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Active member
My husband just died laughing and showed me the picture of Tim farting bubbles. He goes Why would Jenn take that picture!! I think it’s worse that Tim actually posted it on his own!
Haha!!! I totally thought someone photoshopped the ass bubbles in. An aftermarket enhancement, if you will.
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Isn't that the peace sign?
In my opinion they don't have a nanny. Never have, never will. Even if they wanted one they're afraid of everyone and are just too cheap.
Peace sign is the other way, that’s the rude way. Is it not in America? What about the middle finger, that’s ‘flipping the bird’ in America isn’t it?
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Chatty Member
Michael Kay is there too. So it's basically everyone got a reservation but them? Lol or they lied because they're thinking they're better and don't want to deal with the crowds.
Michael Kay has a post on Instagram and he has been invited to the media event. He is wearing his badge and is showing a little plate of food. It will be interesting to see which other vloggers have that invite, too.
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New member
Jenn really wishes they would've told them that before they got them


Sure Jan 🙄View attachment 638915
I was gonna comment on that, with something like: "what? Hating the fact they are in Disney and complaining. No thanks." Lol. Decided it wasn't worth my time.

What the actual fuck 😳 I would have screenshot that and turned that person into authorities
I have a screenshot.. but I'm from the uk. So theres no way I can turn them in.
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VIP Member
Jenn looks like she is melted and poured into those biking shorts.

Tim did all of those walking tours of the resorts and didn't understand that each resort has a running path marked on the map.

Every day is a cheat day for Tim.

Why doesn't Tim know Sarge's hut is a quonset hut.

Jenn does not appear to watch any movies or cartoon shorts with Jackson. She evidently can't tear herself away from reality TV.

They don't seem to know that the only standard hotel rooms at AoA is in the Little Mermaid section. Yes Jenn, Cars and Lion King are family suites. Great research you did before your millionth staycation.

Tim wants to know why Lightning McQueen doesn't have a license plate. I don't know Tim. Probably because he's a race car? How many race cars do you see that have license plates?

Jenn walking around the resort you can really see that tummy of hers.

Please don't sing Tim. You suck.

Their food was definitely cold by the time they traveled back to AoA from OKW.

These people are so afraid of rain I don't understand why they live in Florida.

Oh my God Tim. You don't have to explain what white gravy is. You must think people are stupid. Hey, I know neither one of you idiots know how to make it. Probably everybody in Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas learn how to make this gravy from birth. And Jenn, it isn't because it is a breast that there are no bones in it, it is because it is a BONELESS chicken breast. Have you never bought chicken on the bone?

Tim needs another beard trim.
Not a good look ...

2021-06-27 (4).png
  • Sick
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Chatty Member
Well, they failed to meet the requirements of part 4 above.
Especially with...
• Saratoga Springs Treehouse (9)
•. Copper Creek Cascade Cabins (8)
• Polynesian Bungalows (9)
( ) = number of people it sleeps
Also, they have had more stays than once per quarter.
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Well-known member
I have so many thoughts about the video

Tim woke up at 6am, ordered breakfast for the 3 of them, went to go pick it up, at some point got Jackson up ALL before Jenn rolls out of bed. She woke up at least 1.5 hours after Tim, and she made a point to say it was early for her…..

They go all the way to Hollywood studios to eat lunch and do 0 rides, just two of the little shows.

They go back and have pool time. They drive all the way to Old Key West just to order their food to-go. Because they “had planned” to go to Disney springs but decided against it.

I want to point out that Tim in ONE day, consumed the Bounty Platter breakfast, ANOTHER burger, a large cookie, Fried Chicken from Olivias, and then a Mickey Premium Bar because it was his “cheat day” 🥴

I’ve never seen two people accomplish absolutely nothing for an entire staycation.

I've also noticed how negative they've gotten in their reviews since they are paying for everything. 🤣
Such a waste of a Hollywood studios reservation. I knew they were setting it up to leave after that long lunch because of course it was nap time. When Tim said maybe they'd come back later there was no chance. They clearly hate the parks at this point and only do things in them if its quick and convenient for them.

