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Harry is said to feel hard done by over the Nazi uniform thing as it's been claimed in a couple of books that William egged him on. Also think he felt singled out for drunken antics/drugs when his brother was probably dabbling too.
Both of them turned up to a ' colonials and natives' party with a bunch of their Upper Class twit mates, even though they were Princes of the Realm. I mean, how did the rest of that fancy dress party go?
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I thought he proposed when she was cooking a chicken? What happened to that story? Now it was a picnic?
In the documentary, he literally said she was 'greasing a chicken', so yes they were cooking. They had a picnic with the food they cooked after.

She said when they first met it was quite formal? Those photos were taken a time after.
Exactly. And that interaction with William was still quite formal. Despite the DM saying Meghan insulted Kate's formality 🙄, it was clear she did not mean it as an insult, only as a difference she did not anticipate. I mean people literally navigate these differences with their Average Joe in-laws, much less their Royal in-laws. None of this is shocking or controversial or disparaging to the Family.
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Soooooo I have watched about 2/3 of the first episode and the only new thing I got was that they met on Insta…..
I will say though, the fact that many of the negative points H has brought up (relentless media, complicated/hard position to be a public person especially in times of high emotions, be it grieve or happy times, press offices working against each other….) are well known and are being discussed for at least 30 years. If he can’t bring anything new to the table what’s the point. Acting as if we really get to know them as a person and are getting told their great love story (which I am sure it is to them. It should be.) is hardly worth a documentary.
And they completely have gotten the point about approval rates and the survival of the monarchy wrong. Sure there is a correlation, but as they can’t be voted out of offices just like that and the people governing the UK have bigger fish to fry for the forseable future, I doubt they would make that a topic on the agenda. And I doubt the ordinary Brit cares about Royals when asking Heat or Eat? Do I bring my child to hospital to check for Strep A? And so on. The monarchy is surprisingly stable for many reasons. The public approval is more a distraction of the public than a real threat.
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Here's my opinion that no one asked for:
Meg and Harry's love story is no greater than mine or my husbands. Just two people that fell in love. Beautiful but shush now.

Lots of shade at William. I think William is the "one" that made the comments about archie. Just my opinion I have no source but William strikes me as dense enough to say something like that and explains the fallout and the shade.

British media was definitely racist. No two ways about it. It is not okay! One headline I hadn't seen before "something is niggling us about this engagement" Jesus christ. Play on the n word??? No one uses the word "niggling" now. It was fucking awful.

The history about the British empire was interesting and I really like those 3 they had speaking about it. I always enjoy Afua Hirsch when I've seen her speak on issues before.

Harry seems to have done a lot of work on himself which is great to see. He is very reflective and thoughtful.

No damage has been done to the royal family.
I agree with you ( although I'm not sure Harry is reflective or thoughtful) I think he has long resented the press and his family, but they have both blamed Meghan wholesale while thinking he is a poor gullible innocent who just needs to get out of the evil woman's clutches, leading to Meghan feeling persecuted for things her husband has done and Harry blaming the press and
his family for not protecting his wife, when he should have done better. I agree also that it could easily have been William in the heat of an argument about Meghan that could have made the comment about the children before they married. That would also explain the hostility between the brothers.

No I didn't know that - what is it? I would just use it to describe anyone who is a proponent of harm towards others, and by going to the media Marlene threatened other's safety. I had not realised it was an exclusively black term and still do not think that.
She was stupid not to go directly to the Palace, but the Palace got LSH to resign. Presumably they would or should have done that anyway, and the story would have got out that it was as a result of a complaint against her. If it was brushed under the carpet, then all the more reason for Ngosi to publicise it. Again, the fault lies with the toxic British media, who have riled this case up. LSH was racist and rude. She was then asked to resign by Charles probably who presumably realised it was racist and rude, and not a good look. Then people, aided and abetted by the Tabloids have rushed to the 'defence' of an aristocrat who didn't do her job properly and has managed to shut down a domestic abuse charity- one which was recognised by The Queen, racially abusing a woman because they couldn't believe an old lady from an almost completely White Upper class background could possibly be racist! The irony being lost on them.
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Nothing Harry says makes sense. He continually makes references to leaving the royal family because Diana died but her death came after she refused royal protection. There's no way she would have been allowed to get into a car with a drunk driver, no seat belt on if she'd still had British protective officers with her.
He ( and William I think) blame the paps for her death. Probably because the alternative would be admitting she was reckless to refuse Royal protection and not wear a seat belt.

