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Why are her older boys portions that small and served on baby plates 🤯🤯🤯 I had to watch her stories twice to make sure I'd seen it right! My almost 4 year old would probably eat more than that. No wonder George is so small if they all eat like birds.Nothing makes sense in her life 😬

Wow. I can never unhear that singing reel. She has officially lost it.
OMG isnt this so mental though? They arent babies and yet they are using baby plates? The portions are so tiny. I know she has her issues with food, its obvious but the projection is scary. Also, still no sign of Coco walking then? Cant seem to pull herself up either which would worry me more. Also she mentioned an appt with Grayson - did she say what that was about in the end?
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I can't believe she's moaning that Coco was screaming because she wanted chocolate and sweets in the supermarket. An 18 month old only knows what chocolate and sweets are because you've given them to her!!! It's not like she inherently understands what sweets are. This woman is thick
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3.5 and only just putting his shoes on?! He seems so much younger. It must be George and her parenting surely, how can you have two kids who seem so much younger. Miss fake montessori should know that the whole idea is to help them help themselves but I guess its more important that Grayson has expensive trainers (that are shit for his feet) rather than helping him be a bit more independent. My just turned 13 month old can half put her shoes on. Why on earth does this woman have a platform and who does she think she is giving parenting tips? Remember Trinny and Susanna's what not to wear? Here we've got the 2022 update what not to do as a parent with our George. Goodness me.
Truth 🙌 it’s so so odd to me that she has such a large following, because she provides zero useful parenting content. It’s basically lengthy whingy word vomit and click my aff link. Hope she does piss off to TikTok
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I was just thinking, has she ever mentioned about Coco saying any words yet? At 16 months she should have a few, no?
She probably knows all the words to One Direction songs given that’s all she interacts with 😅

I really wish George would stop using the word “schema” incorrectly- she’s obviously seen it on the internet and thinks it makes her sound clever but she just doesn’t have a clue what it means, like most of the “nontessori” shit she spouts
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More clothes shopping!

she must spend £100s every week

Odd aswell cos they don’t seem to actually go anywhere…. I wonder if it would be the same if she didn’t have to dress up for the gram everyday
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Packed these in her eldest airport bag cos she thought the little compartments were fun putting different bits in each one

Isn’t he 10? I doubt he’s going to find opening a compartment to find 2 starburst sweets fun!

Plus putting them in a pill compartment especially when around smaller kids who might see these at grandparents etc doesn’t seem like the smartest idea?

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Like wtf are you going to use that before after the plane trip? A 10 year old isn’t going to find it fun to open 2 starbursts and 3 jelly tots any time but you clearly aren’t even ever going to use this again. Wasteful consumerism at its finest. Is she just trying to recreate a mixup that already exists!

Also who makes their 4 kids a different packed lunch?! Literally every main and snack is different for each kids. She’s giving herself more work and the reason her kids are fussy.
And she’s bringing a flask of porridge to the airport 🙈
If she didn’t buy all that unnecessary shit for her holiday she could splurge on breakfast in the airport like a normal person. Who want to bring a packed lunch on holiday and then wash the congealed porridge? 🤢🤢
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I’ve said it before but a lot of what she shows and says about Grayson points to him having some SEN, and yet she’s made absolutely no mention of looking into this at all. The only thing she did do is have one session with a speech therapist who apparently told her his language was fine for his age. I don’t understand why it seemingly isn’t even crossing her mind, either that or she doesn’t want to get him any extra support which is equally baffling. I wonder if the preschool have/will flag anything to her? He seems a lovely little boy (as do her older boys) despite her dismissive attitude towards him, I hope he does get support in the future if he does indeed have additional needs.
I honestly think she’s playing on it and exaggerates his behaviour so she has more content. Same with Coco and her sleep, she had the help from sleep consultants and when there was an improvement she fobbed it off because what would she make reels about then!? There’s only so much baby not sleeping and vegan shit she can sprout. She mentioned before about Rodges sister in law? following her, I do wonder what his family think of her constant bashing of him.
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Chatty Member
Oh my god her 5 hour reel on being vegan/plant based/veganism/replacement packet food warrior
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I really think it speaks volumes that she’s removed her engagement/wedding rings & replaced them with that breast milk ring…
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"too discombobulated to relinquish to sleep" wtf is this woman on!?
Discombobulated [adjective]
Meaning: I like to use unnecessarily long words to pretend I know what I’m talking about when it’s clear I haven’t a f*king clue about motherhood

Actual meaning: confusion or disorder
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All my kids have one swimsuit each, and they have swim lessons. We live in England ffs not the tropics!

I was just thinking as I cleaned my kitchen, George is basically bored. She has nothing in her life outside of her kids. Now, I’m not saying you need to have a whole other life & being a SAHM is full time. But she has a cleaner, her mum does her washing, she clearly has no budgeting concerns. Her weekends are spent complaining about her husband being present. I have never heard her say she’s meeting a friend, taking the oldest by himself out somewhere “older”, doing a sport (yoga on zoom notwithstanding 😑) or even going to meet a friend for a coffee on one of the many days she just has a baby.

She’s bored and she spends money. That’s basically her USP
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I’ve just never known someone with so many children spend so much money on things they don’t need. I’ve seen plenty of young, childfree people naively frittering their money away, but it’s not normal to behave like that at her age and when you have such a large family to take care of. And she brags about her mindless shopping habits as though it’s totally normal and like everyone carries on like this. I’ve just never seen someone so out of touch with the rest of the world. I’d be embarrassed to admit how much crap I buy on a daily basis if I were her. Then she whinges about overseas holidays being too expensive. Well George if you reined in your pointless spending by even just a fraction you could probably take the whole lot of them on a beautiful holiday somewhere warm, maybe where coco might even get to wear those bloody swimming cossies!!
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