Its like they've given up trying to do anything else. If you look through their most viewed videos the top is a SeaWorld kraken vr coaster then 2 non park ones. HHN then 2 more non park ones. 4 of their top 6 videos are non park related. Theres plenty more scattered throughout those top videos. Golfing, go karts, conventions, etc. Idk why Tim isn't out filming anything thats going on in central Florida just to see what hits. You never know what the next big video will be. I guarantee he didn't expect the Crayola one to explode the way it did. I get Disney and Universal are consistent views but break away once or twice a week for something different. And I don't mean another staycation hotel tour.
I've notice they've become negative within this last year. The rooms a negative the foods negative. Guess paying for everything is too much for them.
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Is there a ResortTV1 thread? Anyways I will admit that as annoying as I find them sometimes I do watch them from time to time. Mostly because they do actually shoot the park with limited selfie time.

I did happen to watch the video of Jenna explaining why they didn’t have kids and how hard they have tried for years and years to have a family. It was honestly kind of tough to hear. It felt genuine too, not like J2D mysterious undiagnosed infertility. So it kind of changed my perception of them a little bit. Still find them annoying with the constant chatter and super chats, but I guess you have to channel your energy somehow.
Are they teachers? I feel like they’ve said that before but I could totally be wrong.
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VIP Member
Reading through the recent posts about Jackson's safety reminded me about an event that happened many years ago when I was a CM at a park up north.

A little girl was separated from her parents. The entire team was alerted to this as she was a special needs kid. The couple who abducted her. Oh my. Something out of deliverance. Anyway, the girls hair was cut and dyed. Clothes were changed. Appearance was now of a boy.

All available CM's formed a wall around the park exit area. The couple nearly escaped with the childfrom the park interior to the parking lot. A keen eyed CM noticed black dye on the back of this child's neck.

It was a very scary day for all involved but thankfully the child was reunited with her parents ❤

I do hope Tim and Jen read these threads. Things can happen quickly. They should blur out his face in the vlogs imo.
This made me sad, I know I sound emo but honestly this world isn’t somewhere I’d want to bring children into.
That’s why I can’t believe the trackers show off Jackson so much, with their rabid fans it’s not a good idea :(
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Chatty Member
I can relate, my Grandfather had the only barber shop in the podunk town I grew up in. The whole place was maybe 10 x 15. I would help him clean up at the end of the day. He would always tell me to look for the ears of bad boys that squirmed in the chair. Being 4 or 5 I believed him. He had a fake ear in a jar on one of the shelves so that helped sell the reality.
I fat fingered this post. The shop was about 20 x 15
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Chatty Member
Someone thought the man to the left of her was Craig Williams. If that is Craig I'm wondering if this is Craig's wife. I think her name is Kyleigh? Whoever she is she stepped in front of Tim while he was putting his camera gear away and she took a photo with her phone.
I want to see Craig’s video before I say for sure. I don’t think its Kylie, but I’m not 100% sure. Also the man to,the left ps hair is too dark to be Craig.
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Active member
Who is the chick timmy tight pants is chatting up in MK’s live stream? Starts about 28:51

Jenny2Dinners is not going to be happy once she see this. Last time Timmy will be allowed out on his own.
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I did watch Resort TV1 stream last night of the fireworks. They at first annoyed me with all the SuperChats; but they actually stayed quiet the entire time during the fireworks. I watched someone else do the CM preview a few nights ago and he would not shut up and sang along with it. Grrrrrrr.

I stopped watching after the fireworks ended. I did see the post with Tim with that "media" badge. I agree with the others that he was a guest.
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VIP Member
The Trackers are about status and to them a nanny would be status symbol. As for Jenn being lazy... yeah, that's why she'd have a nanny.
it's not status if nobody knows about them? :unsure:
I think tell tale signs there's no nanny - Messy House, all the staycations, Jack$son lagging in speech etc
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Jenn wanted to get a button for Jackson to celebrate that he is 19 months old. I thought they had stopped doing that. Tim, people have known FOREVER that you can take the puck out of the magic band. Tim and Jenn can't agree on how many times Jackson has watched Luca. I can't believe they were going to waste a reservation just to go and see if Casey's and Harmony barbershop were open, do a little shopping at the Emporium and then leave.

because they looked like they were only there for an hour.

"Lets go to Disneyworld and just look in 1 shop and get some dinner"
And if it weren't for the fact they could get a last minute reservation at Crystal Palace they wouldn't have hung around for lunch since Casey's was closed. They will be back tomorrow (because of course they have another reservation) to eat at Casey's and you know they will make a reservation for July 1 because they heard Harmony barbershop will be open.
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