they could have easily done some sight seeing after two hours of Oktoberfest instead of just going back to the camp site because like I mentioned, they were already in the city center and a lot of sights would have been in walking distance
- 40 Euro a night is extremely reasonable during Oktoberfest, hotels would be ten times as much especially since they were there on Friday and Saturday when it's super busy
- I'm surprised they didn't go on any rides at the Oktoberfest. Could have filmed great footage from one of the rides that go high up to show it all from obove and give an impression of the scale of things. Or even just walked up the little hill next to the Bavaria statue which gives a great view as well.
- The Spätzle are traditionally served with caramelized onions and a creamy cheese sauce and it was really annoying to see Janine freaked out to try one as if she was about to eat something crazy instead of a noodle
- It's not that hard to look at a weather app and prepare accordingly for the day. No reason to get soaked for two hours.
- They could have gone to the closing ceremony on Sunday morning. It's outside, so no reservations and a real spectacle.

They knew they were going for over a month, so being this ridiculously underprepared makes zero sense. If it's something you will likely only do once in your lifetime, then make it worth the effort.
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Ah crows, hold me I'm scared, crows, It's Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds!

As someone who grew up in the countryside, I knew straight away that was crows. Get a grip, it's birds.

Today's edition of those happy days was NOT brought to you in association with any kind of sun cream. tomato heads!

All this talk of diets, Liam mentioning it to Janine when she had a donut. She doesn't need to loose any weight. Does anyone think he might monitor her weight and figure?

Renting Morgan out whilst they are in Spain; I wonder how Janine really feels about strangers living in her home for a few weeks.
The whole renting out a camper in Spain bit 🤣and then using it as a video sponsorship ad. Like what the actual fuck people!!??? They bought a van to take to Europe without it being classified for Europe and they don't have the vehicle ready or license for the larger van class?? Why ever did they buy Morgan?? They are the biggest jokers in the van life community for certain. Who does these things?? All because they fancied a new van on a whim, which they've seemingly regretted ever since they foolishly purchased and did a rush job on the thing. Too big for them in the UK, but they say 'let's go to Europe' and see how we go when we can't even sustain our water in a country where we speak the same language. Once they've done 2 weeks in Spain, they'll be back for another 'family situation' and then never leave and then do another daft route around the UK. I put money on Morgan being sold within a year. No doubt they'll be super experienced European continent vanlifers too when they get back and they'll be able to tell you all about the carpark they stayed in that was 'amazing'. They'll probably have some shady faux disaster happen in Spain, hype it up massively and then we will find out it's just another weird clickbait title over a drama or disaster that doesn't exist or never happened. I like how this week they clearly tried to cover the HGV app comments being made about them on here and other platforms. Mentioning the app by name and saying that it sent you somewhere wrong is just more BS in my view, commenting on bushes not being cut back etc. The whole 14' foot bridge comment about just being able to squeeze under but at no point ever, ever slowing down. The comments he makes about her being on a diet whilst flagrantly disregarding his own makes my blood boil. Janine does need SPF but certainly doesn't need a diet or any suggestion that she does. Any kind of passive-aggressive comments like that over her eating a doughnut should firmly result in said doughnut being shoved up Liams fat arse.
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The best part of the whole vlog was when Liam put on the lederhosen and then topped it off with the ruddy straw hat 😂😂… he looked an absolute pillock…
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Note to Liam and the wet arsed wife … You were not scammed you failed to see the ANPR sign and failed to pay the appropriate parking fee, there for you received a fine… If you don’t leave instructions with family to open mail and contact you if anything important arrives for you to deal with it’s your own bloody fault if the fine triples…You really are a right pair of utter morons….
A little bit of research could save you from all these supposed failures ie checking route is suitable for a giant green removal van ( get a hgv sat nav ) checking opening times of attractions you want to visit etc stop being such a pair of plebs.
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Well-known member
Thread title suggestion: #threadtitle

Worzel and Nana sitting in a tree, M-O-A-N-I-N-G
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They are in “Clanloggen” aka Llangollen (Liam) in Den-bigg-sheer (Janine) you couldn’t make it up.

My other half thinks they shouldn’t have anything sharp. What are they going to use that massive knife for, cutting open the bag of pasta?
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Chatty Member
If they carry on their cheapskate park up shenanigans.... prime candidates for the 'aire gassing' mugging gangs.

They are gonna have a shock at how 'non-vegan' the EU truly is - that sort of stuff was always eye-wateringly expensive if you could find it. Plus, shopping in a Carrefour contact is only for desperation purchases. Hunt out a big hypermarket - most are open for a few hours on a Sunday morning. You've got yer fancy new Garmin satnav and yer phone!!

Notice the small, throwaway line he makes about a cinnamon bun being non-vegan.... whoops, ya f$%£ed up there fella. Nowhere worth its salt on the continent will veganish their pastries. About 25.40 in.

In another vein - we've been talking at home... we think Janine is absolutely petrified of him and his possible moods - she almost cringes when he puts his arm around her or goes to kiss her.... anyone else notice that. Also, I bet he lost his s$%t about the bus journey back to the van, there was a slight edgy tone to him as he said we were almost out of the country.... how would you know mate, you can't even cope with 'the small roads in France, Belgium or Luxembourg' or know how to find a decent sized supermarket for your shopping.
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