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Chatty Member
I don’t think her skin is that bad, isn’t it just that she doesn’t use filters and is generally fairly light on make up?
In addition to that she’s fairly long and slim and I that’s also reflected in her face shape.

There was a q&a that’s gone off now in which she said something about how she had always wanted to be a mother but found out the reality was hard and how no one talks about it being hard (literally everyone does love actually) so that’s why she’s set out to talk about it… biggest pile of crap ever. She doesn’t talk about unexpected challenges, she just calls her kids names. The way she patted herself on the back and made out like she’s doing something groundbreaking by telling the internet her kids are bellends is frankly odd.
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Can’t believe she’s only got 150k followers tbh, is the mama influencer trend royally dead?

I also would not be going to that much effort for an ad to 150k followers, it seems desperate lol
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I've watched her a few times over the past few years, just incase she was funny, but she isn't. She's crude and she's revolting and many other things that are wrong.
I just noticed her on Instagram, and decided to look at her latest post.
She was trying on some new clothes
Is she on drugs or taking some kind of stimulant? Because, she's as high as a kite, completely fckn loopy.
Is she always like this?
Shes manic
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Had a quick browse through some of the comments. A few calling her out on the 'sorry you took it racist' approach and asking her not to centre herself by detailing all she has done for BLM in the past two weeks and she has answered every comment to be fair and her answers are a lot better than the apology video
Yep, because she’s seen what’s happened to the other influencers like MOD and SV. She’s just covering her own ass so she can stay in the limelight. I don’t for one minute think her original apology was sincere and the rest is just lip service.
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Victoria can publish her faux sexy face because she thinks she is nice looking, which cancels out the quite frankly ugly faces.

I don’t feel she is nearly as attractive as she must believe she is.
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No I agree, I'm not asking for Mary Poppins, but she goes too far. Mostly for shock value and because someone had told her it's funny. I think she is massively limiting her collab/AD potential now. She's quite pretty but the gurning is so unappealing.
Also the 'funnt' music videos are getting less funny and more desperate. It's such a shame, she was quite refreshing before.
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VIP Member
Agree completely.

I know it’s taboo but I read an article ages ago about women who don’t enjoy motherhood/regret having kids (they were all anon obviously lol). There must be an audience for her type of content if it’s done sensitively, surely? Like at the moment it’s just mean. Surely there has to be a way for her to discuss how much she dislikes parenthood without dragging the kids into it?
I was perhaps a little insensitive to others in my post as I can totally see that people might regret having kids, I definitely had a few dark thoughts in the newborn days and actually having kids is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Having said that, I’d never talk about my daughter the way she does hers and honestly maybe I’m lucky but the nice moments totally make me forgive her for waking me up in the night etc. I do lean towards the gentler side of parenting but I’d much rather cuddle/reassure than have everything be a fight - my daughter is 2 and is still up for a party some nights at 2am so rather than it turn into a battle I sit with her calmly until she’s ready to go asleep (have to say there have been nights where I haven’t done this and have got more annoyed but not everytime plus just think I’ve realised that it doesn’t help either of us).

I absolutely stand by my comment that she doesn’t have a full time / highly pressurised job and doesn’t look after her children 5 days a week so moaning that she needs a break after just spending the weekend with them is pretty rich.
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I don't mind Victoria too much, in fact I quite like her. But she needs to get a new shtick away from 'I hate my kids'. I get that she is trying to be real, and that parenting is difficult, but this isn't 2016 and what The Unmumsy Mum and Hurrah for Gin started has now been done to death (plus both of those never over did it, they were honest but in a clever way, and you never got the impression that they actually did resent their children). Victoria just goes way over the top with it all, it's too much, it's just getting boring now. And that's before you think about the effect it must have on the kids! And like others have said, it's not like she goes 'out' to work, and the kids aren't there a lot of the time anyway!

I'm another who doesn't get why she puts her kids to bed so early either? It's like they come straight in from nursery, get no down time or time with parents, it's just straight to bed. She says it's because they just can't cope with going to bed past 5:30 or so, but that's not really normal? I'm not normally one to judge bed times as well all do what suits us, but that seems insanely early.

I do also think in years to come she regret that little nugget she put out on the podcast about her husband finding a bit of old bog roll when he was going down on her....
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Victoria was previously a school teacher? Her crude schtick almost certainly means she won’t be able to return to that profession.

Slightly paraphrased: ‘if you are scared of colour, painting half a wall in colour will gently ease you in like a well lubed finger’.

Who does that appeal to? How does anyone’s mind go from choosing paint colours to lube? 🤮
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Hopefully she will stop with the gurning old face too and being desperate to say minge or slag in each post. She comes across as pathetic. I love a good swear but she's like a frustrated 14yr old
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Slip slip knit

Chatty Member
Without wanting to pile onto her I was quite shocked by her language when talking about her kids last night. If you don’t enjoy being a parent or find it hard and need help you should absolutely be able to speak your mind and discuss but she hasn’t really done that she’s just slagged her kids off at every opportunity for two weeks. But perhaps that’s just been her way of expressing herself and it’s come across wrong. I would also say if I were a brand I don’t think I’d want her representing me with the way she speaks about her kids but she’s always been very crass so maybe it won’t effect anything.
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So very bored of her content now. Only so much you can wring from "I hate my kids and my life is boring"
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I used to really like her back then too. It's such a shame.
I'm torn between thinking she genuinely hated her life, kids, husband and whatever.

Or the moaning got her a lot of likes so she thought she could monetize it.

The trouble is if it's the latter it's gotten old and now where can she go? The books been written and the original job given up but does she have enough else for a sustainable career as an insta Hun?

It's boring now as the same dance and words are used for every ad.
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It's not even comedy is it? It's just relentless moaning.
Unless it's actually all fake and she thinks it is comedy, god imagine that...
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Hang on… I thought she was one of these people that hate influencers/celebs that make money off making people believe they should start paying for fitness at the start of Jan as they’re ashamed of themselves? The lure of the cash was too much it seems.
Joe Wicks' app is £60 this chancer is charging £50!
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I really hate this new trend of being so mean about your kids. I am childfree myself, but I grew up with parents who would say mean things, and it hurts. It isn't funny, it is abusive behaviour disguised as 'banter.

Funnily enough, my parents cannot hear a crumb of criticism, and they go mental if anyone insults them. It is always the ones who can't take it who dish it out the most.
Yeah as I found out the hard way as I was attacked by her and her sheep when a dared to call her out for being a cunt of a mother
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