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Now her Instagram says they were at the grande lakes JWMarriott. That’s my resort!!! F off Ellen. Now Marriott is letting any trash in ???? Wtf. That’s my place!
That's the way I feel when they step foot in my resort too. Then I remind myself that the place has seen worse.
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Timbo and Jennypoo here love to complain, I think they might tell us IF they were bold enough to try anything new that wasn't a burger, hotdog or carb. Then, if we can get past the closeups of them jamming food down their gullets with minimal chewing (thank god as it's been known to be open mouth) there's the problem in every review they try to do of them using the same terms a thousand times over.
Yuuuuup! Also some lame ass version of: “it’s not the worst thing but it’s not the best thing.”
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Tim is the only that gives him a bath. Puts him to bed at night. I think he’s more hands on honestly. Jenn has done a great job nursing the baby exclusively and with Tim putting him down he hasn’t become dependent on her to go to sleep. This is one area I think they are doing a great job.
Duly noted.
Who does what is up for speculation as we only see what they show us.

My genuine hope is that Jackson gets the care, love, nurturing and intellectual opportunities he deserves.
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Don’t watch TTT any more.
I count on recaps here.
I need someone to please clarify.

Was Jackson screaming @ Four Seasons?

What does 180 on COVID precautions mean?
Starting around the 12:00 minute mark, and off and on for the next minute and a half, you can hear him being a baby. It's not a full-on meltdown or anything (at least what is shown in the vlog) but again, if I'm out at brunch, especially at the Four Seasons which I imagine is pricey even by brunch standards, the last thing I'd want to have next to my table is a crying/screaming baby.
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Starting around the 12:00 minute mark, and off and on for the next minute and a half, you can hear him being a baby. It's not a full-on meltdown or anything (at least what is shown in the vlog) but again, if I'm out at brunch, especially at the Four Seasons which I imagine is pricey even by brunch standards, the last thing I'd want to have next to my table is a crying/screaming baby.
Oh - I hear what you hear. 12:00-12:10 I think that might be some other dining party making noise. Because you can hear a child say a few words and laugh and hear some adults talking a bit in the background - including a woman while Jenn was talking about tostones. I wonder if someone else was leaving or something as the Trackholes started talking. But I'd really not consider any of what I heard crying or screaming. 🤷‍♀️

ALSO - Ellen's here to save the day, Trackers!!! She did EXACTLY what you guys do! Who'd have guessed? :ROFLMAO:

Teairra Weiss
9 hours ago
I’ve never heard of parents saving toys for their kids. Is this a new concept? Will Tim’s family get mad you’re putting some away? Good job on the gingerbread house!

Donna 2020
Donna 2020
6 hours ago
I never did. As a Nana now, I say let them have their toys!!! That's what they were bought for. I would be offended if my daughter didn't let my g'baby have all the gifts I buy him for Xmas. It's our job to spoil them.

Joel Hagaman
Joel Hagaman
4 hours ago
Some of the toys are for ages 2 , 3, 6. Not safe if not Age appropriate. Also they get overwhelmed with too much . My mom would give toys with 100s of little pieces so we would keep them till older.

Ellen Smith
Ellen Smith
1 hour ago
We did that if our child got a lot,especially when he was that young. His grandparents never were mad, but everyone is different.
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Chatty Member
Top 5 TPP
1) Intellectually they peaked at 13, and really struggle to explain themselves
2) The unsuccessful attempts at humor.
3) The pathetic desperation of begging for comments, and video views.
4) Enough with the food!
5) The baby talk. Tim, a 40 year old man, told his adult audience that he had mashed pataties for Christmas.
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And, they purposefully filmed that stroller/queue clip as if they were exposing Disney for not being accessible. A real gotcha.
Hey, I've just been lurking here for a few months and agree with all of the assessments of these morons. But the stroller in the queue I can defend because we live locally and have been to Disney a lot since they reopened and this portion of the queue is new area for social distance. CMs have told us to keep the stroller until we're closer to stroller parking so they could have thought this was the case. But everything else they do indefensible.
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Tbh I wouldn’t be overly concerned with Jackson not speaking at this age. My son is an only child. Needless to say his dad and I picked up on his cues to figure out his needs. Thus giving him little reason to speak for himself. He was a little slow to start verbalizing but turned out fine. He’s almost five now and is a chatterbox from the moment he wakes up.
Hopefully, that is the case with the bojo’s. Hopefully.
Same here. My son is an only and he was always a little behind on most of his milestones, but he’s fine now. He’s 17, in advanced class and still relatively quiet. He speaks up when something is important but he is definitely an observer
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Tim has always given me effeminate vibes...

