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What the hell is she talking about weaning herself off omeprazole???? I’ve been on omeprazole on and off for 20 years. I take them as and when required. I’ve never known you should wean off them but I did Google it and yes , it does mention weaning off. I didn’t know it was a thing BUT as she’s admitted, her reflux is DIET related. Yet as correctly pointed out above, she went cold turkey on antidepressants 😭. I know what one I think is more important not to go cold Turkey on and it’s not the omeprazole. Everything is so dramatic and honestly I don’t think I can watch her anymore that put on posh voice stirs an anger in me😫. I’m Glasgow born and bred, with a strong Glaswegian accent, and all that comes in to my head when listening to her is ‘that fucking accent’. Limmy fans will get it 😂
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She does have people to play with shes got two brothers, a mum and a dad and a dog all to keep her busy 🤣 imagine giving into every tantrum lol
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There’s absolutely no way Draper’s latest insta story isn’t a thinly veiled dig at Aimée 😂🙈
I came running here to say this 🤣.
Aimee would be front row, probably live on Instagram if Callie was being given a paperclip and she can't even turn up to her sons show. Would she have even gone at all if her mum hadn't called her.
What did she post? 😂


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She's anxious abouy changing midwife care but she's not anxious about letting her 9 year old out in the dark on his own in a new area to walk the dog?! It's not as if you consistently only ever see one midwife who knows every in and out of your pregnancy from the booking appointment through to delivery, or at least that wasn't my experience anyway.
The lack of sleep is probably a combination between the lack of routine, screen time, diet and her subconscious knowing she's going to be absolutely fucked when the poor baby arrives. You can tell she's terrified but trying to play it off as reflux and pelic girdle pain and low iron and anything else she's googled.
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Absolutely! I couldn't walk to the bloody kitchen and I definitely couldn't drive. Not that I could fit behind the wheel and reach the pedals 🤣 I was given some physio but no mention of acupuncture. She's definitely paid for that. How the hell is she managing to be on her back for hours to get her lashes done? There's absolutely nothing wrong with her bar normal pregnancy discomfort at this stage. I also think she has found out it's a girl. Her full attitude has changed.
She's pissed me the fuck right off let me tell you!! I suffered massively in my last pregnancy but nothing compared to what some woman go through and then u have this ungrateful whinging selfish fucker cancelling pantomimes with her kids to lie in bed and missing carol concerts but can drive about shopping n feeding her fat hole with shite then get every beauty treatment under the sun because all of a sudden she had some miracle acupuncture at the drop of a hat 🙄 utter bullshit, she makes me sick and all her enablers should be ashamed of themselves allowing her to get away with it, those poor kids miss out on so much because she's a lazy selfish cunt who only ever does something when it's all about her!
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I can’t actually believe what I’m watching, how cruel to send her kids to school in such a heightened state of emotions. We can see the kids are struggling, why’s she making it all about her. Total joke that she is.

As all of above have said, this is the start of the unraveling, reality is well and truly starting to settle in.

I AM READY 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿
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Feast your eyes Tricias….
I am actually crying with laughter/turning inside out of my own skin cringing watching this. Someone’s just sent the video in the group chat and the comments between that and here are ending me tonight 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Fucking hell, these are awful, absolutely awful. The angel wings one, whenever I go back and look at it it just sends a me into a laughing fit again 😅
She can’t be serious, I don’t know who I’m more shocked by the photographer or big Aimee. They’re so so bad they’re hilarious 🤣
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So Callie was ill but she still got about her day and went to cinema now all plans cancelled. Couldn’t she have still taken the boys to the event ??

Also wonder if Jackson gets the same treatment over the smirk? Callie does it coz shaimee done it, perhaps when Jackson is”acting up” he’s got it too but instead he’s labelled the problem child??

Say it every post, she should be ashamed of herself.
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This loonball has bloody Munchausens. Which pregnant mother of 3 wishes for an IV drip?! She's too fucking much complaining that she has went somewhere for the day and come home with all three of her own kids. That's usually a basic fucking goal, leave with three and come back with all three but not the most social able mama of all time!
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She will read this and now come on and speak about her worries about her new born yada yada.

She sat and spend “hours” reading through everyone’s messages but she can’t check a school newsletter to see when the school show is on LOL nae bother social MAMA more like social fucking neglect. I have never ever felt this way about another mother in my life. No one is perfect but she’s actually taking the ducking Mickey
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Merry Trishmas my fellow Tricias. Let's keep our fingers crossed for a Christmas miracle and Aimee gets the wake up call those kids deserve snd stops using Instagram as her 'outlet'.

I remember when I was younger and you'd want the day off school so would start moping about giving it oh I've got a sore head, my body hurts, I don't feel well. And you tried so hard to come across unwell, lying on the couch that it actually took a lot of energy and left you feeling a bit shite anyway. I'm convinced this is what's wrong with her. She devotes on average about 80% of her day to complaining on her stories, giving wee sad faces or crying in bed and then somehow has energy and spends the rest of her time going to free appointments or for fast food and coffee. She makes herself feel terrible by having no get up and go and not having consumed a single nutrient this entire pregnancy.

I've been up for 2 hours making sure all presents are definitely wrapped and in place, foods good to go, Santa's drank his milk and ate his cookie etc. You know all the things you as a parent want to go smoothly for your kids so make a wee bit if extra effort, not that Aimless would understand that. I swear if I see one story from this clown over the next few days where she's giving it a pity party for one 'Oh I just did my best on Christmas day and that's OK. I feel terrible for the kiddies but you know how unwell I've been lately so I just HAD to go lie down after Kyle cooked by himself. There's so much pressure on social media these days...'
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Am I a cow to say she doesn’t even look pregnant?
Came here to say exactly this. She just looks like a big greasy fat gammon. Unsurprised she was such a lazy slug on Christmas Day when she was hosting, how can anyone be bothered with her anymore!? 🤯
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As everyone else has said what a difficult watch that was. I truly hope she reads here (as she does daily, hey Aimee ya fat lazy slug 👋🏻) and takes it down. Callie is hands down the most annoying, bratty child of anyone I follow and the last thing I’ve ever thought is how cute and funny she is but I felt so sorry for her watching that, such a vulnerable moment.
Absolutely all learned behaviour and I hope aimee reads here and takes onboard even a pinch of how much she’s fucked up and caused this by making her “her wee bestie”. It’s about to get 10000x worse with the new baby coming!
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It's been mentioned before numerous times but she really needs to get that Wee lassie into bed for 7pm every night they dance school pics are terrible she looks like she's no had a minutes sleep since she came out the womb
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