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VIP Member
This also makes me wonder if their mash potato dinner is just potatoes. Do they not add milk or butter to it? 🤢

They didn’t get Oreos, they got rich tea from the coop. That also contain milk!
If they had a brain cell between them they’d be dangerous.

I think Agnes probably doesn’t have a milk allergy they just do it for some weird reason. Well clearly not if she’s eating these.
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flappy fanny

Chatty Member
Can anyone make out this latest video 😵🥴💩 ,i couldn't make head or tail what she was mumbling on about ,most i could make out they got there at the wrong time 🤪 ,Pair of bloody odd balls
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If they don’t get out of their house by the date they’re given, even if they get an extension, the bailiffs get sent in. I will actually wet myself if that happens. I know it would be awful for the kids but it would be Pat and Pen’s fault for burying their heads in the sand for so long.
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Must have missed that. Don't always look at Facebook. Was there a vlog about it or just a post, can't see the RAF being happy with him filming on camp.
It was one of those long posts ,detailing everything they'd done! 😕
No vlog..yet! Just a short clip.on IG of The Red Arrows
I'd wondered about the filming of them too!
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VIP Member
You know they always go on about everything needing to be milk free for Agnes? And how Oreos are milk free? I’ve alw thought that as strange so just had a look and…
This also makes me wonder if their mash potato dinner is just potatoes. Do they not add milk or butter to it? 🤢

They didn’t get Oreos, they got rich tea from the coop. That also contain milk!


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Jealous? What of? I’ve got twice as many bedrooms as people in my house, a dressing room, 3 bathrooms and a double garage. I’m not over run with plastic boxes either. Oh, and I’ve never fed my kids a plate of mash and if we’ve had a Chinese they’ve had it too. I, also, never put them to bed then had a barbecue.

Finally, I’ve got sons who love football. They had more than one football shirt, multiple pairs of shorts and trousers and they had coats bought new.
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Instead of half that plastic tat she could have got Noah some bottoms the poor kid at that age preteens are all about the clothes brands etc and Noah's in the same shorts and coat day in and out ,do they have a po box that child needs clothes do them 2 dimwits not realise kids can be harsh and he could be open to bullying it's sad how she has boxes of plastic tat hand me down central but yet he's living in them clothes they bought a garden set even though they have one their priorities are up there ass😔
Their address is easy enough to work out, they show enough of the house and area on vlogs that you can locate or on Google maps in seconds.
Just need to find out his size.
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It’s too late for me to edit my comment so I’ll reply, I just scrolled back through their Facebook (yes I know, I need to get out more o_O) and it was in May 2021 that they apparently spoke with the police about them allegedly not following covid guidelines..
I can imagine they thought the rules didn’t apply to them. She would moaned and whined that it wasn’t right and he would be desperate for content.
I hope they got fined!
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Is this the wall part they were on about??
The car park is just raised up so just needed to find an exit gate or something??
It looks a bit like a smaller version of fantasy island nr skegness
there is a small disabled parking area and then there are pay and display car parks dotted around, it’s not a theme park in its own grounds such as alton towers etc
This is just such a non issue ??
we’re they hoping that they would of had a parking space reserved just for them, right outside the main entrance
If I remember correctly there's actually a gap in the fencing you can jump down, so no walking round involved. Unless it's been fixed in the year since I moved away from Aberdeen, but they had rubber mats either end of the missing fence so I assume it was long been used as a shortcut and they just didn't see the point in repairing it
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I’d love to get them an Asda delivery of just sausages delivered on a Friday and a pair of shorts …
I used to love Duffus as a kid but don’t think I went more then once every couple of months. They are there every week. Do they realise there is other places to visit? Any word on Penfolds job hunt.
I think I have been a handful of times in my lifetime. If I took my kids every week or even every month they would be very fed up. It's not like it's a park where they can play, it's an old ruin in the middle of nowhere.
Zoe did say in the new car vlog that now they had enough seats for everyone they can go more places so 🤞the vlogs start to vary.
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VIP Member
Wow weaning at 3 months 😲
It may have been the done thing when their eldest was little but there's been a lot more research and studies done on it. Could explain why the kids have issues with food.

