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What are peoples thoughts on what Teresa’s storyline could be without Melissa and Joe? Expansion on the beef with Margaret? Random fights with the newbies? Fallout with Jen Aydin?
Honestly she will be fine without them. She can carry the show.
Let's remember that she was on the show before them for 2 seasons and in that time she was table flipping and chasing Danielle Staub around a country club 😂

Melissa has no storyline - she has really been scraping the barrell the last few seasons. when someone is using their teenage daughters knee injury as a storyline ...
it is time to move on
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I also didn't like how she brought up Adriana's ex husband. The husband that raped and threatened to kill her. Hard pass Alexia, she needs to get a reality check.
The situation with Adriana's date too and his marital status which she was wrong about then wouldn't just swallow her pride for 3 seconds and apologise!!

They all say Larsa hits below the belt but Alexia hits way lower, the only difference is they're all scared of Alexia and how far she will go so I think sometimes they think its best to say nothing.
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I don't think they'll fire Robyn. I don't think Andy could resist the payback of all the women gunning for her next season and making sure she gets a horrible edit
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RHOP - the producers have earned their bonuses with that episode alone. They are like another cast member with the edits they do. Brilliant!
I DIED at them not having the budget for the song royalties, then the old black and white preview.
I feel like Chris must be super nice to production for them to back him like that. Without being rude, Ashley’s friend doesn’t look like the sort of person he’d ruin his marriage for…
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She's so deluded! Looks like trying to make money out of her lies still.
Haven't watched RHOSLC reunion, don't think I can be bothered, I'll read the comments on here instead!!
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Definitely looks like some sort of contouring or photo editing. I saw something that she's working out with the gnat mellencamp. I don't recall seeing the gnat with such defined stomach muscles....
Considering she is in her 50's and has four children, fair enough some women are built like this their whole lives but to suddenly get definition at this stage would be a lot of work...for her plastic surgeon.

Season 1 & 2 she looked great but heavier than now. I think that looks like a tummy tuck and lipo - but I'm no expert.
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I hate the narrative that Alexia always goes with that she's just had 'such bad luck' and she's brought those boys up on her own etc. (Obviously not including Frankie's accident in this) But Alexia married a drug dealer and now a convicted pedophile and lived off the spoils of his drug money for years. She then married a very rich closeted gay man so she could keep her glamourous lifestyle and she has a spoiled entitled son who has assaulted a homeless man and committed domestic abuse which she continually makes excuses for. She isn't a victim, she hasn't pulled herself up by her bootstraps type thing, she isn't an empowered woman and even though having a severely disabled son as the result of an accident must be incredibly difficult you have to question why she was condoning him smoking weed until he passed out! Whatever your opinion on the medicinal qualities of weed I don't think it can be healthy at all to let someone with significant brain damage smoke so much he passes out.
I agree with you. I like Alexia but in s5 the trip to the Quays made me uncomfortable when she called all Russian women pr0stitu3s then doubled down when Julia confronted her and said she lived on drug money. Alexia had the audacity to deny this when its as clear as day that she benefited from his escapades.. come on girl, are we meant to believe you were with him for love lol?

Regarding Frankie and Peter I think as time goes on its become increasingly clear she is really struggling to cope. Frankie god bless him needs extra care and attention from Alexia and on top of this Peter comes across as a little shit
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If production told heather to lie, then we don't just need a recast, we need a new production team. Put RHSLC on pause for a year and start again next year
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Ashley is as dumb as dodo. You could argue that even Erika G left her marriage with more than Ashley did

Mia is a close second for dumbest Potomac RH
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I've just seen those posts about Heather and the fact that she had said she hit her eye on the sink but that production told her they had footage of someone punching her and to play along and get that person to confess...

I don't know, I totally believe production get more involved and spread rumours and gossip as they are filming than they let on but to actually set this up?

Jen doesn't just need to pay the $5m restitution to her victims - she needs to give her mother back her retirement fund as well!
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Chatty Member
Happpy New Year everyone.
Just spent 2 days catching up with SLC & Potomac.

Mia and her friend storyline seems contrived. Having showers together, winding the girls up.

I am so glad SLC is over. I don’t think I could take another episode. The episode before the finale I slept on my sofa half way through. 🤣

I used to like Heather and dislike Lisa. Now I am a fan of Lisa.
The show will be nothing without Shah.
How did she only get 6.5 years ??? Did Coach Shah have any inkling what his wife was doing ? I realise he travels for work and is out of state most of the time.
I think he was checked out of his marriage and possibly waiting for the kids to go to university or something. How can he be with such a vile narcissistic woman ? She’s always the victim.
I hope we never see her again on TV but Bravo likes to promotes the criminals.

They need to bring Mary back otherwise the show will be a snooze fest. Lisa cannot carry the show on her own.
What the hell does Meredith bring to the show? She is not cut out for TV.

Lisa Rinna is finally gone. What about Erika Jayne ?
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Worst HW ever for me was Teddi.

I loved the way Eileen was so normal and reasonable. She was a really underrated HW.

I will never forget her saying ' BEAST?..How dare you to! to Kim. She was so shocked. 😅
Yes, Teddi, using her dad's famous surname, though tbh I had no idea who he was!! Kyle would love her to come back, her little side kick, if she did, I'd stop watching!!
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@kale-supremacist I know! Why did Alexia need to look at the record!! I did chuckle at the end, when Adrianna's boyfriend asked Alexia at the party if she could read, obviously not the whole record where it clearly said he was divorced!!! She's soo in the wrong and should have apologised.
Totally, I like Alexia (and Marysol) but their stance on this and Nicole is turning me off them. Larsa I have been enjoying more this season but she is totally in the wrong with the Nicole rumours.

I don't love it when men come in and get all shirty with the ladies but I understand Adriana's date being pissed off that these women are continually saying he's married and are digging around his records. Why should he be nice?

I really hope Lisa has got a shit hot lawyer - slimy Lenny trying to say he was attempting to give her more than she would get from the courts is such bullshit. He's such a cliche and an embarrassment.
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Kelly had two moments - scary island and gummies bear and when she did the whole ‘I’m up here, you’re down here’ thing with Betheny. Neither moment however covered her in glory. In fact, it made her possibly one of the worst NYC wives (even Cindy wax queen is better and I’ll gladly watch pretty dull Kristen over her). Annoying, full of herself, zero self awareness etc. if she’s on Legacy, I just want someone to shout out ‘go to sleep!’ whenever she opens her mouth.
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I've never been a fan of Alexia and this last season she's been a real bitch, but I can't see them getting rid of her!!
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Aww i really used to like Adriana but bloody hell she is so absolutely stupid comparing what happened to her foot to Frankie's accident. I would not be surprised if Alexia absolutely goes off on her and she would be well within her rights to.

Did anyone see Alexia's insta post last night? You can tell she has absolutely nothing but adoring love for Frankie. I know Alexia has done a few questionable things this series but i do think she has a good heart especially where Frankie is concerned.
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