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Brilliant title. Well done.

The bedroom looks fabulous 😂. Four of them in that room. They are going to be four of them stacked like the bargain shelf in a Tesco Express. It’s nearly impossible to squeeze through the gap in the doorway which is almost blocked by a chest of drawers.

What is it with fat Pat that she repeats the same thing over and over? It might be a confidence issue. Could she be trying to convince herself she’s right, or does she like the sound of her own voice? Trust be no one else does.
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Does anyone else have a morning chat and talk about what they are doing for the day?

or do you just chat as needed throughout the day?
only when there’s something in particular happening like what time shall we leave for our day trip, or like right now we’re in the middle of moving etc. weirdly though, I have forgotten to a lot any time to cleaning down walls at the new place
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The manky cap mincer has found a new walk folks.
Who gives a fuck:poop:

Saint Aggies zoo costs £89(n)

Best hairdressers in the world,okay Butch:ROFLMAO:
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Can't be doing with them 2 on the live. How the f hVe they managed to get a 65" TV? Granny and Grandad? Where in gods name will it go? Although the vlog of pen fitting it to the wall could be gold?!! 🤣 hope it drops off like his shelves!!
Have they made much £ on this live?
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Wouldn’t have a home? In what sense 😂 strange thing to say. I suppose he means she makes their house a home …

I’d love to send Ben a voucher to go to a fine dining restaurant and vlog it , alone. I’d just love to see his reactions, he gets mind blown over such simple food I would genuinely pay to see that
Better still (take one for the tattle team) and go with him. I realise it’s a big ask but you’d get the reactions first hand. If he also had good company and intelligent conversation. It be priceless to covertly record the event. I hope he can use cutlery and knows what a napkin is for, He would be beyond his usually giddy stupid self. You, on the other hand would likely need to be hospitalised.
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Belles Bakes is ‘awaiting inspection’ according to the food hygiene information service (FHIS) Scotland, so I hope they’re not taking orders until this has been carried out.
I knew there was no way they had been inspected yet. Theres typically a few months of a wait for it to happen, longer in more popuated areas. I just hope nothing goes wrong.
I have mixed feelings about Belle. She seems to be trying to better herself and the family, but has limited life experience that is hampered by her parents. If they were smart they would have been encouraging a job at a local cafe or bakers, not to start a buisness at home while still attending school (attnding in the loosest sence, but she's not officially left)
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I knew it would be really spicy, 6 chilli’s, a tonne of cayenne and kidney beans in chilli sauce will do that, also, Napolina Chickpeas? £1 a tin, buy the own brand ones for 40p ffs. And is there only me that drains chickpeas and cannellini beans? I nearly vommed when she poured the water in too.

All credit to Isabelle though for wanting to get away from jar sauces and cook more. Can’t criticise her for that.
I always drain chickpeas and cannellini beans and rinse under running water too.
Definitely got the ick when Butch poured the undrained contents of the tins in 🤢
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Chatty Member
The new hairstyle she tried out was a fail, fancy not redoing it to look nice then posting it. Looks like something my dad would muster up if he did my girls' hair, and he wouldn't need multiple sprays and bobby pins. The way she did the plaits is going to do nothing but pull at the poor girl's scalp and not sit right. How does this woman have almost 2 decades of parenting under her belt?
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Ben is just like Jonathan Joly, thinking that just because no-one is doing anything physically to the kids that invading their privacy and accidentally/on purpose showing stuff is fine. Probably uses the old chestnut of an excuse that you can't hide your kids away from pweirdos when out and about, as if that's in any way comparable to plastering it online.
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9 girls across 3 Rooms
3 boys across 2 rooms.
make it make sense.

why have they cluttered up the girls room like that when flo isn’t even in it
Butch says she’ll move Flo in there when she and I am ready!
So why clutter the room up even more with another bed before then? 🤷🏻‍♀️
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All those cake bars and shite 😭 who even eats all that 🙄🙄 Not surprised he’s not on the trip, not like they can afford it since fat Pat spent it all in ikea and B&M
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They live in a filthy over cluttered house with 12 kids yet she and gobby Curly expect a jar of mini eggs not to be touched? So what if Noah and Eva ate them? They don’t get a Friday treat of sweeties and a doughnut, plus a Chinese. They don‘t have secret stash of chocolate, do theyFat Pat, and they don’t get taken shopping and get to eat chocolate and drink pop in the car.

When I was little my mother always said to me “one smell doesn’t hide another…“ hence why I don’t spray copious of false, overpowering, chemical laden smells round my home. I make sure I open windows, keep it clean and don’t have wet washing hanging about. I only ever use a Neom diffuser and oils if I want some scent.

It‘s no wonder everyone is unwell in that house with all those chemicals being sprayed. I‘d have a permanent headache and breathing problems
I was actually starting to feel unwell imagining all those scents. I know I am hypersensitive to artificial scents due to asd but surely other people don't all have about 9 different scents going on at once

They must use a copious amount of petrol a week in those cars with the constant to and fro from Elgin/Lossie.
So Pat and Mouth piece Curly went sustainable cleaning product shopping with none of it being sustainable and at the end before the clip cut Pat said they were away into Tesco after Home Bargains, eh were you not there the night before. Anything to stay away from home
B&M too, she muttered oh that was from b&m to I
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flappy fanny

Chatty Member
Well Zoe and Mincer what a stupid pair of Tw@@ts you are ,from everything you do or say you are always in the right,you make everyones minds boggle at your antics and the worse one is you don't know how to bloody cook ,have you not heard of recipe books ,.I was only a young bride but i tried and tried to cook a decent meal and ended up to be quite good ,i would never have give my kids oven food unless it was something home made .Stop and think what you are doing to those you girls aswel
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Does someone want to send Ben a bra? His moobs seem to grow daily 🤮

I think he’s gone on the sick cos of his heart.
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Curly had her hair straightened in the catch up vlog…. I’d ask for your money back cos that wasn’t straightened. What on earth were the twins wearing on their bottom half. Also did anyone see how dark, smudged, tanned that dancer looked like, what a mess
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