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Imagine bitching about the very institution that your grandma is the face and head of, accusing them of racism and ignorance towards mental health, blaming them for your wife being suicidal whilst heavily pregnant, having your rabid fans on twitter bashing them at every move they make, even calling calling for them to be abolished, and then naming your baby after your grandma's nickname 😂😂 you can't make this up.
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Loving the RF announcing Beatrice being pregnant on Harry and Meghan’s anniversary- usually the upstaging is the other way around 😂😂😂😚
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I am sounding old here, but I'm so glad things have worked out for Beatrice and Eugenie. They've had a really rough ride in the past because of their parents' actions and it's great to see them both settled and happy and starting families of their own.
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That clip of Harry speaking about how Meghan said she wouldn’t kill herself because she didn’t want to make him feel bad after Diana etc... did that come across as really toxic to anyone else? I had an ex who did something similar and the immense pressure to be the reason someone didn’t hurt themselves is enormous and really affected me, I think that it trapped me in the relationship. I think the hate that M&H get is unjustified but that came across as a very interesting comment.. anyone else?
I find the way Harry and Meghan keep talking about suicide very troubling to be honest. Although I don’t doubt that Meghan was in a massive crisis, I don’t believe that she ever really intended to kill herself and her unborn child. They fact that they’ve doubled down on it, saying she’d told Harry about how she was going to do it, but then thought about it rationally (not wanting Harry to lose another woman in his life etc.) and decided not to...

No. That’s not how genuinely suicidal people think.
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Boring Monday

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I agree with this. Don't pretend that you are struggling to look after a toddler while supervising homework ' just like us' when everyone in the world knows you have a nanny, some housekeepers, a swimming pool and a tennis court at your disposal to keep the kids occupied during lockdown. They are not relatable to most people. They know that, we know that. Just embrace it. We're paying for it, we may as well get some spectacle out of it!
My absolute recent favourites are Mike Tindall bemoaning lockdown has affected his income so much, he’s not sure how they will afford the children’s school fees. Mike, petal, you live on the mother-in-law’s estate, your wife has a stable of Olympic horses, you have sponsorship deals with the likes of Landrover, your children are the great grand kids of the Queen and grand kids of the Princess Royal. Forgive me, but I don’t think Grange Hill features in their future education programme.

Also, William and Kate sat on a cold winter platform ‘waiting for the train’. When the train is the royal one that runs at their behest to their timetable And the only reason it would be ‘late’ would be beause it had been told to be. its hardly The 9.36-going-on-10.05 on the East Coast Main Line, is it?
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Charles Spencer is a two faced shit.

I wasn't a fan of Diana, but when she asked her brother for help (if she could live in the cottage) he didn't want to know. Five minutes later, there he is at her funeral acting as though he was her biggest supporter.
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i'm cringing SO hard at this name. howwwww can they cry about the royal family this much and then name the baby after the figurehead of the royal family? they're so deluded it's unreal
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We don’t know, it doesn’t say so we can’t speculate either way. The records don’t exist 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m Irish so up until the late 90’s (and maybe after) Buckingham Palace would have labelled me a provo so I wouldn’t have gotten a job with them either. But I might now because times have moved on. Nobody is so naive as to think that the country who colonised most of the modern world doesn’t have a racist past, surely?

I think the whole institution will be called into question when Liz dies and if Charles has any sense he’ll abdicate and let William take over. Realistically none of them, including William and Kate command the same universal respect Liz does but if Charles stays the course and ends up King, I genuinely cant see the institution lasting.

as my granny always told me “don’t trust him. He talks to trees and wanted to be a tampon.” 😂💀
which is really annoying, because if people could forget Diana for one minute they’d see Charles is actually a good person, ahead of his time in many aspects, with various interests outside the normal royal realm and someone that works much harder than we think. Judging someones entire character by a relationship seems crazy to me when at least 50% of marriages end in divorce and something like 20% of people admit to having had an affair. If he gets to it, I think he’ll be a good king to bridge between his mother and William
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I couldn’t really care less about them - the names just seem like lovely gestures to me.
Yeah, let’s throw the entire Royal Family under the bus, but hey that’s okay because look we honoured our daughter by using your name! The name that was reported would no longer be used after Prince Philip died because he was the last to use it for Her Majesty.
It reeks of “no one owns the word Royal.”
I think it’s a huge two fingered salute to HM.
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Andrew and Fergie wanted to use Elizabeth, but were told they couldn’t in case Charles and Diana had another baby and it was a girl (they were still together then). That’s what I’ve heard anyway. They chose Beatrice because it was the name of one Queen Victoria’s daughters.

