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If Lyn became Stanny Lean I wonder if some stupid dumbass stan will call her Bean?

Long live Stanny Bean!
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The thought of Ginn budgeting anything is laughable. This is the woman who got lost from the Disneyland hotel to the park. She probably can’t use excel!
She bought a jacket she thought was around $17 and it ended up being $180. Gin's the last person I'd trust handling money.
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They're both so fucking gross! Ginn made sure to finger each donut and then lick her fingers and keep fingering more donuts. But she also wants to pretend she washes dishes when she can't even wash her hands and they both think it's okay to touch and fondle every single thing around them.

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Craving vegetables (smothered in cheese and gravy and prosciutto and fatty dressing). Also your body is telling you it needs nutrients, stat.
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Ginn: "this week has been rough"

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WTF is pregnancy muscle memory? Does she think her body is just creating a big empty hole inside to make room? No honey, you are just a fat ass that eats too much crap.
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Timmy boy is pushing the stroller while holding the camera. Good god he enables her lazieness.
Ginnbo wants to get J$ a Lego vehicle to drive! Tim reminds her they have one he can drive. But it’s not like this she replies (like a typical spoiled child).
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I don't get what class has to do with it. If she wants to flaunt the goods and smoke a fat one, all the power to her.
Yeah, I don't care what she does as a lifestyle or whatever...

BUT as I have to share the road with her here in Central Fla, I'd rather not be seeing her IG stories, in the past, of her packed into a carload of girls not paying any attention to driving with them all smoking weed with open containers of liquor on display and being enjoyed.

Kinda wish she'd abstain from stupid shit like that.
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I'd be curious just how much liquid they have versus credit. Also their solar polar isn't going to be covered by their business expenses which is probably the panic. Probably have to dip into little Js community College fund.
If they are actually looking at their finances then they ate in panic mode. The year of over tye top trips didn't payoff like they thought it would. It was their Hail Mary to try to get their channel back to the peak numbers. Didn't work.
I'm betting we will see an equity loan for the solar panels.
2023 will be the year of downsizing as far as spending.
And I'm here for it all. 🍿

Yep. It'd be filled with the usual "I'm so sorry you guyyyzzzzz..."

Then followed up with - "....BUT it's just been so guyzzzz...being an adult and all..... so can you fund our lifestyle???"

Hey Trackers - 🖕 🖕 🖕
They have no self awareness so PLEASE I hope he's wearing his Gucci sweater when they announce their Patreon. And then pivet the conversation to their next vacation.
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The kid is still in diapers and still getting hand-fed hot dog pieces his nasty egg donor was squishing with her gross fingers. 🙄

But hey, at least he can say "8" in Chinese. Ginn found some Mandarin-speaking neighbors magically who confirmed he made enough sense, so obvi he's a genius.

(FWIW, if some white waddling chick in my neighborhood came up to me and had her little kid recite random shit to me in my native language and expected me to praise them, I'd have to seriously refrain from rolling my eyes. No one praised me for learning English as a second language and then speaking it better than people who are native English speakers 🥴).
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I can’t stop laughing at Jen’s favourite memory about Bandit is when the dog sitter took him to the beach
I had to include that because it was so WTF. Her favorite memories of J¢ are probably also when Lean took him somewhere without her.

Speaking of Bandit, she can miss me with her inauthentic BS about the dead dog. First, she thinks with getting another dog, she couldn't love it cause it's not Bandit, but also, what about Armani? Wasn't Armani considered more hers than Dim's? I feel like I had read at some point she got Armani when she was still with her ex?

Also, I hate it when she pulls her "I'm about to cry" phrase out. Look, you either start crying or you don't - who the fuck says "I'm about the cry" but doesn't even get watery-eyed? It sounds like some weird terrible actor method to try to psychologically convince yourself to start crying. It sounds SO fake whenever she announces she's going to cry but her eyes are dryer than Death Valley in the summer.

Also, I lost my soul kitty 3 years ago this month. I was absolutely completely gutted and still think about her every day. Simply starting to talk about her does not make me instantly start tearing up and I'm an emotional person. Sure if I spend awhile thinking about my memories with her, my tear glands will threaten to spill some tears, but just merely mentioning my cat doesn't cause me to be dramatic and feel like I need to announce I might start crying. 🙄 Everything just feels so fake with her. You know she was relieved when Bandit passed away. One less living being to take care of.
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Copy that.
From what they were saying in the past few vlogs I got the impression that they were staying home.
DJ did mention the cruise yesterday, but it didn’t appear that it was soon.