I was confused by it too. “When the stakes are this high” 🤷🏼‍♀️ Sorry what? Ok personally she feels she’s in danger but that doesn’t affect me or Sharon in Leicester or Mike in Cardiff does it? They really over dramatise every little thing. Yes there have been uncomfortable moments and maybe they haven’t always been treated the best, but can’t we all say that? Haven’t we all had problems with people in our families or at work or wherever? At the heart of it they live a very privileged life and should just learn to get on with it in peace! Which they claim is what they want, and yet here they are all over the news, social media, every chat show 🙄

I saw a video of Harry saying he takes Archie out on the back of his bike which is amazing as it’s a normal thing he never got to do, followed by a photo of a toddler Harry on a child seat on a bike ridden by Charles! I honestly think he has selective memory/is living in denial. Yes they were in the spotlight but (and I’m sure a lot of it was Diana) those two boys had the most normal childhoods any royals up to that point had had!
This is why I think it is mostly Harry causing the issues, despite the press and everyone else claiming Meghan has led poor Harry from the bosom of his loving family. He became resentful long before Meghan came along, after his mother's death, and his other girlfriends running for the hills, the press picking over his antics and not mentioning William was there too as well as them hacking his phone. The brothers weren't that close all the time, and reportedly had long periods of falling out. Meghan came along and listened to his tales of woe and believed him over his family and told him he was hard done by and how awful it all sounded. He is not being held hostage. He has willingly distanced himself from his family, knew the rules, knew his father wanted to slim down the working Royals, which would exclude his children, but failed to mention it, either to Meghan, or clarify or address it during Oprah.
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It’s the most interesting thing about her and I’m saying that loosely. She’s a pretty bland individua.
I think she has quite a few talents, she plays the piano, her drawings are quite good, her photographs are also quite good, she plays tennis and is generally sporty, she seems to raise her children well, gets on with people (apart from MM apparently), can cook and bake, seems to be able to put events together and has good taste.
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Harry is paranoid she will leave him. He has a lot of untreated mental health issues and she is a narc who is the star in her own story, that's all this is - PR for her and for them, control of the narrative which is what she wanted from the off. She didn't want to be a supporting player but the big cheese, and latched on because money and fame - then he didn't bring her all that money because Daddy held the purse strings and Kate (whom I do not like either for the record!) is ranked higher than she is. Whoops. Not happy! So they bolted to an oligarch's mansion in Vancouver and now in California whining how hard done by they are with their beautiful children, beautiful house, and millions of dollars to play with. Cry me a fecking river.

I thought she'd be a hard worker who'd be a breath of fresh air but she was in it for herself not to serve or understand any of it. IMO she wanted to run straightaway - I have a title now, I can make lots of money and be a STAR in the US! Their presumptuousness of their website shows the breadth of their delusions and demands.
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So the royals are really to blame as they’ve stood by this behaviour , LH saw nothing wrong with her conversation .

I really don't like Nazir Afzal. There's not a race bandwagon he won't jump on.

Where is all this going though? You're at a function or meeting with as load of people you have never met and don't know are you not allowed to ask any kind of personal questions to get to know someone or their background. Are we limited to 'what do think of the weather today?' It's all getting a bit scary.

I'm not defending LSH and this incident though. She was clumsy and wrong to continue to ask and a woman in her position and her experience should definitely have known how to conduct herself.
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Is that just for the documentary or was it for everything they were going to do with Netflix? I think it's going to get loads of views - the trailers are getting lots of (negative) engagement so if that translates into views Netflix will be very happy. I don't know how many views it worked need to get to earn back 88 million though.
Yes that's the thing. Netflix don't care if people avidly watch it because they love Harry and Meghan or if people hate watch it to be outraged, as long as they watch it. The DM was just one long advert for it today, and they know it. No matter how outraged they pretend to be. They will be using it for content for months to come.
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Are you genuinely asking? Cause lots is different.

