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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
The catapult task yesterday was deadly dull. The only parts of this show I enjoy are the traitors plotting and the round table discussion. The rest is rubbish.

There needs to be a better way for the faithful to discover the traitors not just silly guesswork based on who they don't like or who they imagine is looking guilty.
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Shit is really fucked up, not just fancying Jonny. But Harry carrying that log over his back/shoulders, was quite hot if I'm honest.
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Plus Paul has such an elevated opinion of his own intelligence that I don't think he realises that!
That's what really bothers me about him, he thinks he's playing an absolute blinder where in reality I think he's just managing to somehow slip under radars at the minute.
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Gah, was hoping Harry had some nous about him to subtly get Jaz murdered so Paul was a goner.

Do Harry and Miles not realise that if Paul can so deviously set up Ash, he'd do the same to them if they were suspected?

As soon as he led the turn on Ash, the other two should've realised he can't be fully trusted in their group.
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Last year at this stage, I liked wilf. It was only towards the end that he got to be a dick

Can't stand Paul from the get-go

Love Harry, I think he is the only traitor playing a blinding game. The other two keep giving themselves away.

Really don't want Diane to go, she's one of the best faithful. Really warming to Jaz and would love him to be the one to catch Paul out. Although I suspect he may become a traitor at some point, especially after hearing his background story
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Active member
New to the thread and just caught up with the show - first time watching it!

I love the dramatics of the filming / soundtrack etc. but was so ridiculous that Charlotte (the fit one!) was filmed in a bath - they wouldn't have put Tracey in a bath!

Also I flip flopped between liking/disliking Antony but he was giving misogynist vibes towards the end. So maybe that's what Diane was picking up in their tiff early doors.

I think Miles may be next traitor to go - he always 'dunno' fence sitting, people have commented about his lack of effort in tasks and there will (hopefully) be suspicion over the chalice.

My favourites are Jaz, Jasmine and Diane (and if she goes I'll take her son instead!)
I feel like if Miles was a faithful he would have been murder now since he isn't bringing much to the missions or the round table discussions. The fact he's still there should be suspicious alone.

Then again, these Traitors are getting rid of the people that are actually contributing money to the pot 🙄
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Well-known member
What the fuck is Paul doing, Jaz obviously hates him. Like a drunk minging bloke talking some poor woman's ear off at a nightclub.
Christ alive, the middle manager bullying vibes are off the charts.

Jaz needs to wise up, have faith in his convictions and work out how to get Paul gone.
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Why do all these people have some sort of background - a partner who presents CBBC, so called “influencers” on social media etc. Why not just your average person?!
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People suspect Paul, but because he's so popular they are too scared to tell people in case people defend him and they get banished. Jaz is the only one who is being open talking about Paul. The other faithfuls can see no one taking much notice. Plus Paul employs psychopath levels of manipulation. Moment his name is mentioned he does the crocodile tears 'I'm ready to go home and see my family'. I never liked Paul. It was when he was asked by Claudia for three qualities he had that would make him a good traitor he immediately said 'cruel'. Wtf says that?! It's a game ffs. I'd be a useless traitor as if I relax I'd forget the lies ive told so id end up coming across like anthony did. But I could say I'm sneaky, strategic and generally able to read people.
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I hope all these people feel horribly guilty when they realise Jonny wasn’t a traitor.

Paul is right there!
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