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Given all the restricitions and the fact that Charles still visited makes me think he must be near the end. You would think if he was coming home early next week that the royal family wouldnt want to be seen to flout rules when other people cant visit loved ones in hospital.

However, if Prince Philip is at end of life care I thought he and his family would prefer for him to pass at home rather than at a hospital.
My Nana said that when she got to end of life she’d rather be in a hospice/hospital rather than at home so that everyone left didn’t have to a) deal with the aftermath and b) associate “home” with that last bit. Of course it’s a bit different for TQ with all the aides around but there might still be something in that.
Or he could be absolutely fine and Charlie was just dropping off a few magazines and a sudoku book earlier 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I used to really like Megan Markle I thought wow this is great a woman of colour in the royal family this is great a for modern monarchy.

When the drama with her father came out i thought wow this woman is manipulative , she won’t like Kate because she knows Kate will queen one day and have a much bigger role.

I genuinely think Kate liked her and did try to do what she could.

I honestly think Meghan took him away from
his brothe. I think The bond William And Harry had Meghan was jealous of, and she wanted to be centre of attention and ruined that bond

Didn’t Harry love Kate as a sister ?

I am sure he adored his nephews and niece

William has always spoken about the media and how it treated his mother and didn’t want that to happen with his family.

William has very much protected his family in the right way and still stayed devoted to service.

Harry and Meghan have now thrown both Kate and William into more work and the extra strain on them because he couldn’t support his brother.

Now William and Kate will be getting more
Media scrutiny, Harry hasn’t thought about his brothers mental health has he and what he could end up doing to his brothers mental health.

If PP did die ( I really hope he make it to 100) Harry won’t be allowed to come back for the funeral, this interview will sever all ties with his family.

Harry is lucky he got to Marry the woman he loves The Queen could have said no, but she didn’t.

Princess Margaret couldn’t do that she put duty first and supported her sister regardless of how she felt. Harry gets what he wants his family took her in, invited her to Christmas breaking tradition and that was not good enough.
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He seems to have jumped ship from being in Meghan and Harry's pockets

From memory I think Sophie had a difficult, possibly even dangerous, birth which was why the Queen went to see her
Yes, placental abruption and apparently security delayed calling an ambulance when Sophie asked for one. Both of them lost a lot of blood and they were lucky to both survive. Edward was abroad and making his way back, so Sophie was alone, without even her baby.
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Have you seen the clips from the interview? I wish they wouldn't have done this.
Oprah "You said some pretty shocking stuff."
Harry "I cannot imagine her going through it alone"
Meghan's dramatic face.

This is a car crash and won't help anyone and whatever they will be saying: the audience does not need to know this.

But maybe they need the interview to pay for the garden, the garden looks lush. Like a park
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Has anyone seen what she’s wearing for the Oprah interview ? Black with white, same colours to what MJ and Diana wore when Bashir interviewed them. Umm does Meghan not realise she isn’t honouring Diana, she isn’t Diana.

Harry exploiting his mother’s legacy is what riles me up, the fact his brother has to go through hearing things again about what his mum went through and Harry cashing in from his dead mother no concern for his brother who also went through the same grief.
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When my grandad was terminally ill, they made preparations to bring him home and set a room up for him. But as he got closer to end of life, he decided along with my nan and my mum to stay in the hospice so my nan wouldn’t associate home with the place he died.
I can understand it.
PP is going to be getting the best care at that hospital, whether he is there for treatment or end of life care.
My father in law passed away at home. My mother in law hates being in the house because all she can see him lying on the floor, even now 3 years later. Bless her she didn't call us until 2 hours later, it took another hour and a half to get to her, so she'd spent all that time with him without us there. I think PP will stay in hospital, not to put TQ through any more heartache. Death is one of the only certainties in life, but still the most difficult to deal with.

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My friends just text me and said she won’t be happy if Ant & Decs show gets cancelled tonight if itv are doing a news special on him 😂
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For everyone complaining about Harry protecting Megan - I think my back would be up if my wife was called vulgar, a porn star, wishing her and his unborn baby would die in childbirth, and their son was compared to a chimp while his very powerful family sat back and did nothing, not to mention throw them under the bus to protect a sex predator.

I think the brothers were bound to drift apart a little after Harry got married - he has his own family now and wants to concentrate on that now. As for the privacy thing I compare it to film stars or even the Royal family itself - they want to promote their charity endeavours and use their status for that but they want to have certain aspects of their private life, rightfully, private e.g - their home and son.