- Context. Your daughter, presumably, wasn't being asked by someone in a professional setting.
- Who it's coming from. Sure, both inquirers might be elderly but SH had an official public post within the royal family. It's not the same as your granny's friend being nosy at the holiday party.
- culture. In many countries it still hasn't fully sunk how statements like that are racist. In the last few years, this has become spoken about often in Western (for lack of a better identifier) countries. Not wanting to understand why someone perceived it as racism is just being wilfully obtuse.

The point of this all is that the royal family seems to be on thin ice already. No one is as well liked or respected as QEII was. If they continue like this, they will alienate a large section of society that maybe aren't huge supporters but weren't opposed either.

Plus, they're making Meghan and Harry look in the right. After denying that there was racism and that Meghan had been mistreated due to her race, things like this show that she very likely was.
Yes I think this has let the cat out, yet there were always subtle ways in which racism or lack of respect for a different culture was shown. At Harry and Meghan's wedding, when the black minister was preaching in a very animated way Beatrice Eugenie looked as if they were about to burst out laughing and undoubtably mocked him behind his back.
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They are perceived by some as being marginalised

So would a black victim of DV be turned away from a national charity because of their colour? Can you imagine the justifiable uproar?
Obviously that isn't what is being said. You have received many sensible replies, perhaps you could actually read them?
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Indeed it was Earl Grey's government that led the abolition of slavery in the British colonies. People worked in Empire as administrators, engineers, civil servants, in the armed forces and police from all social classes
Administrators and civil servants did not give orders to shoot people going to pray when they tried to escape by climbing trees or stood by leaving people to starve to death while they took resources out of the Colonies, nor did they benefit hugely from wealth taken out of India, Africa and the Caribbean in one way trade. That was the ruling classes, many of who's families still benefit from that wealth today.
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On the Daily Mail there’s a live blog, 8 articles and one has this as a title and an introduction:

It’s bloody ridiculous.
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Niggling isn't racist though. It's a common enough word (on this side of the Atlantic at least) and has nothing to do with the other n word.
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Charles isn't thick. Far from it. Harry obviously takes after Diana. He is his mother's son, as he likes to remind everyone.
I don't think any of them are the brains of Britain ( but that comes from generations of not having to use them!) but I think Charles is at least intellectually curious, like his father, so learns for learnings' sake. The rest of them are dim and don't really bother learning anything because they don't have to. There is no real jeopardy attached to them not. Charles was an outlier in the family.
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Yet it still manages to be boring! :D I don't think they will have many viewers.
They'll have millions even if it's just people wanting to see what they say ... most of the viewers will be journalists anyway!!

I'm not going to watch. It's going to be such a load of schmaltzy, self indulgent tripe it will probably make me want to vomit.
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I can't get my head around why anybody would believe a word out of H&M's mouth.

They have appeared on camera, telling blatant lies. Watching their Netflix reality show, one can see how out of touch with reality they are.

It's bizarre how many people they have fooled. They are laughing all the way to the bank and couldn't care less who they damage on their way.
Not only flat out lying, but backtracking on things immediately after publicly saying it.
  • They said they wanted privacy, now they've released a statement saying it was never about privacy.
  • They wanted to be financially independent, then complained to Oprah and Netflix that they were cut off financially.
  • Now saying this is the first time they're being allowed to tell their story, but they already told it to Oprah, The Cut, that Apple series Harry did, and their plastic mouthpiece in that book which M "forgot" she contributed to, and Meghan was pulled up for lying to the court.
  • They didn't want titles for Archie when he was born, then claimed to Oprah he didn't get titles because of racism.
  • Released statements praising HMTQ just 2 months ago now mocking her traditions.
These are only a small selection publicly verifiable examples. Who in their right mind believes anything else they say?

Folie a deux is in effect with these two and it's not going to end well for them.

But once this series is over, cue Will Smith just in time for Harry's book.

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Boring Monday

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Surely Netflix wouldn’t touch William’s alleged infidelity with a barge pole??
It‘s a trailer … it’s doing exactly what trailers do. Get people talking and watching.
it’ll most likely be summut and nowt when it comes down to it, people will feel cheated and Netflix will be as happy as Larry because people have been talking and writing about it all week.
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