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3 more sleeps until the cruise and I'm looking for some more advice...

How many eggs should I try to eat each morning for breakfast to keep up with my fellow cruisers? Now, keep in mind, I'm an early riser, even on vacation and Cabanas doesn't really start serving until 7/7:30, but I think I can get at least 2, maybe 3 breakfasts in before lunch. Should I try to get a full 12 eggs in at first breakfast or should I pace myself and do 6 at first breakfast and 6 at second breakfast? And of course, it will be eggs benedict at every breakfast every day.

Also, Mickey bars. Should I try for 4 each day? I want to win the Mickey bar eating competition! I'm not staying in the Walt Suite or concierge....but I know a guy.

And does anyone know where I can go to bitch about cookies or lack there of?
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Brokeback Mountain: Cruise Edition.

I'm guessing she's having their second dinner or trying to get some zzzs after an exhausting day of shrimpies. @xmasbdaygirl was this after the first dinner service?
We have early dinner. I did not see them in our dining room. This was after early dinner. There was no show tonight. Tim and Mike were walking towards the club district when I saw them. That’s all I’m going to say, but I can confirm that they were not drinking. He looked like a moron with that fucking hat though. I can’t say this enough times but I hope he keeps wearing it because it makes him easy to spot.

I still have not seen Jenn or the children. It was clear to me that Tim was looking for Jenn during the Sail Away show. He has a disgusted look on his face. I did not see her. And I was looking where he was looking.
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I was watching The DIS instagram live as the Magic just pulled into Lighthouse Point for the preview cruise. Guys---Jenn is going to lose her mind when she sees how long the walk is from the ship to the island. She might have to pull the---can't you see I'm pregnant and need a ride--bit she pulled on Castaway Cay.
Hey Ginn, I hope you bought some really good walking shoes while you were at Disney Springs. :ROFLMAO:

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Anyone else thought it wasn't the fact that OG didn't like cheese but he didn't get to put on the cheese which is what caused his meltdown. I would not have made him another meal if I would've been J4D. But then again, if I was J4D everyone would be eating the same thing except for maybe Ollie.
I mentioned it earlier. That's exactly what happened. J$ asked to do the parmesan cheese. She said he could do it tomorrow. Then she declared that he didn't like parmesan and had to redo the plate. He didn't ask for it specifically and then 30 seconds later decide he didn't like it. Especially if that is the only meal the kid seems to eat.

I really don't understand how she put the plate in front of J$. Then redid J$ plate. Then she went and made Da Baby's plate. Then she cooked Tim's meal for 7 minutes. Then while Tim ate, she made her meal, probably another 7 minutes. Who the hell does dinner that way? You make all the food. You make all the plates. You all sit down and eat the food and chat about your day, plans for know, family time. This is not rocket science. These people are insane.
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and for you pulling ‘double duty’ - you should be ashamed of yourself. I have been blessed to be a mom now for over 30+ years and never once did I feel it was my duty. We chose to have kids and they continue to be my pride and joy, not my duty. I know this is my ’go to’ line but those 2 boys deserve better. REAL HUGS and KISSES, not just camera ready ones.
The double duty line reminds me of when she was lamenting that she was "stuck" at home with Oliver nursing while Tim was out and about, because she said she "knew what she signed up for." :mad:

Those are NOT the words of a (previously) infertile woman.
(which we knew was a lie)

The fact that there are still stans that buy her / their bullshit is beyond me.
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Not going to do a full recap because hopefully one of our epic versions from @pkd81 soon (really, I look forward to reading those each thread) but here's a gif recap of what you missed



OG Buddy
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Havok Karlsberg

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Buddy walks around the house eating a sandwich dropping crumbs. Rather than make him sit, or better yet clean up the crumbs himself, Tim grabs the camera and they have a laugh about it.