Although I will say this interview is not going to go how they want it no matter how well they come across....
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Prince Philip is 99 and the Queen is 94. They wont live forever. Regardless of how healthy they were to this point, Harry is putting them and his entire family through so much. He has dragged the reptutation of the royal family through the mud.

Let's not forget that the one unifying factor in all this is Meghan is always the wronged one. But she has done the exact same to Harry's family she did to her own- distanced them when they no longer serve her purpose.

I was a big fan of hers until shortly after the wedding. The first red flag was when she had no family on her side other than her mother and no friends other than celebs at the wedding.
Really? You are talking about a family that has a history with links to the nazi party, links to paedophilia, numerous affairs and divorces. An interview by Oprah is hardly rocking that boat.

Gonna be a bit awkward if Phil kicks the bucket between now and March 7th!
Im going to go to hell for wondering what the odds are
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There’s so many examples of the daily Mail reporting the things that Meghan has done (holding her bump etc) in a negative way & then running a story about Kate doing the same thing but it’s painted as a positive. Will try to find the link but it’s so obvious when you see it like that.

What do you mean by “true colours “ what did she do that was so terrible ?
Brainwashed him against his family who he had got on with well before, especially William- for starters. He’s lost his whole identity since marrying her. Maybe you should go and read some of the 50 threads about them on here
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My FIL went into hospital just before Xmas. He was diagnosed with an infection and we were told he would be out in days.
He died on new years eve after transferred to a hospice.

This is giving me flashbacks of that.

Obviously i know nothing more than whats reported in the news. But yeah i feel like I'm living deja vu
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I don’t follow the royal family much or know much about them, it’s just not something I’m interested in, but Philip has always been my favourite, between his one liners, not taking any crap from anyone, to supporting the queen, I think his line of saying ‘my job first, second and last is to never let the queen down’ really shows just what kind of man he is, should he pass, he will be missed by a nation
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So many people on Twitter taking the piss, I know it’s frustrating for many who haven’t been able to visit loved ones, but if Philip is in palliative care it IS complying with the rules.
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I think this is going to end very badly for Harry, because whatever he says is going to against him rather then for him.

I see sadness in William, he does miss his brother so much. Harry is the other link to his mother and I think that’s why William is hurt and angry by Harry’s actions.

I met William and Kate once and they are absolutely sweet and lovely people, Kate is absolutely stunning in person.

I got the chance to also meet MM along with my other work colleagues, we all was like wow she’s so fake , it was the fake smile and persona that got me.

Its the very definition of having your cake and eating it, with a large dollop of resentment on the side.
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I am surprised the other members haven’t been to visit him if it’s serious. I think if we see his other children visiting then it is definitely the end!
The RF have been pretty good at observing the lockdown rules so far. End of life visits are usually restricted to one or two visitors. I don’t think it is very likely you will see the whole family rock up, not a good look when so many people have been unable to visit loved ones.
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I totally want to see the coronation, they hired coaches from a TV film company for the Queens, so I absolutely want to see pomp and ceremony, no skimping please. Realistically we might even see two in our lifetimes. I'm so here for the Queens funeral and I'm not even one bit sorry. If she outlives me I will be most annoyed!
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I met him during the Queens Diamond Jubilee tour in 2012. She was doing a walkabout so we went to try and meet her. I took some flowers and got there early, right by the barrier.
They arrived, but The Queen walked down the opposite side to us. Then all of a sudden I looked up and Prince Phillip was standing infront of me!
He told me to jump over the barrier to give my flowers to her 😂 I'm like, errrrm I can't 🤣
So he then looks over to where The Queen was and asked me if I would like him to take them to her. I obviously said yes please! 😁 He said, "who shall I say they're from?" So I told him my name. Then just as he was walking off, he said with a big smile on his face "Can I say they're from me?" 🤣
He walked over to where the Queen was, spoke to her, passed her the flowers and pointed over to where we were standing and she smiled and waved to us! 😁😁
What a lovely story.
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I remember a very funny tweet around Harry and Meghans wedding. I thought I had a screenshot but sadly I don't. This girl in Belfast or somewhere else in the North of Ireland overheard a row in her neighbours house during the wedding, she heard a male voice shouting "turn that shite aff, we're republicans in this house!" A female voice answered "fuck up you, I just want to see the wee girls dress"

Always makes me laugh 😂
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