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this is what I was going to say too

Are we sure that the educator actually spends the night? Maybe she just works like 10-7 and drives herself to wherever they are. It’s not like any of these overnight locations have been far.
I thought about that, too, but we know Jenn sleeps until like noon so that would mean Tim would be up and have J alone between like 6-10 and I find it hard to believe that we would never have any footage from that time frame. The King and Queen of Flexing would never miss an opportunity to flex their prop performing for them since the early morning footage they always had pre nanny was T&J eating breakfast and then T having him perform his genius.
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I don’t want to heighten your anxiety but…

the parks have been PACKED and it’s not even spring break…

mid March is prime spring break season so just brace yourself

with that being said, Disney is trying to take precautions but let’s face it, for the most part people do whatever the fuck they want

sorry to be a “wet blanket” of sorts but im just being honest
I'll second this comment. We were there Friday-Sunday and it was an absolute mess crowd wise.

Cast members do a great job reminding people about masks covering nose and mouth indoors, but many those people don't seem to listen. Those that do, pull them up, pull them right back down when they pass whoever told them. The monorail was the absolute worst with mask compliance. People are gross. Lots were hacking and sniffling/sneezing.

We stayed at All Star Movies this weekend, because that was the only room under $1000 available. We got a refurbished room in the Toy Story building and it was very, very nice. They replaced the carpeting with laminate, I think the carpeting is the gross part of hotels, especially hotels with doors that open to the outside. We've also stayed at Dockside and aside from how long the Starbucks line was no matter what time of day, I really, really liked it there. I'm not one to pay a ton for a room if we aren't going to be spending most of our time at the resort. A bed and a shower is all I really need.
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Typzee Teepee

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I’m starting to think this woman is more of a personal assistant. They would never say that, so they came up with the educator excuse because technically they probably asked her to work with him. She may be a babysitter overall, but I just have a feeling she’s been hired to do whatever they need…just in time for Tim’s upcoming surgery too. 🤷‍♀️
Ooh.....maybe they can get her to clean the house!
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Spend 100 hours making some likeness of said child (that was in the NASA comments on IG)
Want to rent a hotel room with the child in it
Make death threats towards child
Scary. What are the details on these occurrences?
Do they shadowban these people or just "critics"?

Also, people have mentioned j$'s witch hands, what's that about?
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Are we sure it’s not the same girl as before and maybe she lightened her hair because that girl wore converse a lot as well. I mean yeah they’re popular shoes I wear them but still I’ve wondered if it was the same girl

I don’t think it’s the fact that this person is fascinated with her shoes I think it’s the fact that these people think that if they complement her enough that she will start being in the Vlogs too. Don’t do it Lynn!
They seemed to be different, IMHO. The one had different hair color, I thought (?) and was wearing an old Nirvana t-shirt and jeans. (also wore the scrunchie around her wrist a lot). This one seems to dress a bit more stylish (? using the term loosely ?) for being out w/ the Trackholes but I'm not sure. She also has the diamond stud in her nose and her profile seemed different. But I dunno. Maybe someone can find the old footage of Nanny #1 - who they never named.
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I don't get onboard with any excuse to cheat. If you want to date, don't be married.
That being said...odd that Gin hires a version of herself to replace her role in the house as mother and matriarch so she can "live her best life" being free of responsibilities. #YOLO #FOMO #HousewivesofOrlando
maybe Bojo Poppins will be their surrogate since that’s what the rich reality stars do 🙄
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Just an observation from this Mom - does anyone else notice that the way she talks to Jackson is the same sort of way a grandparent or Aunt talks to a toddler - sweet voiced, asking them over and over if they love something...."do you love it?" or "What's your favorite?" followed by fake sounding laughter. She talks to him like she's visiting him. She doesn't seem to talk to him like he's hers. I find it weird.
OMG! I said the exact same thing in the last thread! It’s sooooo awkward. You can physically hear the lack of connection. It makes me so sad.
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I also wonder, do they not have any pride in their belongings? It makes me feel so good when my things are tidy and I can find whatever I need ASAP
Me too! I am super organized and pride myself on the fact that you can come to my house at any time and it won't be a disgusting mess. I also never end up buying multiples of anything because I know where all my stuff is and can get to it with ease. These two, however... well, I really want to see the state of that walk-in closet of theirs. Or maybe I don't...

I’m a stay at home mom and I am not on camera ever and even I wake up, wash my face, do my skincare routine, and at the very least put some mascara and lip gloss/lipstick on. Some days I even play with foundation and bronzer for fun.

I will admit, I wear leggings and a t-shirt on days when I'm not leaving the house
Exactly! I don't work, so I'm home during the day but I still shower and wash my hair every day. I live in leggings and sweatshirts (I'm in the midwest and I'm always cold), but I change them every day because ew, why wouldn't I? And I have special "going out" clothes I wear for a run to the store because people are nasty and I'm not going to lounge around in my house in the same clothes I wore out in public.

