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VIP Member
Also here to post about the wind. There's been a constant hum for the past half hour and don't expect it to get any better.

All train services in Scotland finished at 7pm tonight and none will run until late morning tomorrow. That's probably spooked me the most to be honest.
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VIP Member
Trying to work from home, sunny day so windows open and my neighbour appears to be strimming their garden so now I can’t concentrate. You know when people don’t do this? Winter! 😅
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VIP Member
Best day so far here, actually heard a cuckoo and the swallows are back!
Tis chilly though, but dry!
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Sick of the rain, so much surface water, so much road spray, so many flood plains absolutely saturated. I hope we get a nice Spring.
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At the end of May, I removed the winter part of my duvet. I’ve been sleeping terribly for the last week or so — I realised it’s because it’s been so cold! I’ve put the sheet back on tonight. 🥶
Removed my hurricane candle from the top of my chest of drawers start of May and replaced it with my fan, shouldn't have bothered. Still cosy candle weather!
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VIP Member
Can we not just have a nice solid 2 weeks of 23 degrees and sunshine before we decend into Autumn weather? I’m used to wet Aprils but a wet July where there entire month has been overcast and rain, does feel like maybe we had all our summer weather in June? And that now we face potentially a 7 month winter? :unsure: Has the jet stream moved yet?
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VIP Member
Omg this wind 🌪🤯.

Awoke to a clatter, the attic hatch door has lifted off and disappeared in to the attic somewhere. Husbands away over night so guess it's staying there!.
it’s really blowy, isn’t it?! My garden is a wind tunnel and I heard it howling through this morning, urgh! Bring back the cold, dry and still weather, please.
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Pesky Tarian

VIP Member
The rain today is awful! Like a super fine mist ALL DAY
Also putting lights on at this time of night when usually at this point in summer can still be sat outside til 10pm is just bizarre!
July has been a total washout
Yes! We went to watch the husband play football earlier and came back saturated, put our oodies on and had pie and mash. It's July ffs!!!.
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VIP Member
It’s too hot. Yes I know it’s only 22° but I tried to sit in the garden while my husband bbqs and I lasted about ten mins and come in to watch the football.
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VIP Member
Please don't snow on Thursday or drop a 300 km snow bomb or something.
I've got a dental app first thing then and every fucking thing stops round my way with the slightest dusting. Weekends fine but not before then please.
We're due to travel from just outside London to Cumbria on Friday for a very anticipated wedding. I am going to be PISSED OFF beyond measure if we can't make it because of the snow. There's hot tubs and trees and an open bar 😩
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VIP Member
Same here. Though you'll thank yourself for the clothes and fans when a late summer heatwave hits. I don't think we'll get 40 this year now, but we might get some 30s in August if this rainy spell shifts.

I too have lots of summer tops waiting to be worn, but today I had to wear my chunky knit cardigan.
Are we getting it? Our local weatherman went silent this morning when asked if there was any sign of this stopping. Yeah I'm not freezing but there's a dampness in the air. Wet summers annoy me.
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Chatty Member
I was tempted with the central heating earlier but I won't crack!

I'd rather this than the temps in aouthern Europe at the min tbh. Our set ups here aren't built to cope with it.

I live in a very old house with very thick walls. In hot weather they store up the heat and let it out gradually over time. It's great and cool for a few days then it becomes like an oven and takes the heat a decent week to dissipate from the structure. It's grim.
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