Who eats a cookie with two hands and waves like that?

Would answer so much if Jenn was Tim's Beard.
And I've always noticed his fingernails are much longer (and well-manicured) than every other straight man I've ever known. In fact, most straight men I know bite their nails. LOL
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The fact that Tiffany said that means she likely reads on here too.

I'm not sure of the timeline for our comments vs. her comment but we WERE talking about how this was such a mail-it-in vlog and why else would she make a statement about "quality content" out of left field? :unsure:

HI Ellen! Hi Tiffany Ann! Hi Random Stan(s) ! Hi Jenn! 🤣

Are they copying? If so, that's a low.
RixFlix also does similar content with RixFlix "Top 6" and his favorite things to do in various parts of the parks - notably he focuses the most on Universal.
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Yet the lady didn't know not to bring a double wide stroller into a queue? How much of a Disney expert can you be if you don't know that?

I thought Pete and Sean were currently together?

That "review" he did of Jambalaya at POFQ was a complete was so bad The Dis had to scrub it from their YouTube channel.
I honestly can't keep up with them, that's one of the reasons I stopped watching.

ETA: My daughter works for an older gay couple and tells me they informed her that is is not uncommon for couples to have additional love interests on the side, but they say they were not into that.

I'm just passing along what I heard. No judgement. Each to their own.
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Or maybe her horrible eating habits are finally catching up to her? For the kid's (and Jackson's) sake, I really hope she's not pregnant again
I was about to say the same thing! I used to eat the same way she does too many sweets, fried foods, large portions. I would get so sick that I finally went to a g.i who told me I had a shitty diet. I changed the foods I ate and I feel so much better. So when Jenn says she is going to diet and exercise I don’t believe her. It takes a lot of hard work- and it comes with failures as well. It took me almost a year to change my habits. At this point I don’t think she has it in her to commit to a diet that long.
Forgot to add- this all happened when I got gall bladder disease and had it removed. I slept all the time and felt like crap before I had it removed(off topic!)
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Chatty Member
I remember Jenn telling Tim that the audience favors him because they don't get her humor. She's had to adjust her online persona because she would get comments from people who didn't understand her. I wonder how much she's learned from all of this, and how much she's just suppressing. I like to think that they're slowly learning, but they've obviously got stubborn blinders on.
Do you all remember when they went to a state park, and Jenn read out a really racist one star review about it being overrun with aliens? People explained it to her in the comments, and she said she thought they were talking about aliens from space🤔. She left it up because it's no skin off her back. It starts at 14:25 I don't know how to timestamp it.
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no shoes on anyone...sickening

that’s so sad to me. I love my husband and I would never want to publicly embarrass him. Like what kind of fucked up marriage is this?!
My husband and I pick on each other and mess with each other but I would never want to shame him (even if it was subtle)
Yeah, or when she told people Tim was "single now" over a couch-measuring discussion? That Tim was actually doing in a logical manner and SHE (surprise! again!) was the one being a bitch blowing everything out of proportion. It wasn't even said in a teasing manner. I remember my then-BF (now DH) turning to me and saying - "Man, that was harsh." The look on Tim's face! Again - WHY leave shit like that in?
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haha! To be fair everyone deletes unfavorable comments. I mentioned him in another post. I don’t mind him- spoken to him on IG a couple times I appreciate he actually responds to people. I actually started watching him when I was beginning to get frustrated with TTT only covering Universal for a bit, which isn’t my fav. Again, he’s not my #1 but I don’t despise him as others do. Sorry!!! Lol
no it’s totally cool!! I don’t judge you at all! I just cannot stand the guy!!
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They are still at the Hotel, and they were told to get to breakfast before 9AM. I'm shocked they got up that early.

