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Tim is showing us all of J$ Hot Wheels. There are 4 cases that hold 48 cars each. Plus this other case and that case and this other case. Plus all these other cars. The kid as like 500 Hot Wheels cars. Tim estimates they have spent about $750 on HotWheels. I say way more because of all the playsets they have.

Then there's this basket in a cabinet where if he finishes his chart or whatever, he gets to pick from.
Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 12.28.13 PM.png

These people have a problem. And I had two kids into American Girl dolls.
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A few commenters have mentioned the "bad cooker" comment, but no one has really contradicted that and supported her. Looks like there are even some things the Stans won't/can't bring themselves to defend.

What are they feeding Oliver? Crumbs on the tray? This is pathetic!
This was Oliver's dinner.

It looked like shredded parmesan cheese or something like that on his tray. They probably had to find a way to use it since Jackson won't eat it and what better way than to sprinkle some on Oliver's tray?

I forgot to post this pic earlier. Jen keeps asking Oliver something about a basketball. (I didn't really pay attention as it seemed improbable that he was talking about a basketball) and this is the reaction he was giving her.


I feel someone is wondering where his mom Rosie is and why is this nasty weekend woman spending so much time with him.
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Jens probably glued to her phone reading here, trying to figure out who you are and having a “panic attack “. Guyzz the unwell 3 was on our cruise we didn’t feel safe and stayed in our room the whole trip.
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I surely hope no one read into my post. I was not insinuating anyone should ever do anything just stating the excuse jenny will use. Because i used to be a lurker around tt5 and her stories were never adding up so i did my own research.
I definitely didn’t think you meant anything by your post. I can totally see those lunatic stans who twist themselves into a pretzel saying something like I booked this cruse to stalk them and ruin Jenn’s well deserved vacation/work trip (pick a lane) because she works SO HARD!!!!

While I am well off, I’m not set for life, so I wouldn’t throw away thousands of dollars on some unwell stalker mission, if I was a crazy like some of the stans, I’d just stalk them in Florida…looking at you, Candace.
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Dude looks like he's being forced to film this against his will like he's been kidnapped and forced to make a ransom video.
Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 7.13.27 PM.png
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I’d like to know a bit more about this. Make sense why her and Ginn got so close, they bonded over being trash humans who believe they’re not the problem.

Do you know anything about the falling out they had due to the wedding? I assume they’re no longer friends.
I'm going to be careful about what I say here to not doxx myself. Kayleigh runs a shitty overpriced metaphysical store in south florida called Corellia Gifts and Goods (which infringes on Star Wars copyright lmao). She regularly steals ideas from other small businesses and talks shit about the other metaphysical stores in the area. She's got a bunch of tween stans that keep her looking good publically, but behind the scenes she's nasty, two-faced, and will talk shit about anyone and everyone. I guess she and Jenn have that in common.

She personally wronged me, but that's not really relevant. She's all-around a bad person and uneducated white trash like the bojos. I'm sure she was using Jenn to try to get more relevance and that's why it all imploded. I don't think there was a specific falling out (if there was I KNOW Kayleigh would have run her fat mouth about it). They probably just both realized they couldn't suck each other dry for content/relevance and just slowly stopped talking. She's one of those people who can never admit that they're wrong or made a mistake but spouts all that new-age "growth" be-a-good-human shit. Hypocrites all around lol
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Congrats, my friend! You earned that shit. I hope it sucks ever so much less than the last job 🎆
Thank you! An exhausting day of meetings but everyone seems smart and competent and organized and they even sent me a fancy succulent arrangement as a welcome. Off to a good start plus the pay is real good too. 😁
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Re: Grill too close to the house.
I wonder if it’s an HOA violation though.

On another note: Alan and Molly went to Volcano Bay, I feel like they made a dig at Dim. They said they were going to be filming with their phones. And Alan said, “Nothing says, ‘Creep’ like 2 people with a big camera walking around a waterpark.”
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Gin will likely spin a “woe is me, the 3 unwell were on the ship so I didn’t feel safe”. Meanwhile, it’s people like Candace and her creepy ass son and the others like them that she needs to be scared of, popping up around every corner. The people in this group are kind, caring, funny, intelligent and if we knew each other in person would likely help each other when someone’s in need…including those 2 boys if an accident were witnessed in person. We’re not malicious in any way, just simply pointing out their negligent and poor parenting, the awful videos that they should have perfected after 15 years, and their inability to act like responsible adults. 🧑 f she doesn’t want to be spotted being a shitty absentee parent, then she needs to take a good look at herself and actively make some changes.
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Oh yes, envy. Jealous haters, we're all jealous haters. We're soooooooo jealous. I wish I had a 4 1/2 year old who wasn't at all disciplined. I wish I lived in a house smaller than my own that was absolute filth and clutter. I wish I only had that teeny garage full of shit. I wish my pool area was as small and stupidly planned as theirs. I wish my bbq was up against my kitchen window, ready to burn down my house any second. I wish none of my clothes fit me. I wish I only ate microwavable meals and cookies......

I can go on and on and on. Can anyone please let me know what I'm supposed to be jealous of?
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Ditto for walking around eating a sandwich and dropping crumbs. Not going to happen in my house. That's not a problem with being a parent, that's a problem with being a Tracker.
And what was ridiculous about the walking around/crumbs everywhere part---instead of correcting J$ and making him sit at the table while he's eating, Tim whips out the camera and starts telling the story. Hahaha fucking hilarious dude. Try discipling your child. That camera is just positive reinforcement for that kid. And if that kid really is prone to choking, he should always be sitting at a table while eating and someone should be monitoring him, not wandering around the house eating. Not that anyone should walk around eating like that any. These people are not at all normal. Not even a little bit.

So Tim was vacuuming. Tim was doing laundry the other day. Organizing the shoes. Picking up the garage. What exactly does Jenn do? I'm not at all saying, she's the woman, she needs to do the woman's work....but holy fuck Tim is literally doing all the household chores, taking care of both children and Jenn, she edits.
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Wasn't she already claiming she was editing "late at night"? She can never make up her mind about when she's "editing".

Hey Ginn, summer vacation doesn't mean you're also on summer vacation. Clean up your damn house. I know a lot of people with young kids and babies and none of their houses look like this. So stop using your children as a scapegoat for being a lazy useless mofo.
Screenshot 2024-06-01 at 12.01.16 PM.png

Did she seriously redo Buddy's dinner because he didn't want parmesan on his noodles? I mean like at some point you gotta tell your kid to put up with it or shut up. There are kids starving to death and you're wasting noodles because there's parmesan on it. There were plenty of things I didn't like to eat as a kid but I ate anyway because my parents told me to and because I didn't want to be hungry. JMO.
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Tinfoil hat does anyone think they might've cold called Factor trying to get a sponsorship and were denied or ghosted and are now acting out of spite?
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I'm so fucking tired of the 'they both have full time jobs' argument. Combined they barely have a full time job and that's me being generous.
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I'm not saying this is the best parenting advice but Jenn instead of remaking Buddy #1 plate over, just allow Buddy to help pour a little "extra" parm cheese on his plate... sometimes kids just like to know they are helping and are valued
I get what you're saying but in Buddy's case I think he just needs to be told no a few times. At this point it's just exasperating to watch and wish someone would just intervene. Also, they made a huge deal about those stupid cookies. Yeah, I get it he helped make them BUT I sort of think they overdid it with those and now he is dictating that he helps with all the meals. Again, a monster of their own making

And just throwing this one out there
TTT 177: The Littlest Dictator
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