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and Kate never had HG - she had regular morning sickness as they backed off from the HG diagnosis. She went on holidays when pregnant or getting her hair done when she was supposedly too sick to work, I believe when pregnant with Charlotte? It was an easy out to not work imo. As someone who had HG and was this close to being hospitalised I could barely move off the bathroom floor the entire nine months.

Victoria and Daniel have done precious videos of their children - Estelle reading the Christmas story in church or them making Christmas cookies. Very festive and lovely. It makes you feel they are a real unit and gives warm fuzzies - these pictures of the Cambridges never do and are not PR winners imo.
I thought she did have HG? She was hospitalised with the first pregnancy.
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I have no time for either Hussey or Ngozi. Both distasteful in different ways. Hussey, given her background and numerous Commonwealth visits, should have known better...but we only have Ngozi's "truth". There's always a certain amount of embellishment that goes on when the other person doesn't have the right of reply.
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I think stripping them of titles will play into their hands. They'll play it out as proof of all they've claimed: bullying, racism etc.
The best policy is to cut them off and ignore them. Deny them access and they don't get new material to trade on.
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Chatty Member
It’s the most interesting thing about her and I’m saying that loosely. She’s a pretty bland individua.
I am pretty sure that’s deliberate as it worked well for Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mother . But it’s well know the queen liked horses and QM liked a gin. Kate feels like this blank (and tbh boring) canvas. I think she likes photography and then being royal?? I can’t help but think she and William are boring. They might not be in real life of course but their public profiles are tedious. Harry (back in the day) always gave the vibe of being the fun one. But then seeing how that’s turned out maybe boring is sensible!
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This article about the RF and the press and how Harry oversimplifies it is quite interesting:

A few excerpts:

"According to Harry and Meghan, the media — and really the tabloids — hounded them out of Britain. Yet the picture the Sussexes paint of the relationship between the royal family and newspapers is over-simplistic, often out-dated and, occasionally, simply incorrect. Harry also conflates separate entities: the paparazzi with invited photographers; British newspapers with the foreign press; the mainstream media with social media."

"Harry talks about the media as though it is a single, dastardly organisation, but the Sussexes do engage with the industry — on their terms.
The documentary also shows that Harry misunderstands how the royal rota works. He calls the pack of royal correspondents “just an extended PR arm of the royal family”. As a former aide said: “If only it were — that would have made our lives a lot easier.” Royal journalists point out that they wouldn’t get any requests for corrections or complaints from Buckingham Palace, Clarence House and Kensington Palace if they were simply mouthpieces of the royal family. Yet Harry simultaneously complains that these journalists have too much power: “All royal news goes through the filter of the newspapers on the royal rota. It all comes down to control: this family is ours to exploit.”

It doesn't diminish the problematic aspects of the tabloids but if Harry wants to make a point about them, he should at least be factual - but I guess it's not enough dramatic.
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Mrs Fluff

VIP Member
I mean, tbf, Netflix only started reporting their stats a month ago and I’d have been shocked if it wasn’t the most watched show on the first day this month…

But to flip it and give it context around 2.5 million people watch Gardener’s World on a Friday night…

I’m not really sure that its that greater viewing tbh. It would be far more interesting if we knew stats from the last few years.
In all honesty how many of us got sick of binge watching during lockdown. There are a number of delusionals out there who assume Netflix viewership has gone down because of Harry and Meghan. No, it's gone down because of viewer fatigue and the vast majority of the world don't give two fecks about the 5th in line to the British Throne. Or even know who he is
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I've seen footage of the royal family bowing or curtsying to the Queen, they never looked bothered by it or like they didn't want to do it. It looked like to them it was just another way of showing affection and respect towards her as a grandmother and an elder more than as the Queen.
But when you are brought up with something, it's nit weird until someone from the outside points out that it's ridiculous. My family are devout Catholics. My husband is atheist from birth The number of times he has spat out his tea at things I would just see as completely normal is hilarious. And when it's pointed out to me, some of the things are faintly ridiculous, but I was brought up with them, so they are completely normal!
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But reading the accounts of POC here in this country, the 'where are you really from' type of questions make them feel like outsiders even if that's not the intention so I'm inclined to leave it up to them to bring up their family background if they so wish
This, plus in general, if you ask someone a question in a conversation and they avoid it, it's incredibly rude to continue badgering them for an answer just because you're curious.
Imagine if someone asked you a personal question you're kind of uncomfortable answering to someone you just met, and they just kept asking over and over until they got an answer from you. If someone did that to me at that point I would literally rather die than give them an answer. I'm petty like that lol.
Some people really just need to be more considerate and learn some manners and tact.
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Well-known member
Damn Harry’s finally dropped Williams name in the new trailer

Again I’m questioning the mental state of these two from the opening snippet, that they were basically worried for their lives and had to get out for safety. It’s madness they think their lives are in genuine danger, the lives of MPs in this country are at a greater risk than royalty or celebrities and they don’t get any security
Jo Cox is sadly an example of that. There is also the fact that many Hollywood’s celebrities have security threats, Taylor Swift has a stalker, Kobe Bryant’s eldest daughter (I’m blanking on her name) apparently currently has a stalker and she’s not even that present in the media. I’m sure the likes of Elon Musk and Bill Gates get constant security and death threats. I believe the secret service protection for the Obama’s children is no longer funded by the state…so you know what they all do? PAY FOR THEIR OWN SECURITY!!

