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Interesting that she says she’s had those nails on for two weeks yet there appears to be no regrowth of her natural nail underneath, like you get when you have acrylic nails done - you have to go for infills etc. her flexies have no gap, which suggests she’s had them off in between and reapplied frequently. Which is fine, but that’s not what she’s claiming is it. Such a snake oil salesman.
You’re totally right! What a big fat liar. Even if her nails grew slowly, there would be some regrowth. The way she talks about her “nail business” is laughable. She’s flogging stick on nails, designed and manufactured by a random company, all she’s doing it packing them and sending them off. Hardly £40k deposit amount.

If she claims to suddenly have that amount, she either has been given it by her family, or by she had it stashed away somewhere all the time and this was a “poor homeless me”tactic to get people to buy cheap tat off her.

She barely mentions Erin’s Angels now, unless it’s for her death obsessed followers in het “12 things I wish I’d known” bull. I know she said the other day it was because she had a busy life, but she’s definitely started something she won’t finish.
The items she’s selling are odd, and very expensive. Who’s paying £20 for a small flask? £10 for an A5 notebook? All with the logo of a charity that doesn’t exist, plastered on?

Rather than selling 10+ generic products that have stuck on labels, would it not have been better to have a pair of pyjamas, as Erin loved her pj’s!

She’s selling all things you can get for a significant amount cheaper at b&m/hb
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She knows we had her card mark from very early on and I bet she hated the fact a lot of folk had a soft spot for Erin. I’m amazed she still has a following on Tik Tok, it must be about 5 months since Erin died and surely folk who want to support Erin’s Angels must be coming to the realisation that it’s never materialising
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So, will Lyra be going on an cruises with them, or getting palmed off again? The first 3 years are THE MOST crucial for years for development, if a child doesn't have stability or feel secure with a parent(s) during this time, to put it bluntly, you fuck them up for life. Future relationships, friendships etc. She passes her around like an unwanted gift. Yet, on the day she should have been in her actual mummy's arms, the day of her brother's death date anniversary, she fucked off, Lyra in tow, to a witchy crapp6 thing..... and still palmed her off! That poor baby. I hope her keltoid grows so big it covers her bullfrog mouth from croaking any more shit to her 'angels'
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I have mentioned her appearance, but even if I stopped and purely mentioned what I did in my last post, she’d still call me a troll!
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Interesting that she says she’s had those nails on for two weeks yet there appears to be no regrowth of her natural nail underneath, like you get when you have acrylic nails done - you have to go for infills etc. her flexies have no gap, which suggests she’s had them off in between and reapplied frequently. Which is fine, but that’s not what she’s claiming is it. Such a snake oil salesman.
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She has said on multiple occasions that she didn’t plan on looking after/parenying a baby, isn’t something she wanted to do. She had just got married, and list of their kids are teenagers, and having a baby at 40, is very different than having one in your 20’s and 30’s. She could have said no. I think she likes being the “saviour” hopes than people will worship her for bringing up her grandaughter. Yet, she passes her around like an unwanted puppy. Lyra will see and recognise she’s unwanted and then hear what’s been said about her by the person who brought her up!
I think Abi was adopted herself, so surely she must see how she’s rejecting Lyra.

Onto the house, she apparently put an offer on, it doesn’t have a garden?????? So she’s going from somewhere with enough space to house her dad and Amy, plus gld knows who rlse, to barely anything. She had 2 dogs, an energetic breed too, which need to burn off energy. What if abis lazy solution? Buy a snugfle mat, fill is with cheap dog treats and the garden is no longer needed! FFS.

She’s acting like she’s never heard of one before, yet they’re been around for ages, and are much cheaper than the one she bought off “The TikTok Shop” (does annoy anyone else that she puts a The at the start!) I thought she wasn’t buying anything?