We aren't crazy with money. I HATE shopping. Admittedly, have my splurges. We both have nice jobs in a big field that pays well.
That being said, our mentality of spending and the Slackers are in two different spectrums.
I know we have long term savings goals as we put that first. There is no way in the world I would burn money on the stupid shit they do to flex.
There is no way they have a long term plan with the wild spending we see on camera and the short life span of their "career" of choice.
I won't elaborate, but damn. They definitely are just living in the moment.
This is the part I think bothers me the most about them - it seems like they are just spending all their money without any regard to the future. My husband and I have worked hard (well, when I was working, that is) to build up a nice nest egg so we won't have to want for anything. We are pretty frugal considering our income, but a huge medical situation in the future could easily wipe out a ton of savings. I'd rather not spend excessively now to feel more secure in my financial future.

Also, I personally have become turned off to shopping in general since the pandemic started. I was never a big spender, but I don't enjoy browsing anymore. I shop my list and I GTFO. I'm by no means a minimalist, but I've developed a "I have enough" mindset, something these two have no clue about considering the state of their home. I don't care how much you love your kid, they don't need that many toys. How is J supposed to appreciate anything when there's so much? It's overwhelming just to look at, I cannot imagine living in it.
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I don’t think Paging Mr.FlopSweat actually stayed in the house. He just deposited his sweat and odor (kind of like Greaseball The Clown) into every room and left.

Jenn is becoming the female version of PMM except slightly less sweaty and red. Laughing at every goddamned thing for NO REASON

I would like to answer this question before I need to go pour bleach into my brain

Step 1: run to the store and grab yourself a can of Vienna Sausages

Step 2: Return home and throw a single sausage down your widest hallway one at a time until you’ve run out

Step 3: Shout “HOLY MACARONI” and run crying to the commode
Make sure you scream Vy-enna while sausaging...

Also, her inappropriately placed Hahahahahahaaaas are becoming a nervous tick.
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I am honestly blown away. There was a 2400 sq. ft. single family home in my area that sold for $1 million recently ($150K over asking price). The kicker is that it was completely burnt down and gutted. 😆
Yup. The land is what is valuable.

I could swear they said it has 12 bedrooms and more than 3 bathrooms
I believe they did.
The new owners mod'd the hell out of that house. It would have been fine to leave it as it was and rent it out, but nope...
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Oh man I need stores to do that different baskets thing for sure. My mom will literally hail a salesperson and spend an agonizing 20 minutes asking them questions I could have easily answered 🤣🤣

@Galorious I believe posted!! I’m dying to go to Scotland!
Oh god when my mum wants a sales person am just standing there like "why do you hate me" 😂 she spends a ridiculous amount of time talking to them

And thanks, my memory is the same capacity as a fish 😂 it has been a while since I was in Edinburgh, after lockdown I didn't want to go near the place since its always a bit busy, I used to go weekday mornings if I could as the weekends are a huge nope, between the crowds an falling over every second person's suitcase like hell nah

Also make sure you're packed for winter if you come to Scotland, even if its summer 😂😂

There's also a ton of places here you can hike as well an unlike those two baffoons you can at least say you did a REAL hike 😉
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I grew up with two very loving, amazing, and supportive parents, but we've never been an overly affectionate family, so Ginn coming in hot with the over-the-top smothering of kisses and trying to hold on to her son is especially jarring to me. I've only been smothered like that by great-great-aunts and other distant relatives who I saw every now and then and barely knew, and I wasn't a fan. I smother my cats with affection (they're clingy lap cats so they like it) but with my nephew who is old enough to express himself, I tend to ask him if I can give him a hug (he went through a fist bump phase with everyone for a couple of years and is only just recently initiating hugs on his own).

The way she uses her son for affection only when it suits her, it just feels so disingenuous and manic, like she thinks this is what moms are supposed to do. It doesn't look natural at all, and I know we've all pointed this out, I just can't get over how gross I find it. I'd rather she just not even pretend to be an involved doting mother than this fake crap.
Exactly! So well said!
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Right, we aren’t expecting her to do full glam for a fucking vlog. Just some effort to look pulled together!

I’m a stay at home mom and I am not on camera ever and even I wake up, wash my face, do my skincare routine, and at the very least put some mascara and lip gloss/lipstick on. Some days I even play with foundation and bronzer for fun.

I will admit, I wear leggings and a t-shirt on days when Im not leaving the house
Exactly! It’s taking pride in yourself. I will never understand looking this rough when you film a video. It’s not like she was being caught off guard. I know I’d at least be like hold on, I need to pull my hair back better lol.

I had to watch this train wreck of a house, double speed, even that was too slow.
Nothing to note other than :sick: :sick: 🤮

Why? OMFG. What a waste of space.
You know I could see having some kids rooms a little crazy and fun and maybe a subtle sports theme throughout like some autographs or whatever, but there was just too much going on.
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Pretty sure Tim only cared about TikTok to try to get noticed and in the Disney Influencers club Disney was setting up. He only followed Disneyparks. I don't think they considered him cool enough for it. 🤣🤣🤣

Then he stopped posting on there after posting a ton for weeks and weeks.
Which is to say, he gave up without finishing the job. Typical Tim.

He has to rework his channel to fit the modern expectations: society is looking for more good info packed into shorter time frames. Even if TikTok isn't the venue Tim wants to be on, it's happening everywhere.

The message is time is valuable, don't waste it.
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