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They may bring this up in the next live stream. I really don't want to watch an hour of babble but I may have to just to see if she brings this subject up.

Do you have guards just at the gate or do they actually patrol the neighborhood?
The Trackers next flex expense, private security. Tell me when I'm telling lies.
I do not live in a gated community.
But my association dues go towards a security team that drives the neighborhood. They are available 24/7 with a dedicated phone line. One call and they are at your house within 5 minutes.

Gin must not have this service, as they would be hearing from her multiple times a day. And she would definitely be reporting “stalkers”.
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They wouldn’t have showed their faces? So what would they have done. Perhaps beautiful cinematography set to gorgeous scores showing the beauty of Florida? Doubtful!
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I got it, the mystery tea spiller is the neighbor with a kid named Oliver who is now pissed off The Bojos stole the name

Or… it is a former nanny and their mom who is on the HOA board

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Guess I got censored in my post #502 second video linking. 🤷🏻‍♀️

If anyone knows why, please tell me what I did wrong.

eta: Now both videos are censored!!


Mod edit: always report or post in site support if you have an issue otherwise we won't see it. Probably it was an issue with your browser or YouTube.
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These are what I happen to still have.
I deleted several photos.

Realtor photos:
View attachment 2342929

Screenshots when pavers were done:
View attachment 2342930
View attachment 2342932View attachment 2342934

Work in progress Bbq unit & counter placement:
View attachment 2342939View attachment 2342941
PERFECT!!! Thank you! :love:

So it looks like the digging excavator would have been used to prepare for laying down the pavers and extending out the patio. Would you agree?
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Does this count as rock (booty) bottom?
Screen Shot 2023-07-29 at 6.48.22 PM.png

Screen Shot 2023-07-29 at 6.48.36 PM.png

Buddy's going to look as wrinkly as his sperm donor when he's an adult. Also, they never put sunscreen on his legs do they? "It's okay you guyzzzzzz, legs are immune from melanoma *fake laugh*"

Screen Shot 2023-07-29 at 6.54.22 PM.png

Her hair looks so dull. I thought professionally colored hair would have some kind of sheen to it.
Some liveliness.
I’m pretty sure that visit to discovery cove right after didn’t help at all. It had to be the very next day, bc She was wearing that same sloppily stretched out, dingy, blue v-neck shirt in both vlogs. I’m sure the shirt wasn’t washed. I’m sure she just grabbed it off the floor, or from the top of the dirty clothes basket. Im sure that shirt smelled of hair salon, the outside, sweat, soured milk, and steakhouse. I’m sure she’s dirty AF. Just nasty.
She had a stain on her maroon tank top too. Probably dried up breastmilk or spit up from who knows when. Or honestly, more likely she spilled something on herself (and then licked it and thought that would suffice).
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Thank you to @Quasimodo, @Southpaw33, @Maleficent50, @TawdryT and @Mopsy75 for your kind words. ❤
And to everyone else who read my post - sorry for the mini-rant of all the stuff I'm dealing with.
I know a lot of you know my backstory too w/ my abusive ex, etc.

RE: the spy

Reminder: this was their first post, and another a few days later.

View attachment 2346217

View attachment 2346266

This was yesterday:

View attachment 2346228

So we've gone from "just moving in" and "definitely thinking" they live down the street and being uncertain about Jenn's name ... being in-the-know about HOA interworkings, stuff that's gone on for years, knowing about FB posts for nanny Jess, besties with the next-door neighbor, knowledge of Jenn continually complaining about the board, calling their property the "trashy" house of the neighborhood, familiar with ongoing beefs seemingly everyone in the neighborhood has with them about what? who knows...

THIS is why some of us (including folks like me who have been on here for 3+ years who are more analytically minded by nature) are inherently skeptic about tea-related things, and that's a GOOD thing.

(like @Southpaw33 referenced, some of us remember a certain :devilish: 🥚 #huffanddoback IYKYK who also was apparently gallivanting around their neighborhood with tea)

Most legit tea givers are open to clarifying things (see: Dustin and Sean on the DIS thread as great examples).

If the questions are reasonable - and non-doxxing - and I believe everything everyone's asked about thus far (including myself, and I fully acknowledge I can be a broken record at times) has been more than reasonable, then why the attitude? And then up-and-leave, dangling a to-be-continued-like departure when some push back?

Legit tea-givers are be happy to fill-in-the-blanks, confirm things, explain their tea more (even if it's limited), etc. and not attack anyone who may not immediately understand how the disjointed pieces fit together, when coupled with what we're seeing on home vlogs in relatively real-time.

