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1) they couldn’t even line up the eyes right on that costume. Also put a white shirt underneath instead of that blue one. Lol

2) noticed the family they were with kept prompting their kids to say thank you when they got candy. Not these bozos.

3) she seriously has no motherly instincts. Like none at all. i love how Jackson questioned her eating stuff out of his basket lol
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Jen really cannot just let J have a moment, can she?? Tim shows off the bucket and costume in the first 30 seconds of the video, and Jen butts in, "I'm also wearing a costume!" Really, Jen? I couldn't tell that your DOG EAR HEADBAND was a costume.

Jenn tells the little boy who was hesitant about sticking his hand in the box. Kylo Ren would not be afraid of orbeez. You know what Jenn, fuck you, you are literally afraid of everything. There are many people (not just kids) who have sensory things and cannot touch things they can't see, or slimey, or wet, or just fuck you Jenn. You have absolutely no right, he's not your kid, leave him alone. (Side note: I actually think J$ said it felt like boogies not orbeez. Wet like boogers.)
I thought this was so cruel of her to say to this kid! She probably thought she was being reassuring and talking to him on his level, but she really has no idea how to talk to children - judging from the way he looked at her, he seemed to think she was out of line as well. She is CONSTANTLY minimizing things she perceives as weaknesses in children and doing it right in front of them. She does this with J all the time when commenting about things he does "badly", and now it seems she won't hold back on other kids, either.
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Sending J. to daycare would also require him to be dropped off and picked up at the same time every day he attended - which cramps their style.

Jenn also wouldn't be able to blame J. for the fact that she can't edit the vlogs in a timely manner - thus requiring the nanny (who also assists them when they go places in caring for their one and only child).

And at this point, Jenn can't lose (won't lose) the perk of being the tertiary caregiver to J.
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She wants to start driving again. She said that during last NYE. Spare me with your bullshit goals, Ginn.

Apparently Ginn only looks at the car ahead of her and nothing else further ahead when she used to drive?? 🥴
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Go to like 15:45 in the new video. Tim is speaking on camera about the filet, and suddenly at 15:52 there's a creepy voiceover of him saying "nice and tender". I've watched it like 10 times. I can't stop laughing.
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I was thinking this. "guys we are just doing fine but if you could give us a few dollars it would really show your support."

She is gone and they hired a new nanny right away. I can only imagine they had her sign some nda though they said she would still be around to babysit on the weekends.
Yep. It'd be filled with the usual "I'm so sorry you guyyyzzzzz..."

Then followed up with - "....BUT it's just been so guyzzzz...being an adult and all..... so can you fund our lifestyle???"

Hey Trackers - 🖕 🖕 🖕
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Oh goodie, Jenn is going to start to drive again and now we are getting the panic attack while driving story. I’m sorry, I don’t feel sorry for her and this supposed anxiety. One panic attack made her essentially home bound for years and years?

Driving and stores bring on her anxiety 🤣

She’s going to work up to it. She mentioned this in January. How much longer do you need?
Someone just mentioned the golf cart!!!!
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Holy shiitake mushrooms, Batman! I turn my back for five minutes and Nanny McLean's done a runner? Maybe that Reddit post WAS her after all.

As for 'B', well...Good luck. :)
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The thought of Ginn budgeting anything is laughable. This is the woman who got lost from the Disneyland hotel to the park. She probably can’t use excel!
She probably can't even spell excel. The only "XL" she knows is her tshirt size from 3 years ago.
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🙋‍♀️ Oh.
And I need suggestions to add to the saboteurs list.

Saboteurs of Tim Bojanowski


• 3 Unwell people

• Banana peel

• Magic Kingdom Castle curb

• Stationary bike

• Cough (hernias)

• Universal HHN

• Target

• Harmony Barbershop

• DCL Wish Entertainment

• DCL Dining Table Coordinators

• DCL Wish Oceaneer Club slide

• Rain

• Lake Nona HOA



• Molly (Mammoth Club)

• Radio Disney

• Delta Airlines

• DCA rides

• Hurricane Ian

• DL CM - re: Oogie Boggie munchling
Lynn, for leaving them unexpectedly and forcing them to have a very stressful week trying to find a new nanny.
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Every time I turn my back, they knock again. 😭

Had a kid dressed as Dahmer which was, uh, a choice. Asked who they were and he goes, 'I'm a serial killer.' 💀
The Dahmer's are upsetting to me. You want to be a serial killer go as Freddie or Jason. Jeffrey Dahmer was a real serial killer with real victims with real families that are still alive.
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I'm sorry, I've had panic attacks, and I can't even imagine just completely QUITTING MY JOB which pays my bills after ONE PANIC ATTACK.

What. the. fuck.
Well, you are an independent person who can take care of yourself. She has Tim enabling the shit out of her, literally. He probably said, "Sure, you don't have to go to work again. No problem." 🙄

I have an issue medically that made me get anxiety over driving for a short time.. I got over it because I had to continue living life AND working AND parenting my kids and driving them places. She is infuriating. 🖕

So did Jenn get an anxiety attack while parenting and that is why they brought a nanny in to do it? Seriously.
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couldn't even be assed to put a white t shirt on underneath. and it had a dot on the top of his head from her fucking up the eyes before. shameless blobs.
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I skipped to the costume part too. Holy crap Gin, how far apart do you think your son’s eyes are? That was a freaking disaster for such an easy costume. I almost think they sabotaged it so he can wear a costume of their choice instead.
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They couldn't have gotten any fucking lazier with that costume if they tried. We joked about it, and they literally did the exact thing we talked about on here with the 1950's "sheet with eye holes cut out". These dumbfuck parents get worse by the day.
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Them opening a Patreon would be peak comedy. They spent all of 2022, well, spending and for what? Their views still continue to downward spiral, the novelty of a cruise wore off after the first one and they're going to end up at a point where paying for views may just not be viable (I believe it was suspected further up they haven't been lately).

Their spending habits this year don't scream 'family preparing for their second child'. They were more irresponsible than ever. And, now, with Gid£on on the way (or whoever), their overall spending's only going to go up. I can't wait to see how they crash and burn in '23.
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