If Harry and Meghan wanted to name their daughter after the Queen there are so many other diminutives of Elizabeth they could have used. Lizzie, Eliza, Betty, Bess. Bessie, Betsy, Beth etc. Going for Lilibet seems deliberately disrespectful and actually quite manipulative.
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I have no time for Charles Spencer. I know on the day of the funeral he was deemed a hero but I felt it was such an egotistical thing to do, slag off the RF in front of two young boys that were burying their mother and were sitting in the Abbey, the world watching and in their heaviest grief. When in fact he’d been no help to her before then or to them!
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That clip of Harry speaking about how Meghan said she wouldn’t kill herself because she didn’t want to make him feel bad after Diana etc... did that come across as really toxic to anyone else? I had an ex who did something similar and the immense pressure to be the reason someone didn’t hurt themselves is enormous and really affected me, I think that it trapped me in the relationship. I think the hate that M&H get is unjustified but that came across as a very interesting comment.. anyone else?
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Williams statement was appropriate for his role in the monarchy and also heartfelt enough to make me feel for him as a son who lost his Mother to soon. I’ll be honest, he seemed utterly fed up, there was strain on his face when he described what they had been through as a family of four since the interview and he managed to convey consideration for his Dad also. Truly a worthy future king in my opinion. I have empathy for him. He and Kate toe the line, never complain and maintain the status quo. It’s tough no matter who you are to be the steady presence in chaotic surroundings.

Harry however is way of base. Yes, he’s well within his rights to tell his story, but he also has to remember it’s not just his story. It’s his fathers, his brothers, his niece and nephews, his entire family will all have their own version of events and they shouldn’t be forced to defend themselves publicly. If he truly wanted closure, he would have approached it like everyone else does. Privately, cautiously and not hanging out of the back of Oprah bloody Winfrey. Incidentally, to me, she and Meghan are exploiting Harry as much as Bashir exploited his Mother. He’s obviously still very hurt, public adulation and opinion are not going to change that or make it easier for him. So I do feel that without the support of the ‘firm,’ he hates so much, he’s more at risk than ever.
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No way is anyone going to convince me that Kate doesn't have an eating disorder. There's thin and there's thin, but this is extreme :(

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I actually think it's lovely. They went to great pains in the Oprah interview to explain they were beefing with the royal family the institution not the royal family the family. I think its a lovely gesture. My gran had a nickname and if I ever had another daughter I'd probably use that instead of her actual name which is old fashioned but not nice old fashioned. Lol. No one would call their baby Diana in this day and age like no one calls their baby Gary or Keith.
Yes but if you had just trashed your gran and her family to all and sundry would it still be such a lovely gesture?
They have questioned HM parenting skills since the Oprah interview too.
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Many people, including Prince Charles have questioned HM's parenting skills. She hardly parented her first two children at all.
Maybe but I bet none of those "many people" who have questioned HM's parenting skills then went on to name their child after the affectionate nickname she was known by as a child.

Hypocritical and tacky to say the least.
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I completely understand that William and Charles feel exasperated.
I have 2 siblings that I no longer speak to.
Our parents have passed away.
One of them told family and neighbours about all my private health problems and about my divorce.
Could not mind her own business, the other kept poking her nose in.
Neither have ever had a long term relationship or children, but feel able to judge me.
Will never speak to either of them again.
You choose your friends, not your family.
I feel sorry for Charles and William, they cannot speak privately to Harry; as they are afraid it will all be broadcast via Oprah. Exactly my situation, everything broadcast to our friends, etc.
Dump him I say.
My life is so much richer from cutting my siblings out of my life.
It is sad, but it is true.
I have my children and friends.
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Of course I curtsy to my mother 😂😉
My point was that you can easily seperate your family from their job.
M&H can dislike the royal family institution and love their gran and father etc. It's not that hard to comprehend.
My point was that you can easily separate your family from their job UNLESS YOUR FAMILY IS THE BRF.

And frankly, as far as I remember they said things like "my father cut me off financially", "my father experienced pain growing up and passed it onto me" (usually your father's mother is your granny...), "there were questions around the skin colour", "she received some really bad advice" etcetc

They didn't really do much separation their in my view.

BTW - it is the second time you told me "It's not that hard to comprehend" - the problem is not my lack of "comprehension", the problem is that I don't agree with you.
And my arguments aren't "hard to comprehend" either.
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Chatty Member
I still can't fathom anyone dishing the dirt on their own family so publicly and on going - and then asking can they have a Royal Christening in Windsor!

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