Tim shows us random buildings off in the distance that make up the Orlando Skyline.

Jesus they get to breakfast a little before 8AM...I'm legitimately shocked the Dairy Queen got up that early, then again if you tempt her with food she would get out of bed.

We get footage of Tim forcing Jack$on to color with crayons.

Jenn only ordered one thing for breakfast which shocks me....

So they cut and they are back in the room, and they put Jack$on down for a nap, and they are getting ready for lunch...ALREADY?

They are going to Disney Springs for Lunch to meet up with Friends....Jenn wants to eat at Wine Bar George....

Tim complains about how busy it is.

They go to Wine Bar George....

Whoever their friends are, they are not American, they are definitely English or Irish.

They ordered a shit ton of food...Jenn has 2 plates! Pork Pluma and Burrata.

They left Disney Springs because it was too crowded for Tim's comfort.

Now they are at Animal Kingdom, and they want to take Jack$on to pet the goats.

They just remember that park hopping started again today (Jan 1st)

Tim now spoiling Baby Yoda's Name. I guess he feels it's 2021 so they don't care if you don't know it.

They go to DIno-Rama to win Jack$on the last plush....

Tim says he didn't win anything, but they showed him winning at the Watergun game...Editing is hard!

They eat their Golden Champagne Marshmallows that they forgot to eat at Midnight.

Tim says it tastes like fancy Grape Juice Marshmallow....Jenn says it was a novelty and she wouldn't order it again.

Tim complains about having to fold up the stroller to get on the train to Rafiki's Planet Watch.

Tim is very enthused and entertained by the goats...

Tim wants to know the difference between a lamb and a sheep.

We learn all about different types of sheeps.

We then we see a pig.

Then there's an injured animal with a sock on her hoof.

They find some alpacas which Tim says he doesn't trust.

We get footage of Jack$on petting a sheep.

Jenn is among her people as the goats and sheep make random noises demanding to be fed.

The crowd is beginning to thin out because the park is closing in less than hour or so....Tim says it's the best time to be there.

Tim seems shocked that park hopping is dependent on availability.

They are back at the Hotel, and they ordered a Chocolate Lava Cake, and then BOOM JUMP CUT.

The Slackers are back home because they forgot to record an outro, because it's not like they've been vlogging for over a decade...

Tim says they didn't eat dinner...well no shit they ate like 10k calories for breakfast and lunch.

Tim wants to stay at that Marriot again, Jenn wants to stay so she can use their pool and lazy river facilities.

Their Time to Help Charity? The Disney Conservation Fund....and Jenn apparently has the giggles reading the description right off the website.
Baby Yoda’s name was revealed like a month ago now though. It’s way past needing a spoiler warning. My husband was spoiled on it the morning of, before we could watch the episode, on a Seinfeld meme Instagram account of all things. That was annoying and way too soon.
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You can get child reins which means that he wouldn't be able to go far but would have some freedom
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It doesn’t look like a Disney hotel to me... and the music playing during the fireworks is Ke$ha which doesn’t seem very Disney to me?!
I’m pretty sure it’s the 4 seasons looking at the pools and the colour and shape or the building she shows
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Honestly... isn't 12 hours of sleep considered unhealthy for an adult? And a baby? That's a LOT! Jeez... I thought 8 hours as a childless 30 year old myself was a lot.
Yeah, I get between 6 and 8 hours a night. On the off chance I sleep more and approach 9 (from a late night, etc.), it actually gives me a headache and makes me feel totally wonky. I have no clue how she wants or needs 12.
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