Here’s a novel idea, Abz, why don’t you up your training for the trek, and walk your dogs as sort of the regime? It’s free, and dogs need BOTH physical and mental stimulation.
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Grow up with your patronising ‘help for the trolls’ post Abi. If you weren’t such a grasping, work shy, charlatan wide boy who leeched off the popularity of your dying frenemy’s tik tok account then started up a ‘national’ charity with no basis, substance, plan or qualifications - no one would give 2 shits about calling you out. Speaking of ‘reflections’ that new wart on your nose is your ugly intentions starting to show on the outside. Enjoy your cruise. Incredible how someone who seems to flog nails for a living is on their 4th or 5th holiday of 2024 yet can’t afford or acquire a mortgage. Yet we are the ones that are full of shit 🤔🤣
Ouch that post hit home didn't it Abi!!!
Your ugly on the inside and now it's growing out the side of your nose Abi,
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Someone was asking about the fibre and she said she isnt currently using it, despite her raving about it. She then went into we speal about insulin and how the fibre stops you feeling hungry… she’s not exactly a good advert for it, even when she was using it! She’s definitely going to struggle with the trek, as she’s very unfit.

Her latest video about Erin, absolutely proves that having random, untrained people acting as death doulas is preposterous! She says that she had so many questions for the trained nurses, that they answered and helped her so much. Surely it would be better to raise money so that more trained staff could come out in their area, rather than setting up a charity, with god knows who, which will realistically only help a few, if it ever gets off the ground!!

Oh and her keloid is AWFUL. Just remove the bloody ring

What’s on her nose where her piercing is?
It’s a keloid, which is basically a build up of collegian from her piercing. As she doesn’t believe in going to the gp, she treated with teabags I think. Then used asprin. Nothing worked and it’s got bigger and will continue to. She’s delusional if she thinks that it’s going to disappear when it’s been there for months! She had it done in Turkey and it looked infected, but she just kept it in the weirdo
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In her trolls TikTok, it’s incredibly telling that whilst she makes reference to us creating a new thread to discuss her appearance, she makes no reference to 99% of what we actually discuss - her nefarious behaviour. Her monetising of death and grief, using Erin’s name to boost her follower numbers and associated flogging of any old shite for some cash. Yet no real substance about the charity, other than a vague reference to ‘all subscriptions/gifts going to charity’. So so intentionally vague. How much was deposited in the boys adventure fund? How has it been spent? People gave money in good faith. As long as people like her exist, there will always be others ready to call her out. You can’t shake off your past Abi, that’s not the trolls fault - that’s all you.
I’m surprised she keeps bringing it up, you’d think she’d be wary about sending more traffic over here. We can’t be the only ones who see through her, surely. And it’s not as if she built up a fanbase herself
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She doesn’t actually have a mortgage, as she’s currently on line filling in and sending information regarding a mortgage application. I know you can put an offer on with a AIP, but from what’s she’s saying she doesn’t have that!
They’re also taking the piss out of the “autistic men” they met on their cruise. Can you imagine if someone spoke about Abi autistic son like that??
I still can’t believe she’s only 40! She looks in her 50’s
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It’s the fact that she picks what she shares has been said on here, to get the sympathy vote, whilst all her sycophantic fans are saying unkind and judgemental things, which she then agreed with!
It’s very telling that she didn’t mention ANY of the things which are the main point of our comments on here.
So, Abi, this is what I commented…

