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'Not saying your not cute Erin, but ya know'
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Won’t be watching that! Shes only interested in the twins when there’s a vlog to be made out of them or an opportunity for a pity party. Imagine selling your children’s privacy for a few pennies on YT/ social media.
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Curly needs to get a life and work out that her parents are ruining her….
They ruined her “business” ideas, they make her look like a sap.

why are they even buying Zoe Mother’s Day gifts when it’s the older girls who parent the younger ones while Zoe does “admin”
joseph should really give his mother’s day card to his ipad and switch
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They are disgusting. Them kids aren’t young enough to consent to ALL their medical history being shared online with the world and his wife.
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Speaking to the girls via the camera rather to their faces tells us everything. He's forgotten how to interact directly. Those poor poor children.
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Zoe says "I'm sick of people looking down their noses at us,,,,"
She's mortified that they've ended up in a council house - and it's a semi-detached unattractive one compared to the detached pretty military house.
And it's in a location she hates - a bleak, desolate looking place with an unsightly factory at their garden gate.
It's a blow to the guts for her and like a baby she's now spitting the dummy in her rage.
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Why does he always park miles away from the swimming pool. Also I see he still hasn’t spoke to the kids about their butting in constantly when he talks. Maybe if you stop and listen to what the are actually asking/saying to you they wouldn’t be constantly interrupting. It’s such an annoyance. I’ve also noticed that now that Flo is always out and about with him and the kids, scraggy aggy is losing her feve child position cos she is always trying to be involved or trying to get their attention to include her. Aye a fall from grace eh Agnes
Also, why isn’t Zoe sometimes the one to take them swimming?
Doesn’t she want to see occasionally how well they’re doing?
Rather than just hearing about it from Ben?
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Oh FFS. Pat would love to have all of the kids home all of the time, and she loves the idea of homeschooling. Joseph has had nothing that remotely resembles schooling in the past year, and every single vlog shows the lengths that Pat goes to avoid her kids. She also says that he said that he didn't want to go to school. FFS once again. What kind of parents let their 5 year old have such a major input into whether they receive any education? Useless.
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As someone who has privately rented since 18 , been a single parent, been a uni student and single parent I am hugely pro social housing and think the uk benefits system needs a massive overhaul (clearly functions better north of the border). I don’t look down my nose at anyone on benefits but they aren’t even honest about it. Lots of defence in the comments from people very misguided about the financial support they receive. Also bringing up bens military service, but he left the raf a while ago and provisions are made for when you do that. If they had ever acknowledged the house, or anything like that it would be different but they don’t they flaunt their money because they’re trying to project themselves as influencers. The sock post was a brag and it’s misfired because it was in poor taste
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What a complete load of crap.

You don’t put flour into cake mixture before the eggs. You don’t crack eggs straight into the mixture, if one of them is off that‘s the whole lot in the bin. That’s something that is taught in the very early days of baking. To make butter icing you whip the butter until it’s light and fluffy and almost white in colour before you add the icing sugar, you don’t chuck it all in at the beginning and hope for the best. Why do they have two kids there sticking their fingers into absolutely everything? I know it’s only for family to eat, but even so. It’s disgusting.

Is there anything that fat useless twat can do? Why did it take him 2 hours to buy 8 things? I’d be so ashamed if he was my husband. He walked past the carrots when he went in, fgs. He thought mixed spice for baking was different to normal mixed spice. Wtaf is wrong with him? Fucking idiot. Those poor twins don’t stand a chance in this challenge.
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The nurse that does 12 hour stressful shifts for a pittance, cooks proper dinners, helps with homework and lunches for the next day heart bleeds for you Zoe. It must be exhausting siting at home, occasional wiping a cloth of the toilet and folding a few clothes every day.
She disgusting and needs a slap into reality.
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Telly Fanatic

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you have 12 kids you don't do anything with or feed properly and one you are being very neglectful with keeping him from i don't understand why your sat there all smug looking, you should be hanging your head in shame
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I just can’t watch their vlogs properly anymore they’re so so boring
I know. 5 different shots of the house and garden including wheelie bins 🤔 followed by some sea views of the icy grey sea and unattractive sea shore also grey.
Then some wittering on or blethering where everything is repeated over and over again.
If we’re lucky some driving.
Kids playing on a trampoline ( an accident waiting to happen imo)
Zoe slurping a drink could be coffee, squash or something expensive bought from local shop just for herself.
Rinse and repeat…
Florence looks like Ben, Eva and Charlotte when she was younger (Charlotte looks a lot less like Ben now). Why did she only add a pic of herself and not him? Is she fishing for "your kids all look like you" lying comments?
Her autistic traits showing through again, and everything being all about herself. Ben is just something she needs. He is a tool ( I know ) for co parenting and all the jobs she doesn’t want to do.
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To get to whatever is in the fitted cupboard they'll have to pull the drawers out the room and then move the wardrobe over. To get to the top drawers under the bed they'll have to pull the drawers right out. And Zoe is waxing lyrical about how well it all fits and advising us if we too want this set up 🤣 Ben also making clear it's not an advert for IKEA. Can you imagine the mess if any of them is sick in the night? Sick on each other and all those toys. I'd be so worried about a fire too as many have said. That should be enough of a worry to cut back their belongings. I don't think we've even got a quarter of what they have and I still feel the need to declutter. It really is jaw dropping.
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Telly Fanatic

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the only memories they will have is their dad chasing them around with a selfy stick, and a mother that takes them nowhere individually and hides away
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Leah and Erin get over excited about everything they get included in because their shitty mother does absolutely nothing with them. They never go shopping or anywhere nice with her, it’s always. Agnes. Even BFBH gets to go the shops, fgs. If Curly Berry does any baking it‘s Agnes who is allowed to help, never the twins. It annoys the hell out of me.

I thought the twins tried really hard with making their cake. It might have ended up looking like a dogs dinner, because their father can‘t read instructions and their mother hasn’t bought decent baking equipment but they tried hard and enjoyed themselves. They were willing to try the carrot cake, unlike stuck up Curly, who could be seen making snide comments about it to her best mate, oops I mean her mother. Apparently she tried it in the end, though.

Every time Zoe mentioned how proud she was of Leah and Erin, for the camera’s sake obviously, Agnes piped up “what about me? What about mine?” That girl is so jealous it‘s ridiculous. She probably hates school because she‘s not the golden child of the class.

Eva was washing up for Ben and the twins. We all know how much she hates being filmed yet he constantly did so. That’s such a violation of her privacy. Why they needed someone to wash up is beyond me. They were making a cake, not a banquet at Buckingham Palace.
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