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Being fluent in Chinese will be amazing for a career washing pots in a kitchen in Belfast.

He seems like a bright kid, imagine if he had been able to be educated formally and have a career where he could use that Chinese language.

What a shame he's left to show his skills in a story on his ma's insta
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Chatty Member
I cant wrap my head around a woman who owns a diet/body company, saying that she can't bothered to stick to her own diet and exercise programe and she might just bin her attempt.
Doesn't she always preach consistent messages. Show up every day, work harder, just do it etc.
Goes quite against her usual blarney
yes but she does not follow her own words. She has an eating disorder and body image disorder and a drinking problem
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Want to be a fly on the wall when Ryan says wtf are you doing here???
I took it that he knows she’s coming?! Just not his parents. Maybe I picked that up wrong. Howling that she thinks because she might have been late they would hold the plane for her! I have second hand embarrassment that she asked the flight attendant to hold the bottle so she could take a photo. Oh dear.
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Aww Dimbo, we have been telling you for ages that real millionaires fly privately. Finally you have listened to us. But is she tagging them hoping to get a discount, can you not actually afford it Dimbo?!
Edited to add that needy Dimbo has commented on their post, I am cringing with embarrassment for her.


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Didn’t take long to ditch the diet. She can’t even stick to her own plans. Probably missing the booze too much. But what does she actually do? She’s got a chef, housekeeper, feral kids that she ignores, loads of people on the payroll, I’m surprised she doesn’t pay someone to wipe her saggy arse. Another excuse eh Kimbo?


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It probably doesn't feel great for the other kids that one of them is having so much money and time spent on their hobby while the others are just left to their own devices.
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Is she serious? She loves the fact she can get a pizza delivery to the villa ? Like whaaat?? 🤣🤣🤯😂😂
Looks chilly and ryan's dad looks cold and fed up ..kid still on his phone

This man’s face is a picture. Don’t think I’ve seen him smile once obvs not impressed with Kimbos generosity…… but seriously he must be scunnered… she turns up at his birthday and. Is he’s stuck in a villa with her!!! 😂😂😂
Just saw the same thing 😂😂
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Exactly!! The doctors that treated her daughter when she was unwell in hospital and the “top” doctor who she took her to in London to treat her scoliosis…… where would she be now if they hadn’t gone to school, university or med school… 🤔
She is that thick she hasn’t made that link - that EVERYONE in life who is going places has been educated. She really is embarrassingly stupid 😭
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Tagging Marbella Club in her posts this morning, dying for an upgrade that she can’t afford. Mortified for her 😂😂
Its vomit inducing 🤮 ..
Why not tag gofundme? The thing is she thinks she's making people jealous.. laughable I know 🤡
Are you taking your kids this time kim?
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The sheer arrogance of her. “If you cannot afford the price”????? Many people can afford the price but might not wish to pay it (as the pony isn’t worth that). She could have said “the price is non negotiable so please do not message with any lower offers”.

I think we can all see Mya hasn’t outgrown the pony, isn’t Pedro the same size?! Basically the pony threw in a couple of stops and Dimbo is looking rid of her. Push Button Pedro is the flavour of the month and Dimbo smells success with him for Mya. Cloud just doesn’t cut it now. Good luck getting that price for her Dimbo. Trying to make £10k profit? For what?! She hasn’t exactly won a lot. Yes, she’s a dependable pony but £10k more?!

Also, she has referred to herself countless times as The Sculpted Vegan but when she gets called out it’s now the company that’s called that?! Okey dokey Dimbo. 😉
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To do what exactly? Get chunky and bloated? Oh ok ..yeah looks like back breaking work sitting on that arse 🤣 (glute gains??🧐🤔 sorry I don't see any glute gains)
... drinking non stop and scoffing burgers ...dream on kim pahahaha...bless ya😘View attachment 2663751
This is one of the biggest issues I have with her and her advertising/marketing - she clearly states time and time again it takes years to sculpt and then sells 4 week 12 week 6th plans etc……Pinocchio
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Chatty Member
Omg if she parading that fox fur poncho on insta again?! She is the very definition of a hypocrite. She had on her stories the other day some video with pigs and was saying how can anybody see them as food. Yet she’s fine to wear them as clothes and have them killed for fashion. What a dick. Makes me so angry.
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So - this is a new thing - apparently the plane won't leave without her. lololol. She now has air traffic control at her personal beck and call.
She has no idea how the world actually works - it’s like she’s never travelled! Because they absolutely will be leaving if you’re not at the gate when it closes. Plank
I want to say the video with her father in law is the most authentic I’ve seen on her stories BUT I can’t quite decide if he’s genuinely delighted to see her or if he’s absolutely gutted she’s turned up 😂😂
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