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Chatty Member
I don’t believe she’s buying from vinted. She is just re wrapping her online orders to pretend she gets things cheap!
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What a braggy set of stories asking Bruno 🙄
With a couple affiliate links thrown in and a dig at the ex husband too. Yeah, many teens are aware of the aspirational brands and editions but her kids own and wear these brands. Neither of them have a part time job and I doubt H’s weekly car parking gig at the car boot in the summer runs to Ralph Lauren joggers, running his moped and driving lessons - all year round. Wonder if Russ’ boy enjoys the same level of privilege. Yes, my teens swear but not in reply to me - they have more respect. Yeah, yeah the tutor lost the project, of course he did!
She really thinks she’s ’down with the kids’ - it’s so cringe.
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Her poor Mum; she has no public right of reply does she? No platform to respond on.

Jess is just awful to do this, but then again (in the same way that it will be for her own sons), I wonder if - to an extent- Jess’s Mum is reaping the returns of raising an entitled, self-obsessed, friendless, daughter, who doesn’t seem to be able to build healthy relationships with anyone?
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If she posts those pics 🖕regularly in order to show that she's a cool mum, well then, it's just the saddest thing. It comes across as completely disrespectful. Those boys are awful humans and spoilt little Cass is shaping up to be the exact same, if not worse.

Well done Jess.
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I’m shocked he’s allowed to go to prom with all his exclusions and bad behaviour. In my sons school you had to wait and see if you would be given an invitation based on youth behaviour throughout year 11.
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It sounds like it's all about money to me? I can't imagine losing contact with my only child and how heartbreaking that must be for her mam. Unless she's done something horrific.
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Forgive me if I'm wrong, but she keeps discussing work as an option. Legally he has to be in education until he's 18. So that would be am apprenticeship, internship, etc. not a job.
How does she not know this?! It sounds like she doesn’t have a clue.

What an absolute shit show. Was the fact that he hadn’t received any communication with a confirmed place, by Sept 7th not a big enough hint that something may not be right 🤷🏼‍♀️
My thoughts exactly! It should have been blindingly obvious that something was wrong.

So now they’re desperately applying for every college going, which is exactly what they should have done in the first place.

She was just so certain that her boy was so special and brilliant, his chosen college would usher him in on a red carpet. Sorry Jess, no one thinks your kid is as brilliant as you do.
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It is so genuinely sad to see that the premature aging and general decline of physical appearance associated with excessive drug and (or) alcohol use is clearly identifiable in a group photo of what should be fresh faced 16 year olds. Photo filters do absoloutely nothing to camouflage the fact.
The b&w group pic shocked me because I couldn’t believe this was a group of year 11 boys. I know some kids do look old beyond their years but this was something else. Maybe you’re right and this is a case of, er, lifestyle factors affecting the way they look.

As for criticising the appearance of children - clearly Jess doesn’t consider them to be children and thinks they’re fair game to plaster online, so my conscience feels OK about having an opinion about it.
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As a high school teacher I can tell you what those boys are like a mile off. It’s no wonder ‘sir’ was counting down the days to prom, I’m sure he accompanied this bunch of reprobates off the premises with a smile. And 3.23am for a 16 year old is absolutely outrageous.
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VIP Member
Ok, I’m angry. Why has ‘darling Hugo’ got his phone on his lap whilst he’s driving?!?! Already got bad, if not dangerous habits there!
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VIP Member
She also shared a “can you smell weed?” meme on her stories and was like “LOL this is my house”. She is really proud of having zero boundaries. I think she thinks this makes her look like the cool boho mum that she’s always wanted to be.

Very interested to see where he is in 3-5 years. Once he hits the real world and realises the real world has boundaries and getting Mum to plead neurodivergence isn’t going to get him out of every pickle he finds himself in.
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