The reason you’re called out on here is because of the way you’ve exploited Erin’s death, the lack of openness with regards to where donations went/are going, the parts of the charity that aren’t being regulated, and the way that poor Lyra is passed around whilst you’re on holiday. You pretend you have qualifications and run “courses” to try and get people to buy into whatever it is you’re selling. If you’re trying to say that the fibre you take makes you healthy and go on about the health benefits/insulin resistance etc, but then don’t live a healthy lifestyle, it makes you a charlatan.
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Despite what your actual “super fans” think, I’m completely happy with my life, my appearance and I’m not on universal credit! I have a loving family, lots of friends, get a huge amount of joy from my work. I certainly don’t need any help, and am very loved.
The reason you’re called out on here is because of the way you’ve exploited Erin’s death, the lack of openness with regards to where donations went/are going, the parts of the charity that aren’t being regulated, and the way that poor Lyra is passed around whilst you’re on holiday. You pretend you have qualifications and run “courses” to try and get people to buy into whatever it is you’re selling. If you’re trying to say that the fibre you take makes you healthy and go on about the health benefits/insulin resistance etc, but then don’t live a healthy lifestyle, it makes you a charlatan.
This post 👍🏻👍🏻
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Or she is taking the money from Erin's boys funds....
Zero transparency over what went in and what comes out, much like the gifts and subscriptions ‘going to charity’ I saw on her live the other day. All incredibly woolly. No specifics
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I haven't watched her for a while, cos she makes me feel sick!
Are they now buying the house??
She’s been hinting there’s big news about it, but I just can’t see how, in a few weeks, they’ve raised £40k deposit.
I can’t see someone waiting months for them to secure a mortgage and deposit for the house.
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She has said on multiple occasions that she didn’t plan on looking after/parenying a baby, isn’t something she wanted to do. She had just got married, and list of their kids are teenagers, and having a baby at 40, is very different than having one in your 20’s and 30’s. She could have said no. I think she likes being the “saviour” hopes than people will worship her for bringing up her grandaughter. Yet, she passes her around like an unwanted puppy. Lyra will see and recognise she’s unwanted and then hear what’s been said about her by the person who brought her up!
I think Abi was adopted herself, so surely she must see how she’s rejecting Lyra.

Onto the house, she apparently put an offer on, it doesn’t have a garden?????? So she’s going from somewhere with enough space to house her dad and Amy, plus gld knows who rlse, to barely anything. She had 2 dogs, an energetic breed too, which need to burn off energy. What if abis lazy solution? Buy a snugfle mat, fill is with cheap dog treats and the garden is no longer needed! FFS.

She’s acting like she’s never heard of one before, yet they’re been around for ages, and are much cheaper than the one she bought off “The TikTok Shop” (does annoy anyone else that she puts a The at the start!) I thought she wasn’t buying anything?

Here’s a novel idea, Abz, why don’t you up your training for the trek, and walk your dogs as sort of the regime? It’s free, and dogs need BOTH physical and mental stimulation.
I never ever saw those poor dogs go out for a walk until Amy moved in a few years ago. And that soon stopped too!! You’re so right, if she was out walking them and doing right by them then she wouldn’t have piled on the stones and would be training for her “Iceland trek” too! She’s just lazy. She claims to love her dogs so much yet does nothing with them apart from lay on the sofa. There are other breeds for a lapdog Abi!!!
She’s at it with her retreats again. She claims to have helped THOUSANDS over 10 years with her skills. She’s not qualified in anything only spitting BS, ripping people off, and ruining lives with her words and actions. And the lady she initially started these retreats with was ripped off too a couple of years ago, Abi stole thousands of pounds from her bank account. Now she has the audacity to continue doing them like it was all her business, when the whole idea and concept wasn’t hers in the first place.


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How is she able to go on holiday with her house that much of a shit tip! Yes, they’re a few teenage boys, but there’s also Chris, her, her dad and Amy to help with housework. Thst poor baby crawling around in that mess!

Oh and she couldn’t sound more gleeful that she was leaving Lyra behind. Poor baby. The fact she calls her Lady Lyra is irritating, she treats her more like a forgotten child, who she can’t wait to see the back of! I’ve said before, she didn’t have to say yes to keeping Lyra, as clearly she’s not wanted by her. It’s going to hugely affect her when she sees these videos and sees that she’s always palmed off when they’re going on holiday.

I’ve never known someone who’s supposedly saving to go on so many holidays! Always out of term time too… bet their never in school


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What really grates me is the blurred lines between her own income streams and the aftermath of Erin dying. Not taking anything away from someone’s grief or passing, but she intentionally muddies the waters between what is raised as funds for Erin’s Angels and what goes in her back pocket. It doesn’t sit well with me at all. Starting every video with
‘Good morning/good evening Angels’ - yet her account is the Yes Life. Very shady woman indeed.
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