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Know he is a potty mouth but rightly or wrongly she stepped in and paid for insurance and he swears in her stories whilst she grins.
I think the boys dad is more involved than she lets on (just a feeling) and if he made H wait a few days then good on him.
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Does anyone here know her in real life? I wonder what she’s really like because her insta persona is obnoxious 🙄
Given that she's fallen out with her mum paired with the fact that she doesn't seem to have many friends would suggest that she's a dick off insta aswell!
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Any bets on what Darling H has done this week to prompt the breadcrumb reel?? 🙄
Well we know that he's doing drugs and having sex so I wonder what constitutes "new mothering grounds" or whatever it is
Burglary? Mugging people on his moped?
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I do think you have a point @Elegant Tits - it is rare to see a mother be honest that her child didn’t pass any GCSEs. But that’s the problem with sharing every detail of her life! She couldn’t not share because she’s been talking for years about how H has barely engaged with or attended school ever since Covid, and that he was only being entered for English and Maths (please correct me if I’m wrong, maybe he sat more than that) and was unlikely to scrape a pass in either.

I also agree with @Okgolightly - if H had managed to get 4’s, my god, she would have been screaming from the rooftops that her angel had managed to succeed despite hardly being at school and despite all the grief he got from mean, ignorant teachers who never understood his neurodivergence 👀
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So because the mainstream education system isn’t set up for kids like Hugo, that’s why he’s spent so little time in the classroom and is set to barely scrape two GSCEs? Oh sure Jess, it’s the mainstream system that’s the problem, not your refusal to have him attend a specialist SEMH school 🤷‍♀️
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My mum has this one friend, she’s in her 60s and used to work in fashion, who manages to make the cheapest clothes look absolutely incredible. She shops in TK max, primark and supermarkets yet somehow puts together these outfits which genuinely look 100s of ££s, my mum never believes her and insists on seeing the labels.
Jess seems to have the polar opposite skill of buying the most outrageously expensive clothing that somehow looks cheap and ill fitting
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She is an embarrassment, crying online for everyone to see over what turns out to be a bit of a misunderstanding because his dad wasn’t acting quickly enough. She definitely posted it online knowing it would get back to H’s dad. She has ruined all 3 of those boys and should be ashamed of herself.
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£75 on a load of old tat at a boot sale!

I used to go to a local boot sale years ago and sold there too a few times. Can honestly say I never spent more than £10-15 max, the whole point of going was to only buy stuff that we really needed/ was really cheap. So books for 25-50p each, toys or games for £1 or less.
I have no idea where she gets all her money from!
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Sadly you only do a cbt for a bike so you don’t have to know anything and it’s near impossible to fail a cbt test. I only know this as 2 of my sons did them and had bikes. I hated them being on them . Thankfully they all did car tests and drive cars now bar one who has a motor bike. I personally think you should have to have a theory to ride a scooter , no one should be on the road without it. She really thinks he’s perfect.
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What a scruffy little twat. Pull your shorts up FFS. A gust of wind will snap him in half.
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It doesn’t add up, but she’s still a reckless spender so I’m sure that’s where most of her money goes.

I mean does she ever stop buying furniture? Why were they even buying flat pack stuff in IKEA when she does nothing but stuff the house with furniture she doesn’t need from FB marketplace? The cabins were full of bedroom furniture. What exactly did they need? 🤯
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She’s a prick. And she’s going to spend the rest of her life making up excuses for her darling H when he inevitably steps out of line and antagonises the wrong people/business/work/whatever. So be smug now Jess but your day will come.
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£350 just for the Airbnb for one night and it was shared with another family!!
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So, apologies if I'm being a bit thick...I don't drove so have no experience of dealing with insurance etc...
But surely you need to have passed before you can organise things like insurance...and given that 'darling H' only sat the test yesterday, why would his dad already have his insurance sorted??
Maybe he was being realistic and waiting to see if was going to pass? Whay would've happened if he had failed?

Just seems like Jess creating tension between her son and his dad so she has content for the gram!
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What a ugly looking bunch of chavs the lot of them!
Considering Jess is such a massive snob, it must secretly kill her that her darling boy’s friends are such a bunch of oiks.

She didn’t want him to go to a pupil referral unit because she didn’t want him mixing with chavs (she didn’t use those words but that’s definitely what she meant - I think she said “social/family problems”). well that’s come back to bite her on the arse.
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