BBC Scotland want to film them about increasing energy bills?! Is it like a spend well for less kind of intervention type of program as that's what they need.
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I remember a few years ago my mum and dad took me and my siblings and all the grandchildren to Drayton Manor. I can’t go on a lot of the rides because of my disability, the older kids had gone off to do their thing and we were in Thomas Land with my sister and her 3 little ones. She‘d queued for a ride but when they got to the front she was told she couldn’t take all 3 on by herself so I had to go on too. Guess what? It didn’t ruin the day. We didn‘t even argue. It’s health and safety at the end of the day. Those two wankers would have moaned if the kids had fallen out of the rides because the staff had turned a blind eye.

WRT Pen’s foot. There’s a good chance he’s had compensation for it. Although god knows what they did with the money. Perhaps they paid off their debts. If he hasn’t he might put a claim in after he leaves, however all the evidence of him walking miles will go against him. He’s not eligible for PIP. You have to be unable to walk 20m for that,
You can walk over 20m for PIP. It’s under 20m for a disability car
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There is an American diner above Scribbles. Think it used to be an Indian restaurant.
Ahh ok, yes it’s shite. Have they even got a big enough table, Zoe will be hoping some kids are still ill so they can save the £££ and buy something meaningless and plastic instead.
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VIP Member
Are they allowed to put up a shed In the RAF housing? If so then I am baffled why they haven’t put one up and used as plastic box storage. At this point I think moving out will do them good. A fresh start with a blank canvas and maybe they’ll realise how much they’ve crammed that home with unnecessary crap.
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VIP Member
Zo has definitely been reading here, that’s blatantly obvious from her Facebook moan. You should join in Zo, it’s fun, and we could help you with your budgeting, your food shopping, and your hoarding.

Just so you’re aware though, Zoe, absolutely no one here is jealous of you. Why would we be? We’re not facing homelessness and our husband’s aren’t about to lose their jobs, like Ben. While we’re on the subject of Big Ben, could he be anymore useless? Resettlement kicks in two years before their exit date, so they’ve got time to get all their courses in, done and dusted and a job offer in hand before they leave. You two sit there expecting the moon on a stick to fall from the sky, but guess what, Zo? It’s not going to.

We talk about what you’re spending your money on because your priorities are wrong. Children should never be given a plate of mash for their dinner, ever. What makes that scenario a whole lot worse is the fact that you and Big Ben then order in a Chinese for yourselves to gorge on. That’s not an occasional thing, it’s every bloody week. You can’t justify that, especially when you‘ve got girls upstairs who you consider to be adults when it suits you. You always moan how skint you are, you’ve had the BBC in because you can’t pay your bills, yet you found £500 for your birthday. I bet you didn’t tell them that, did you?

You don’t live a sustainable life just because you hand rags down to certain children. Look at your house, it’s full of plastic. Plastic boxes filled with clothes from 1952, plastic filled with plastic toys, plastic drawers filled with clothes that’s been worn by a million children and should have been thrown out years ago. Do you never look at Eva in that cardigan and think you’ll buy her a new one? Or perhaps have a look at Noah in his one pair of shorts and his one football top and think you might put an order in to Sports Direct so he’s got more than one outfit?

You don‘t have room for Baby Florence, you won’t have room for her in your next house either because a massive house with 2 bathrooms and a huge garden just isn’t going to happen Zo. You definitely don’t have room for baby 13. For experienced parents you’re a bit thick, tbh. You’ve continuously moaned about Florence being unsettled on her formula but instead of following all the research, you and Big Ben, are weaning her at 3 months old. Unbelievable.

Anyway Zo, I’m off back to my nice life, where my kids were always fed something alongside their mash, in my house with 3 bathrooms, a dressing room and 4 bedrooms and a holiday abroad to look forward to, so you see we’ve got nothing to be jealous of.
Is there a facebook rant? Can someone screenshot? Joys of being blocked lol
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