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I can’t believe they’ve had the cheek to be honest. Diana I get, but Lilibet is the Queens childhood nickname. I just don’t understand what they are playing at here?
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I think it has always been Charles' intention to slim down the monarchy. I remember this being talked about as far back as the 90s. It should have been done ages ago - there's way too many hangers-on as it is.
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I'm usually a fan of William and Kate over "the other couple" but I was quite horrified how William threw his mother under the bus in his speech! 😲. He seems to think that just because the interview was obtained in a deceitful way it also means what Diana said in the Panorama interview wasn't true and therefore the interview should never see the light of day again. This logic makes no sense because Diana helped Andrew Morton with his book a few years earlier which also revealed much of the same things discussed in the Panorama interview. Diana *WANTED* to be interviewed and what she said was her truth. She wasn't tricked in to baring her soul in front of the entire world like William wants us to believe :rolleyes:.

My first though when listening to his speech was 'I wonder if Princes Charles threatened to cut William off from his Duchy of Cornwall allowance if he didn't side with the royal family over his mother?'. My second though was 'I wonder which right-wing tabloid newspaper threated to expose his secrets therefore forcing him to say something that pleased the right wing? My third thought was this seems like a veiled threat towards Kate. So if she ever decides to speak our leave him over his rumoured many affairs that are being kept a secret he won't hesitate to throw her under the bus like he did his beloved mother 🤷‍♀️ . Even if only one of these is true it's quite sad that he used this opportunity stick up for the royal family while gaslighting his dead mother who is unable to have her say :(.
How did he throw her under the bus? He didn’t deny any of what she said and is rightfully angry that his mother was manipulated by people she trusted that ultimately led to her death. He doesn’t want the interview to be aired again because of how they got access to her and it’s now looking like a criminal investigation could be happening.
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I used to do bereavement counselling and it amazed me what women give up for their husbands. They tended to lose touch with all their friends unless hubby was friendly with their husbands. The men didn't seem to lose touch with their friends and met them for drinks or to watch sport. One widow loved opera but her husband hated it so she hadn't seen one in over forty years she went to light musicals which he enjoyed but she didn't really. The women always made the sacrifices. I wonder if today's young wives are the same?
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Saying that for years. He might step up to be Prince Regent but she very well could outlive him and the Crown goes directly to Wiliam.
With all the drama going on I wonder if the Sussex children would not be eligible for the Prince/Proncess title if Charles never is actually king. I mean I doubt they will be in any case but that would pretty much take another woe is us aria from them.
I think Charles was planning to take the Prince/Princess title away from everyone but children of the heir anyway, like I think they have done in the Scandi Royal families, and that's what they were upset about because it just so happens that the first Mixed race Royal children would not be Prince/ Princess, but it would have happened if they were White too. To be honest I thought good for Harry and Meghan for going until they moaned about that. I had far more respect for them when I thought they had turned down a title for Archie because they wanted him to live a normal life than when they basically said they were sulking because Charles wanted to modernise the Monarchy. I think Charles is completely right to say he wants to cut the Royal Family down to the bare minimum. I mean, why do we have cousins of the Monarch living off the Public Purse for decades just because they were grandchildren of George Vii? They need to be just Monarch and dependent children in the future, in my opinion. The number of hangers on is ridiculous.
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Genuinely baffled (or maybe I shouldn’t be at this stage) of people slating William for his comments. She was his mother and the person she admitted was her confident and who she leaned on for support. I’m sure his memories of her in her last years are very vivid. How can random members of the public think they know her better than he does?

Would she have said what she did if Bashir hadn’t lied to her? I don’t think she would. I think she would have said some things but I don’t think she would have aired everything out to the same extent. Convenient that history forgets that she remained close to Prince Philip until her death and that Charles and her were getting on better by the time she started seeing Dodi.
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I think bowing/curtsying needs to be done away with. It's archaic in this day and age that someone should bow down to someone else because they're 'above them'. The only reason the royals are 'above' anyone else is merely due to circumstances of birth.