Later on, Buddy tells Jen he'll be having a second S'mores and she just laughs about it. That kid is a complete brat. I could have gone either way with this but,

TT: The only thing worse than our diet is our child.
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I guess it’s a plus that J$ at least wearing matching shoes in the pics.
Going to brag for a moment because Dim loves winning so much. My 7year olds 8U team played up in a 10U hockey tournament this weekend. The team we played in the championship were huge and played super physical with a lot of hits. Our little guys hung in there and beat them 8-5. Was a tense nail biter. Can’t take a pic of my son’s medals display without doxing myself, but I can safely guarantee it would make Dim sooo jealous. Too bad they can’t act like normal parents and get him into a sport. Maybe some rules and structure would calm him down.
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At the end, Jenn reveals that Jackson is refusing to take pictures unless he wants his picture taken.

Ah, one day closer to Jackson taking Tim’s camera and backing over it with a car.
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Isn’t it funny that these 2 morons read here and then make a home voog about what some folks talk about. Using their outdoor kitchen, sitting together for dinner. Man if that’s all you have for content, that’s pretty sad.

oh and btw: Hi Jenn - you still suck. 🤣 🤣
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So they don’tget in the pool because Jackson doesn’t want to?!? Wtf! Maaaaan Fuck them kids lol

you can sit here and watch “mommy, and daddy, and baby brother” have fun in the pool. I bet within a minute he’d be fully submerged in the water, or he can sit there being a grouch while being ignored. I refuse to reward bad behavior.

seriously, wtf is he going to do while they got in the pool besides sulk for a few minutes. Once he realizes they are having fun and he’s not, he will get his act together.

I had a kindergartner this past school year. The biggest brat bc she’s thelight of her parents eyes, and only child. She would throw fits all the time.

Once we are playing a game, she wanted to do something else but the kids all voted for the game, yep she threw a fit, we ignored that behavior and continued with the game. Once she realize her tantrum doesn’t work outside of her home, she would eventually join her friends.

They need to realize the domino effect of allowing him to dictate everything. That attitude doesn’t just stay in the house, it goes to school, it goes to ballet practice, it goes to the basketball team, their friends could suffer because once again your child is having a bitch fit and is taking attention from all the other kids.
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I have to stick up for male mental health month. Men die from suicide at a rate four times that of women. I’ve had two male relatives off themselves in the past ten years and no one, and I mean no one, ever had a clue they were hurting. So I do think it’s good to talk about these issues.
Sad club we're in together. :cry: My DH's two brothers killed themselves within a three-month span last year.

Both had issues that everyone was well aware of, but never expected them to off themselves. You also couldn't get them to help themselves; they wouldn't take your help and they wouldn't acknowledge they needed it. Sometimes, there's no helping the situation, no matter how hard you try.

Now Nick, on the other hand, just strikes me as attention-seeking bc none of our family members, I'm sure, were posting shit on IG all the time about it.
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Jen says people in the comments always ask why they never use their own pool since Jackson loves the resort pools. Granted, I don't read all their comments, but I don't recall a bunch of people mentioning that--maybe those are comments she deletes. But we obviously say it here all the time. :unsure:

Also, Tim mentioned comments about "Algebra" (also something we made fun of him here for) and I didn't remember which vid that was from to check comments so I went to look at vids from last week and noticed that comments have been removed from the "4 Year Old Plans My Theme Park Day". :unsure: , again.
Oh, I'm pretty sure every time she says "people in the comments" she's referring to us.
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Why doesn’t she batch cook & freeze, or use a slow cooker? She could throw ingredients in before they go out for the day and come home to a hot meal, or just defrost something. Because she doesn’t want to, she just can’t be bothered. This goes way beyond laziness & fomo. How does she think people who work shifts manage? Her sense of entitlement is off the charts and getting worse.
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They have two kids!!!!!!!! You can't expect them to do their job!!!!!!

The hits keep on coming over there today.

Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 3.19.50 PM.png
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JFC. Jackson looks like he got dressed out of the lost and found bin at an all girls school. That shirt looks like shit and is completely mis-shaped. They dress him as if they hate him.
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@xmasbdaygirl have a wonderful vacation!! May you be blessed with great weather, fun times and lots of Tracker tea. I'm loving the fact that OA are on the same cruise. Jen can watch Peter and Kitra living the life she wants while she is stuck with the fruit of her loins. I assume Budley will again refuse to go to the kid club and Oliver won't sleep.
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