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Buddy's going to think it's weird when he learns other kids brush their teeth in the bathroom.
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I think it says a lot about Tim and his obsession with winning. He has a giant inferiority complex. He says his method of dealing with Jackson is a result of how he was brought up, making sure Jackson has what he never did. BUT…all his siblings are successful in their chosen profession iirc, which tells you a lot about how they were brought up. Are we supposed to believe that Tim’s childhood was deprived? Why him and not his siblings? It’s all a load of bullshit. He was the runt of the litter, no talent or intelligence and he absolutely fell into this ‘job’ that earns him a decent living. His childhood was normal, his parents are normal, stop blaming everyone/everything else for your failings as a parent.
Dim actually strikes me as spoiled and an annoyingly disappointing attention hog. He's the very image of Stewart.
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Just filming someone else's room, not creepy at all.
Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 8.05.57 PM.png

Did she get a 2-for-1 deal on shortalls or something? And the bitch got too much sun yet again because learning how to put on sunscreen after 40 years of living in FL and with a parent who died in her 30s from melanoma, who can even bother?
Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 8.08.00 PM.png

The only lesson Dim can bother teaching Buddy is to "screw" back in a screw that slightly sticks out of a pricey boardwalk with his gross fingers and gross nails. Or just like, teach your kid not to touch random screws on the ground (though you eat from a tetanus pan so whatever I guess) and just... watch his step. Also I'm 100% sure Dimmy didn't bother washing his hands after doing that and before eating dinner and you could hear a very audible finger-lick/slurp while he was showing his burger & fries.
Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 8.10.40 PM.png

Ginn I'm sorry but these sunglasses are less flattering than even your fugly eyeglasses. They're too narrow for her face and just accentuate how... thumb-y she looks.
Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 8.13.01 PM.png

It takes more effort to TYPE "the baby's" instead of Oliver and yet even in writing she can't use his fucking name. But she typed out Budley's.
Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 8.24.02 PM.png
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Anyone need a new avatar? Guess she found time to slap on some eyeliner in the car. Hope it didn't interfere with her reading a book!
Screenshot 2024-05-05 at 12.50.12 PM.png

You can really tell how much Ginn waddles when she's the one with the camera waddling like she's on a yacht in stormy waters. They should warn that some voogs may cause motion sickness.
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So if Rosie quit last week, it took mere days before O fell and injured his face? Great job!

So I rewatched Jenn talking about O’s injury in the Garden Grill vlog and you just have to watch Tim the entire time she talks. His face looked annoyed or mad or something. She talks at length about O being unsteady and how she won’t let him walk on his own at the parks and how he falls sometimes. She blabbed away setting up that whole story and then after all her blabbing she says matter-of-factly that O fell and got this bruise on his face and tries to gloss over that. Interesting that Tim never chimed in during any of that. Do we think O fell when Tim left the house for some reason? I bet he is pissed if Rosie did quit. Something seemed off during that whole couch scene. And now Jenn wants to tag along to California? Yeah, that tracks.
Yeah, the way she was acting on the couch and his body language seemed very similar to in the past when they lied before. I still think it has something to do with that stupid slide. I didn't really pay attention in this home voog but did the slide even make an appearance? My theory is that O was playing with it and either hit himself while getting off of it or Budley may have gotten aggressive. Honestly, when he appeared behind Oliver in this one it scared the beejesus out of me. I am really trying to remain Budley neutral but he's gone from poor neglected undiagnosed special needs kid who doesn't know better to almost the brat category for me now. Yeah, he may still have undiagnosed issues but he's acting like a turd.
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Dim struggles to say "chatgpt" every time he says it.

Chad GPT
Ginn: "when i was in college, there were so many late nights when i stayed up all night writing my papers"

Wow cool, do you want a cookie? I mean you probably do.
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Dino Girl

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That was a largish bruise on Oliver, and so close to the eye. That injury came from a slight table grazing the same way J's burnt fingers came from slight touching of the toaster oven.
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If they go as a family to Japan, I will eat my own hair.

And I'm appalled that her reaction to noticing Oliver's mobility issues is planning on taking him to the doctor "at some point." I treat the neighborhood squirrels better than these two take care of their children. It's too bad they ignore him so much or else they might have some good footage of him from their vlogs the doctor could use to benchmark his gait issues.
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She read the Wiki about Wicked, she's well informed. Never mind that Wicked has been out for almost thirty years in book form and over twenty years since it first premiered on broadway. Morons.
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Sorry, I know she’s controversial, but Molly is looking absolutely fantastic these days. She’s shed a few pounds her make up has gotten tons better, her wardrobe has gotten better, I really like her hair cut now that she’s cut off most of the damage from the bleaching. Her husband adores her, and he knows how to step back to let Molly shine.
they drink and dance and experience new things together. I think they are the childless millennial couple Jenn wishes she and Tim were.
I agree. I just finished their Virgin Voyages series because I'm going on a VV cruise in 2 weeks and I fell totally in love with one of the dresses she wears on the trip. I keep going back and forth over whether I should buy it. It's like $250! /insert Jenn's "That's a lot of money!" I can afford it, I just can't justify spending that much on a dress when I don't even like dresses and it costs more than my wedding dress!

I also like that Mammoth Club actually plans out their vlogs and provides actual useful information in them. It's not just family videos, they actually present like a real travel vlog. They're not everyone's cup of tea, but they can produce a quality vlog that has the information that people actually want. The last time I learned something from a TTT vlog was by looking up actual information myself because they didn't provide anything.
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I dare Dicky NOT to talk about his wife's miscarriage in tomorrow's poodcast. "We had a great mother's day, BY THE WAY, did I mention she had a miscarriage? And she wasn't as emotionally volatile as me about it?!?!"

Meanwhile Dim: "yeah. right. yeah. right. yeah. right. right. yeah."
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If you’ve seen one of these vacation homes, you’ve seen them all. These tours are so boring and no one is going to book them (even with that tempting 5% discount).
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🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤦🏻‍♀️
THEY have all this and a 28” suitcase for two nights!

And in true Bojoke style they forgot the diaper bag!!
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Dim is confused by the placement of some outlets. Hello you dumbass, housekeeping uses those outlets to plug in the vacuum cleaner, they're not for *your* convenience. Critical thinking, what even is that.

They're so used to their cluttered house, they're actually complaining about too much space.

Ginn seriously sounds like an alien that landed in Orlando for the first time ever with the questions she's asking. Bitch aren't y'all supposed to be the "experts"???
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