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Ugh I can’t stand the way she tries to be all affectionate to J$ on camera. It’s so cringy to look at! Please, we know you are a shitty mom. There’s no need to pretend, we at Tattle know what’s up!
Me neither, this and her sitting in the backseat with J$ until O$ was born 🤮
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Dim would try to hoard all the Mickey bars and cookies to bring with him (#priorities), tell his parents good luck, and tell Ginn that someone will come get her from their cuntcierge suite ("it's one of the perks when the ship is sinking!") as he texts Nick the Dick hutdog emojis while waddling in the wrong direction to the wrong lifeboat. 🌭🌭🌭

He likes the scent of salt and mass death.
Seriously, my upload schedule I made for her earlier this week was generous. Rather than four vids I think they'll be lucky to post two and one of them will likely be a live.
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My opinion that no one asked for 🤣…Trash talking these two losers and their crappy YouTube content within the confines of tattle seems fair game to me. Actually doing something that could negatively impact a child (more than his pathetic parental units already are) seems unnecessary and over the top. we do not have kids in his class (I assume) so this is of no matter to us. Let nature run its course and the people involved will handle (other parents, school admin etc). I know we get frustrated the dumb duo never really get their comeuppance but this is not on my list of things I think they need. Not getting Disney freebies or sponsored trips….oh the evil joy it brings me. Seeing a poor 4 year old suffer because his parents are complete idiots with big mouths…heartbreaking. It would be great if they get put in their place and learn how behave better….maybe Jenn needs to enroll in classes there. But imo….not our circus not our monkeys on this topic.
Agreed. On reddit this is called don't touch the poop(specifically on the fundie subreddits). I fully believe that they will self sabotage.
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Chatty Member
They must be sick with Covid which would explain no live show when they returned. Hasn’t it been 4 full days since they stepped foot off the ship? And no Stan sightings of Tim being out and about.

Speaking of cruises, Covid and HM. I guess that’s another friendship gone. And where is manny Matt and his partner? I remember we had a tattler with the name of Joanie something. They made comments that led some of us to believe it could be one of them and then when asked, they disappeared. Have they been here lately? I wonder how long til Nick is no longer in the picture.
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I’ve said it a million times, it takes ten seconds to post a text update to their socials, either twitter/X or Instagram saying “sorry for the delay, videos will be out shortly, all is well”… instead they have continuously gone silent, everyone goes nuts wondering if they are ok, then they post a video as if nothing happened. Maybe a quick “sorry we haven’t posted” from Jen during their outro. This will be like the tenth time in the last year. If they can’t handle the social responsibility of being in the public eye with fans, then maybe they shouldn’t be allowed to handle the millions their fans have earned them.
Or on the actual YouTube community page
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I believe someone called someone else "Boomer" which, with those pearl clutching stans, is probably considered hate speech. At least that was the last even remotely bad thing that I saw.
It was a person named Brenda who called David a Karen and a Boomer. To be fair, she did say those to him in a negative way. Obviously not hate speech but she was calling him names. The mods deleted all her comments too.
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I used to watch Timmy Takeout back when he was Timmy the Tomato. He used to do good reviews but would have a more vulgar theme of using words like “zaddy” and a lot of sexual innuendos. I loved it and thought it was hilarious. I saw as he got sponsors he toned it down, so I wondered if they asked him to clean up his channel to keep it. Either way, im glad he’s moving to Orlando because I’ve been loving his theme park reviews as an outsider who is still down to earth.
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Chatty Member
Jenn, probably:
"DaBaby slept SO GOOD on the ship and is going to miss it sooooooo much and never wants to leave, you guyzzzzz. So, we are going to live aboard the Fantasy for the next year so that we- ummm....I mean DaBaby Buddy can sleep. I promise our upload schedule will get back to normal in October.......of 2024."
Don’t give them ideas , pretty sure that she would do that if they had the $$
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He doesn't give two fucks about his parents he has made that very obvious. It disgust me how he pretty much made fun of his Dad's blindness on that cruise last year and then they showed off their cuntciere room when their parents were probably in a way cheaper room. Then this summer they gave themselves the main bedroom at AMI with the nice balcony. Ugh, so self absorbed.
I hope J$ is even being taken to school at this point - I wouldn't be shocked if they just never bothered or it's why they have the nanny, to do all the normal things us parents do for our kids LIKE TAKE THEM TO SCHOOL AND THEIR EXTRA-CIRRICULARS. They boggle the mind. I could see it interferes with their schedules so they just don't bother.
If a school child (Jackson) has Covid in the home is that child permitted to go to school? I wouldn’t think so. (Or they not revealing that fact)
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If a school child (Jackson) has Covid in the home is that child permitted to go to school? I wouldn’t think so. (Or they not revealing that fact)
Yes, as long as the child is not testing positive or showing symptoms, they are allowed in school. It’s Florida.
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Honestly, I've lost faith in them. They didn't even call Jenn out for her obvious lie about the expired driver's license with her recently driving, her birthday being in November, Fla's DL expiration dates, etc. I think someone else is doing them now. Not the same person as the one who initially called them out for the urban party and gay contagious stuff.
The drivers license thing still bothers me. If she got it at 16 it shouldn't expire (for the 3rd time) until she turns 40. So why did it expire when she was 39?

I find no record of her graduating high school but I didn't dive that deep into it. She certainly never made the news papers for any sports or academic accomplishments.

Crazy theory: could she somehow be shaving just 6 months off her age? So she turned 40 back in May and her license expired then? There is no logical reason I can think of for a person changing their DOB by 6 months though. But this is Jenn Bojan we are talking about.
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It'd be like any other sickness, if your kid is showing symptoms, you keep them home, and when it's been 24 hours of no symptoms, send 'em in. That's kind of the rule I'd go by, and is in our school.

If, example, I had it, or my husband had it, we'd send our kid to school since he's not sick. When we had it together in 2021 he did not go to school but policy is now as long as your kid isn't sick, they should be in school, which is right imo. He never got it, and we never isolated from one another or whatever, just stayed home a few days. 🤷‍♀️
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Chatty Member
Unfortunately I had a feeling one of them would get covid on the cruise. I wonder how everyone else managed not to catch it if Tim was around them, especially Jenn who he presumably would be in close contact with.
Eh, I actually had Covid last week (it was HORRIBLE) and my husband somehow managed to not get it.
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Chatty Member
Tim said that when J$ first felt sick, his first thought was that it was because he had a lollipop earlier. These two are obsessed with not giving J$ any candy and blaming candy for anything that happens when he does get to eat it. First he was wild and acting up due to eating candy and now he’s sick because of a singular lollipop. They’re delusional and have no parenting instincts.

Remember when J$ was a baby and he got really sick at Disney? He was vomiting while they were dragging him around the park. They blamed it on being allergic to potatoes he ate. I don’t think they ever consulted a doctor about that. They just labeled him allergic. He obviously caught some kind of bug. Am I remembering this correctly?
That will happen when you drag your young kids to hotels & parks every week 😩
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