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VIP Member
I wonder what people think about the secret cousins mentioned above. Apparently it was common practice to do a similar thing during the time period if you were of a higher, so it makes sense on that point. Though they really should have acknowledged said cousins once it wasn’t as socially acceptable to do that, it would have probably caused outrage based on it being kept a secret. The whole situation seems a bit messy based on that for me

I do think that i would like for the RF to be a bit of a driving force for social change at times, when it’s appropriate, but that seems like a tricky business and potentially connected to politics. But then, since the RF is involved in politics to an extent and the majority of it is apparently kept secret, there should at least be transparency with that sort of stuff
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He's due to get another few million from the Queen Mother's estate when he turns 40, so they've only got to live on the breadline for another couple of years.
I’m sure they probably have some of the money they already got invested somewhere to make them profit. Any of their work alongside that is probably just a nice bonus

As some others have said, the problem is that they don’t have a real concept of the meaning of money, so maybe the bills look a bit scary. Doesn’t mean they can’t afford their lifestyle though
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I couldn’t care less about cheating. So many people cheat. Sadly it’s pretty common really. Just look at the statistics. Royals or aristocrats don’t cheat more (or less) than the rest. If you can keep it a secret or find a way to arrange yourself with it, get a divorce or get your own affair- whatever. It’s nobody’s business but the people involved. And I highly doubt the idea of having a mistress is any more acceptable in those circles than they are with us nowadays.

And while I have absolutely nothing against religion it’s another sad fact, that high positions in a church or being form in your religion don’t keep people from being morally corrupt or downright criminal. Most churches/religious affiliations have a shocking number of abusers in high positions. So HMTQ paying for Andrew fits right in. I am not saying it’s right though. Just that they are not worse (or better) than the rest in that regard. You could look at it that way- they are a concentrated mix of the best and the worst that society has to offer. At least if you take all the headlines for the truth. I think they are neither as great nor as bad as they get talked about.
They have a lot of influence, a lot of money, a lot of opportunity and a lot of time on their hands, which makes it easier, but I agree overall. Adultery is sadly fairly commonplace. Although the divorce rate in the UK has historically been around 40%, but among the Queens children its 75%, and that is without the money worries that other couples have.
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Boring Monday

VIP Member
They were still the queens first cousins. Yes people were put into facilities out of no choice but the royal family had no excuse and could have given them a very happy comfortable life quite easily or at least paid for tombstone for their graves! Disgusting way to treat them when it could have easily had a much happier ending.
It was the children of the Queen Mum’s brother … and she called it a Bowes-Lyon issuel indicating she though it was for their immediate family to deal with.
The Queen doesn’t strike me as the sort of person who would have gone up against her mum on something like that.
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VIP Member
What do Princess Margaret's kids do exactly?
Sarah is a photographer and won awards and David is a talented furniture maker.

Eta - pretty sure he’s had money issues in the past though? Sure I remember reading about company loans years ago
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VIP Member
How long is this pageant meant to be? Why is the BBC already broadcasting it???

an actual start time would be great too, I though it was in the evening?
2.30. They have themed busses.

Please please tell me Oasis are going 🤞
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Chatty Member
I understood that W&K have always said when W is King they will stay at KP not BP. Charles also doesn’t want to move to BP he wants to stay at Clarence House and open BP up to the public all year.
I don’t have a problem with the Cambridges keeping Amner Hall as a Holiday home. It was a wedding gift, no different to the queen going to Balmoral. I can see Balmoral being opened as a museum once the queen has passed.
Charles has made clear his official office will be at Buckingham Palace. That will be where he signs legislation and hosts foreign dignitaries and politicians and receptions even if he and Camilla still sleep at Clarence House and BP is open more often to the public.

As you suggest Charles also wants Balmoral to be a memorial museum to the Queen
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Tangent Tiger

VIP Member
She's not a stay at home mum though! We are paying for her to work and what both William and Kate do is minimal, and interspersed with a lot of holidays. They both use the ' stay at home parent' excuse for this, but they have two school aged children, a nanny and numerous other staff. What's the nanny doing if she's a stay at home mum? The most annoying thing is that she is put up as the perfect woman ( particularly this week) when she has married someone, had some kids and wears clothes. I doubt she does that many unrecorded visits. The Cambridges work numbers are so low, you can bet they would record everything they do!
I don't think she is the perfect woman at all, no-one is! But anyone who is a senior royal has different payment from the rest of us (disbarring rich wives/husbands) which is PAYE, self employed, benefits or inheritance.

I think she seems like a kind woman, that's all.
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VIP Member
Like you have no idea - but it honestly wouldn’t surprise me.
Charles and Camilla were mainly known about because of Diana and the random ‘sources’ and the playing off of one side against the other. Not the most edifying period.
What usually happens is that an omertà comes into play. People know, but no one says, things are facilitated quietly and without fuss and everyone plays dumb.
It’s amazing what they can keep out of the press with a bit of feel good exclusive PR.
not a clue, but I wouldn’t discount it out of hand on the basis ‘we’ don’t know.
I wouldnt be surprised either, just based on Royal form for cheating, and the aristocracy in general, seem to think its not a big deal in any way. Diana was not happy with the cheating and leaked stories, but the narrative from The Palace, right up to the separation was that they were happily married. I doubt Kate would authorise anyone to talk about her life in the RF like Diana did with Andrew Morton so we will never know.
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