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Chatty Member
I thought there might be snow.
I've kind of prepped for it but I'm not getting that nice "pre snow" feeling.
It's a PITA when it comes TBF. It's never at a convenient time IMO.
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Elle Woods

VIP Member
It is so humid 😩 waste of time doing my hair this morning as it's gone all puffy and frizzy and looks a mess in this humidity.

My car said 23.5 at 7.30 this morning! It feels a lot hotter than that already though
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VIP Member
I need the heat, some heat. I can’t let autumn come with no sun 😭 it’s going to be longest winter ever!!
heated blanket on this eve and heating went on in the morning for a hour
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Chatty Member
Thoroughly pissed off right now. All I see over SM and the news is “lovely warm October” “dried 5 loads on the line”. Where TF is that then? Yes, it’s slightly warm up here in the NE but it’s also rainy AF which means it’s humid AF, everything is damp, the roads are slimy and I feel gross as soon as I get out out of the shower. The dog is muddy and I hate the world.

I am stressing so much about humidity. How is is 92% here yet 56% in London? How? How?

(give me a month and I will be stressing about wind, ice, rain, snow)
tell me about it! I looked at the forecast for Saturday just gone at the beginning of last week and it said lovely sunny skies and 20 degrees! Lovely I thought, will have a nice day in the garden before winter comes! Reality was grey murky skies, muggy but not 20 degrees, and rain later on and all night 🙈
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VIP Member
I didn't like those high 30s the past couple of years but something above 20 would be nice rather than this rainy crap. I've worn summer clothes for less than a week this year, and we are not far off the Summer Solstice 🤷‍♀️😂
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Well-known member
Ok so today I’m actually enjoying the heatwave! Had a day of being sweaty and a right grouch, but woke up this morning and it all felt quite nice sitting in the garden with the birds and a brew😊
Bbq planned for tomorrow…may be the last one of the year so no more moaning from me! 🤣
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Chatty Member
Ugggggh thought we'd seen the last of this sweaty bollock weather. I want Autumn/Winter now pleaaaase

Got a wedding to go to on Saturday, what the eff do I wear in 30 degree heat? I am a size 22 so it's already tricky finding nice summer clothes, let alone ones formal enough for a wedding.
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VIP Member
We had torrential rain on Sunday afternoon and Monday morning. Taking advantage of today which, while very windy, is dry. I've already got a load on the line, and planning a second in an hour :ROFLMAO:
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VIP Member
It's felt a bit grey recently. My birthday was on Friday and I remember the last four or so years the week around my birthday was like 25-30 degrees, sunny etc (and I think 2017 and 2018 as well). Whereas on Friday this year it was 18 degrees and the weather was changeable with sunshine and showers.

It's quite nice and sunny where I am today, clear blue skies etc. 18 degrees so not super warm but still quite pleasant I think. I hate it when it's super hot anyway, anything between 18 - 22 degrees with a nice gentle breeze is perfect for me 😂
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VIP Member
As nice as it is to be sat in the sun I wish the wind would go! Its ruining it.
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zetta buttons

VIP Member
It’s snowed here and now it’s raining so tomorrow morning it’s going to be lethal. Then it’s back to pissing rain from the weekend.

It can’t ever be normal.
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I'm one of the funny ones who doesn't like the hot weather but I don't like the really cold weather either
I love autumn and winter compared to summer and this hideous 30oc can do one but our house gets so cold In the winter you can literally see your breath 🥶
Why can't it just be around 16oc all year I would be happy then 🤣
I’m the same. Can’t cope in the heat it makes me feel ill but I can’t cope with the cold either. Cba with dealing with putting on suncream for my baby and 4 year old and the heat stroke we all get when on a walk but also don’t want to deal with coats on and off getting in the car, or that sweaty feeling going in and out of shops. My circulation is terrible so constantly have cold feet and hands. My daughter always complains when I dress her 🤣
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Well-known member
I fucking hate English hot weather 😩 the older I get the more I can’t stand it! Was getting excited about autumn brewing, and then… wham, we get hit with a heatwave. I didn’t get any of my summer clothes out of the loft this year and got away with T-shirts and leggings… this week is a challenge though, I’ve got nothing to wear and I refuse to get anything down from the loft for just one week. Indian summer don’t you dare even think about it 🥵
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