(and don't worry, moving forward I pinky-promise I will no longer interact with said tea-giver so as not to derail the thread in any way)

That being said, did anyone catch what this stated "ongoing HOA "investigation" on the Trackers is supposed to be about? that they got their "final warning" for?
You can always vent. I understand completely. Take care of yourself. You are no good to anyone if you start breaking down. Take it from someone who knows. :)
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Perhaps Dim is about to give birth to the long awaited and actually wanted girl.... :rolleyes: I wonder if since they paid for it if Dim's brother was actually the one to foot the bill. I noticed they have been hanging out with them more lately which I'm guessing is one of the following: a) to show Tattle they're not estranged, B) Something happened at AMI and his brother's family was told to keep an eye on them-likely concerns about Oliver, or C) they are making some ditch last effort to socialize OG Buddy before school (spoiler alert it won't work guyzzz).
A & B would require growth the Trackholes don’t have, so it has to be C since everything revolves what they want or need at the time.
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I like how they were like we are going to call him Ollie. I don't think they've called that kid that once. I can just hear her going on some stupid rant about how she read how she doesn't like the baby's name and thought of it and is like and you guyzz were right. He really seems more like a Rerun.
Just like they wanted to name J$ “Jack”, but named him Jackson with the intention of calling him “Jack”, which has never crossed either of their lips!
Maybe that’s why they don’t use his name much. They plan to change it if they have the whoopsie girl.
Someone earlier thought Gin might be pregnant.
Then Oliver and Olive** would be Irish twins.

**Olive if the baby is a girl.
Still an Irish twin if the baby is anotherson.
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I live in the Washington DC area. The only thing I listen to now is XM in my car. But when I used to listen to the Washington DC radio stations. One station, DC 101. The morning show dude, Elliot. One of his side kicks was a guy named "Flounder." He was a chunky guy (think Michael Kay but maybe 30lbs heavier. I went to the website to see the photo's of the DJ's). So not a huge guy, but enough to be considered overweight.

Anyway, Flounder mentioned one day he came across a website dedicated to super obese people (like 700lbs+). He mentioned that alot of people died of starvation. Because in their mind if food got them fat. Then not eating would lose the weight. They failed to realize you need to actually eat to lose weight as your body basically eats itself (muscle vs. fat).

Reason I mention this. Is that I can see Jenn when she gets tired of being larger if that ever happens. I can see her staving herself. Which unfortunately I've know people in my life that have done that and they've either gained weight when they finally do eat food (barring banana and peaches, which of my friends did) or they stayed the same weight.

Jenn looks torn to be between being really sick of her body, but too lazy to actually to do anything about it. Hence why her hygiene is lacking and when she does actually do something to take care of herself, like updating her hair. I am not a shrink, but I think this is a sign of depression. Which I think others have mentioned before. She can't see how horrible the color and style is on her. Tim usually raves how "hot" she looks when she gets a new "look." I don't remember him saying anything about her hair when he picked her up. She really did not seem thrilled with it either. But red does look better than her natural blond. Just not that red.

The hair color and style right after Jackson was born when she actually took care of herself and somewhat cared about Jacksons food (like making baby food and actually giving him fruit and veg) was the best she's looked in the past three years.
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I wonder if someone from their HOA watches their home vlogs. By wonder, I might actually mean hope.
I really don’t care what they do or put in their backyard. Their property, their money, their business.
However, I want them to install it safely.
Again, Tim’s DIY electrical and plumbing work has me nervous 😬.

I doubt that Tim contacted the “dig line” when the digging for the new pavers was done, like @JssLG317 pointed out.

And it doesn’t sound like a back splash behind the grill is even on their radar to be installed. (@Rebelle)
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Ugh, I don't even want to think of her calorie count that day. She clearly is embarrassed by it by trying to justify she's sharing it when clearly she's not. I was sort of surprised Dim called her out on it here, though he's partially one of the reasons she has such horrible eating habits. Not that I'm putting all the blame on him, at the end of the day she's responsible for being a glutton. But I do suspect he encourages and enables the gorging with the filming of the various buffets they hit, having horrible eating habits himself, and eating a seemingly beige diet. I don't know how much of it was her manipulating the audience but she acted like it was hard to convince him to ever go out of his comfort zone when picking places to dine-i.e. him not wanting to try pho, etc.

You're assuming she has logic and can think long term, which based on her financial planning alone she does not.
Agreed. That one meal alone was probably more calories than most people take in in a week.
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Something else to talk about? How about… how we found first came to know the trackers and when we realized they were slackers?
I’ll go first, a coworker suggested their channel in 2017. I started watching and felt them relatable. Then when I started noticing jin use B@ndit as an excuse for herself, I mentioned my doubts to my coworker. He was so confused. Total Stan! Couldn’t understand my concerns whatsoever. I’ve been hate watching ever since. More recently this damn forum has become like a second hole for me to crawl in. 😂
First Found Them: Mote Marine vlog, June 2012

Began to Dislike Them: It was a progression from the water stealing saga in 2018 at the Sanford house (which made no sense) to the move to the new house to the lies about it being Jenn's "first/not first" cruise in 2019 (their first #hosted Disney cruise), to the miracle pregnancy announcement to the Twitter ridiculousness about the people showing up at their family's homes protesting the pregnancy announcement, which led me to Guru then to here.
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