I think it’s pretty well known from various biographies of staff that they could go months without talking … I wouldn’t be surprised it the close brothers thing was as much a PR/media construct as anything else
My sister and I have a strained relationship (in fairness, she has one with everyone), we’ve even gone years without talking. But she is my sister, I’d never sell her out. Now, she might do that to me and everyone would ask why are you re-hashing grievances from years ago when you have created a better life for yourself now? And it’s true, the old her would have but she moved out of the country created a great life for herself and is much happier now and doesn’t rehash grievances (as s she used to as a way to deflect from her own misery. She changed her life for the better and then STFU. The exact opposite of

Harry shitting on William like this will be a temporary set back for William, but ultimately will be worse for Harry. What kind of whingey little shit at this Big age with his own family and an ocean and a continent between him and his family STILL harps on about that kind of stuff? Ultimately despite it all Harry was still the most popular member of the RF, so the same machine that threw Wills shit on him also helped shine him up. Now he’s one of the least popular and that’s all his own doing.
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Boring Monday

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Yes, I agree. Didn’t Prince Edward himself go into that higher brow type of acting? His parents obviously allowed it, which they wouldn’t have done for tv or film work.
Edward worked with Andrew Lloyd Webber in a behind the scenes/production role not actually on stage.
then of course, there was It’s A Royal Knockout which every one has spent the best part of 35 years pretending never actually happened.
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Could black women be perceived as privileged to have their own DV charity which caters exclusively for them?
No - because of the reason why the DV charity caters to them. They’re marginalised. There are many, many DV charities in this country that non black people can seek help from. I don’t understand why a specialised service is being perceived as discriminatory? Do people really believe that Black women aren’t discriminated against as so shouldn’t have safe spaces created for them? In a country where they are less likely to believed by the police, a country where medical staff take their pain less seriously because they are deemed to have higher pain thresholds?

Do you think LGBT people are privileged to have specialised services? Or disabled people? These are all protected groups.
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I do think it seems to have been spun and whatabouteried and whatifferied beyond what it actually was.

This is a person whose job for 60 odd years has been to meet and greet guests of the Royal Family and put them at their ease … most people going to a Buck House reception are going to more than likely be a tad on the nervous side. The LiW are skilled in the art inconsequential chit chat and reading conversational cues to put people at ease … not refusing to hear what was being said and going at it like a dog with a bone until they got the answer they thought they wanted and making the guest feel anything but at ease. That was really, to me, where she went wrong whatever the subject matter.
According to NF's transcript, but in reality she might have just asked a couple of questions. We only heard one side.

It just seems odd, why would a Royal aide suddenly "misbehave" after decades of service next to TQ and just before MM drops her Netflix trailer and the Wales' start their tour and out of coincidence when she spoke to someone who already accused the BRF of being racist.

So many coincidences.....
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Ok- I have been reading the last discussion over several days with longer beaks and English is not my native language- is there a second meaning to niggling? Because I certainly have used it here and there. And from how I understand the word and looking at the headline it would rather read as if the author is actually not happy with their feeling and would rather be just all happy about it. (Obviously this could be just an excuse and it was about saying something negative all along. Which is definitely something the DF does .)
Or is it just that words look similar?
I don’t discard the argument that the DF used the visual similarity on purpose. They had been playing with words along the edge quite masterfully. But if it would have appeared in the Telegraph- would the interpretation be the same? So, is the problem the bubble it appeared in and not the word itself?
Niggling has only one meaning which is not racist nor does it have racist origins. However as with most phrases, words can be interpreted to mean a different thing depending on the speaker, punctuation, context etc. The woman who wrote this article studied modern languages at university at one of the best universities in the world, she should have or will have known that the word could have been misinterpreted and used a synonym. You cannot take the language at face value.

The Telegraph is a broadsheet newspaper whilst DM is a tabloid, so it's highly unlikely they would ever use this headline unless they were directly quoting someone. As someone said before when you combine this phrase with the other racially insensitive language that the DM has used about meghan, it is understandable why meghan/ people would view this language as having malintent behind it
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Mrs Fluff

VIP Member
To be honest, I‘ve always though the engagement interview was Mills and Booned up by the PR bunnies behind the scenes. After the Charles and Diana interview disaster, nothing will have been left to chance. Just the right side of romantic and normal …
No, no, roasting a chicken meant Harry proposed during a kinky sex act. Apparently.
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I love the hair, gives me Lana Del Rey vibes. The whole ensemble is a really good look for Kate, and it's great to see her in something other than the Lover's Knot.
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Chatty Member
The history of royals is more interesting than the current royals. There would have been less to know about the historic royals due to lack of social media etc. It's similar to the old celebs of the golden era of Hollywood.

They were intriguing because there was little known about them at the time, so seeing and hearing from them was a special thing. Nowadays we know all there is to know about these celebs because they give interviews for every movie/album they release.
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Tangent Tiger

VIP Member
I agree and I think she wants to support William rather than do her own thing.
Edward is very inoffensive - maybe that's a better word than bland! Anyway I think being bland/inoffensive is the key to royal success. Sophie has a higher profile than Edward but you could also say that she's bland/inoffensive. They're just there in the background supporting the main players.
Actually that would be fascinating to put a cat tracker on Edward and see what he gets up to on an average day. I'd have no idea!
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Well-known member
And the validly raised point in the docuseries that almost no people of colour are employed by the tabloid press
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