I remember seeing Camilla curtsy to the queen once and I thought it would be a cold day in hell before I'd every curtsy to my mother in law!
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Chatty Member
So happy for Beatrice ❤ I've always liked both her and Eugenie, definitely have a bit of a soft spot for Beatrice because she seemed unlucky in love before her marriage. It's lovely for the sisters to have babies in the same year. That's 4 great-grandchildren for TQ this year, quite a boom! 👶🏻 Hopefully bringing some comfort after PP's passing.
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True but Archie and Lili will be the grandchildren of a monarch which meant their right is to have a title. To change that Charles would have to change the legislation so they wouldn’t be included.
I think Charlotte and Louis’ children (if they have any) shouldn’t have titles, like Archie and Lili’s children but it feels a bit wrong to demonise Archie and Lili because of their parents.
They're not being demonised. :rolleyes: The parents were offered a title ( something like Lord Dumbarton or some such shit)for farchie and refused it because they said they wanted him raised normal wiith no advantage ... in my opinion they were holding out for the big one, Prince Farchie. They backed the wrong horse. Charles has been planning the slimmer monarchy for years, no more handing out Prince and Princess willy nilly. Now is the time to implement it while the queen is still around to back it. It eases pressure on the Met security guys with less royals needing security and so will cost taxpayers less in the long run. Win win.
As has been pointed out, the rule will also apply to Charlotte and Louis's children when the time comes because they too (like farchie0 will not be in direct line. It's perfectly fair and very sensible and has been in the works for years. The harkles are just being whiny cunts as usual.

ETA. If hazza had half a brain or had paid attention to anything other than playing polo and drinking he'd know this has been long talked about by his father so he should have warned his missus that the Prince moniker was never going to happen. They should spend less time roasting chicken and pay attention to what's going on in the family.
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Apparently they didnt ask permission of the Queen. I've never understood the complete mad vitriol against them (over 100 threads slagging them off is OTT), but that is just downright rude not to give HM a heads up that they were using a personal nickname for the baby. I told my dad that I was calling my son after him and it is a lovely name, and he was really proud but I still felt the need to give him a heads up. It's just manners in any family. I still think it's more Harry than her. It's the same narrative of evil woman and poor meek led astray man you see with a lot of celeb wife hating situations. Hes just as complicit, if not more, because he is the one who should have asked permission and he should have said no if he was uncomfortable. He seems to be the one holding onto decades of resentment and has lumbered his daughter with a horrible name and possibly upset his grandmother for no reason. She is his enabler and is probably the only one who takes any notice of his self indulgent guff. It's also very easy to believe that the Royal Household ( courtiers and aides) and the press treated Meghan poorly because they dont believe anyone is good enough to marry into the BRF, never mind MM!
This is Tattle, there are lots of threads with just as many pages slagging people off, some threads are just more popular than others. I find the constant poking at the other thread odd considering where we all are 🤷🏼‍♀️ I have always found the poor under the thumb Harry narrative infuriating, the guy’s a self obsessed prat who has been having his image managed by the grey suits for decades. Lots of things contributed to where the Sussexes are now, their relationship with the press and the palace being being the obvious ones. I don’t view them as being solely to blame but they are by no means innocent bystanders.
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She clearly WANTED to cut it with the sword, and being told "oh wait there's a knife" is patronising. Elderly people get tired of being spoken down to and can answer however they want - queen or not. I can't imagine that makes her a rude awful person.

Anyway, it just struck me that HM is the last female Monarch this country will see until at least George's kids. It's 3 kings in a row.
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She’s 95 years old, her husband has recently died and it’s the week of his birthday - her first without him. I think she’s allowed to be a bit snooty at a patronising remark.
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I think so yes. To Harry she is his gran and she is also the queen. He has chosen not to respect the monarchy, plenty of people don't support the monarchy. But doesn't mean he doesn't love his gran in a grandmother / grandchild relationship.
Unless your mother is head of a business or organisation that is synonymous with her and her name then I don’t think it is. If you criticised you mother’s job would she personally receive an onslaught of hate, calls to resign and even death threats because of it. Harry either isn’t smart enough to consider the impact of his actions on his grandmother or he doesn’t care.
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He's v cute, but felt really sorry for Prince George, first being put on show like that, he didn't exactly look ecstatic and secondly in that suit. Poor kid's only 7, everyone would've thought he was super cute in an England top like a regular kid, I guarantee nobody would've said he should've been in a suit!
I read somewhere that they're not supposed to wear England kit because the Queen isn't just the Queen of England but the Queen of the United Kingdom and wearing England kit is really not very impartial. Otherwise, I think he would've worn it like when he wore his Aston Villa kit.
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Boring Monday

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I know someone who had been a Samaritan for a number of years and the only comment they ever made was - there is no such thing as a ‘typical’ suicide presentation.
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Harry seems to be unleashing 24 years
of repressed feelings.
I fear it will not end well.
Oprah should be ashamed exploiting a mentally vulnerable man like that. He needs help privately, not played out in front of a media circus.
Oprah, the Bashir of this generation. :(
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