Like you, I have been monitoring the Halloween at Sea departures. And tomorrow is their last chance.
🤷🏻‍♀️ So who knows what’s going on.

I believe J$ is in a toddler bed
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Yea, I got that too. They acted like they'd be home. She really only has like 2-3 more weeks to sail before her 24 weeks. They sure are keeping us on our toes with this one. 🤣

Tim posted some weird pic of a skeleton on his instagram today. Me when I sneak a piece of Halloween candy. I didn't understand it, but I'm old.

The photo of him in the bed is creepy as hell. Showing the world your child like that is absolutely troubling to me because I know there a sick fucks out there with the same screenshot.
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Jenn really shouldn't be allowed to participate on these livestreams. Her useless babble goes along with her being a useless and lazy human being, mother, wife etc. Timmy needs to wrangle back his channel if he wants to continue doing this as his job. And they are bringing another child into this world - WOW! I know it's stated quite a bit on this thread but they would have been better off childless. They went to Legoland, right next door is Peppa Pig, they know their son likes the dinosaur ride there, they are pass holders - oh, we ran out of time. UGH!!!! it's the blueberry story all over again.
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I'm playing catch up here. I think it's completely irresponsible to video ANY of the gymnastics session for monetization. I can easily look up exactly where the gym is, less than 2 miles from their house. You can easily figure out which day this was filmed (I'm not going to post it) to know which day his class is. Come on Trackers---think of the safety of your child.

If my kid was in that class, I would 100% be complaining that he was videoing and putting it on YouTube. Even though the faces of the other people aren't there, it's creepy as fuck.
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It’s insane how fast they replaced her. I think Tim is terrified of baby #2 coming, as he should be considering Jenn’s level of functioning.
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Ginn in the live: "I don't listen to reels with the sound on."
I mean, I don't watch every reel with the sound on, but that kind of defeats the purpose of bothering to watch most reels.

Ginn on not liking Taylor Swift: "I don't know, I guess I'm not like going through the same stuff she's going through, so I just didn't relate, I guess?"
But... you relate to a 20-something British guy singing about... "watermelon sugar". Okaaaaay. You don't have to relate to a musician to like their music Ginn, but you wouldn't understand as a narcissist. I don't listen to T Swift either, but she could just say, "I don't listen to Taylor" and be done with it instead of continuing to make herself look even more stupid and snotty just to appease her brain-dead stans.

"glamour" shots 🥴🤢
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It’s so weird how they have lost complete touch with how regular people live when they were barely getting by like maybe 5-6 years ago. I guess it’s because they never had a kid and a real job at the same time.

The second kid is going to crush them. Two is so much harder than one. Oh I mean more FUN as Jenn would say (for Tim)
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Lots more home vlogs coming up, says Jenn. Trip coming up, and they are in between nannies (Bea hasn't started yet) - they are trying to do "everything on their own" and vlogs to do before their trip, so it has been "kind of a lot" says Jenn. 💩
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Jenn says this in the NYC vlog @26:18. "I'd like to have another babeeeee...."

View attachment 1682656

And this is Tim's look immediately after she says it - :ROFLMAO:

View attachment 1682658

Whew! So much for that infertility! Glad that's been magically cured!

They really should have their own TLC show. I mean, who else can claim that for 10+ years they were completely infertile, and cannot have children under any circumstances (so don't ask them about it!!!), and then miraculously gets pregnant TWICE within 3 years. And all this without the help of a doctor?!? I mean we have to be talking about divine intervention here. This story is ripe for a TLC shitshow like John and Kate Plus 8!
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There is no way in heck I would hire a nanny so I could “edit” like Jenn. I would definitely pick the editor. (Not saying this is true for all jobs) But she’s not even doing any creative, high-quality editing.

The thing is she’s tricked Tim into thinking she needs 8 hours a day of childcare to edit. Really she’s just faffing about for probably more than half of it.
This makes too much sense. Hire an editor and take care of your own child!!!!! Soon to be children! Most people would kill to have their schedule and care free, whimsical lifestyle. They don’t even care enough to plan content, do a little research, and put out a good product. She has said several times, “we just film what we want.”

(I have been reading for a bit, but just now decided to post. I began watching the channel many many years ago planning our first disney trip. She wasn’t in those, and I never watched the home vlogs….really don’t understand those. Who cares! They lost me when they got a “nanny” and started bringing her on trips! Weird. But, what sealed the deal, was the cruise with that Chris Pratt guy. The nanny took J$ to change his diaper, and Tim and Jenn stayed at the table! Mind blown!!)
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