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Chatty Member
Someone on a newspaper feed saying how they don’t claim benefits…. I just worked out that they get nearly £850 a month in child benefit. Some people live on less than that a month!!!
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So they've got heidies starting pack and know who her teacher will be...
Good luck to them.

Not sure why she's so giddy about heidie starting school
Can't remember the last time they went back on time and settled in with all the other children and teachers
She simply doesn't care about their first days in school yet heidies suddenly means everything.

I'll bet the teacher already knows they won't follow the term dates.
Holidays are far more important and they have no issues causing disruption for everyone.
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Little me.

VIP Member
I just came on to say he is an absolute creep. I could never eat one of their pies made by that weirdo bunch. When Crusty is talking to the camera he is forever sniffing. It’s vile, makes me wonder what he does when nobody is watching. Disgusting vile man.
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Prince fan 1999

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Yes I think it’s that, mixed with jealousy of all her girls having babies and settling down with their own families - she’s not centre of attention any more. It’s probably dawned on her, at long last, that she’s nearing the end of the gravy train. No one cares about an older woman wallowing in cash with, what, 9 actual children living at home? Nothing special about that. What made them interesting in the beginning was how a ‘normal’ family coped with having that many kids, getting them ready for school, food shopping, bedtime etc. Now all they have is a bunch of mainly adults going on ridiculously expensive holidays, with a few grandkids to make up the numbers.

Better milk that cash cow for all its worth, Sue because in 5 short years you’ll only have 5 under 16s and no one will give a 💩
It's not even as if they can carry on because they are great characters to watch. They're not,far from it. Sooner or later their minions will leave in their droves when they've nothing left to offer. 😃
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Chatty Member
Go Nicole 🙌
And perfectly put too 👏👏👏
I am so glad Nicole posted the facts!! Good for you :) he is a POS, he has mental problems caused by his bigger POS parents but that is NO excuse to take it all out on his ex partner & his kids.
The fact that he won't travel to the kids is made doubly bad IMO, because he also has stepkids & they used to have good relationships with him. We know the RaTfords don't "count" stepkids, so what should those kids do while his three young children & their mum travel for hours for the pleasure of his company?? :sick:🤮
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I think she’s been watching too many Right guy videos looking for savvy meal tips and instead is learning how to be a gobby chavvy twat who also try and shame anyone who doesn’t worship them .
As for decorating that house if they had any brain cells between them , they would have saved all this easy money they are making and moved to a bigger house with a bigger garden but nope sue is too fascinated with Disney .
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Prince fan 1999

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Well done to Aimee for being the first Radford to study for a qualification. I really hope she does well and better than her sisters.
Shocking that with that many children,she's the only one to carve out a career. That's not really something to be proud about,that's embarrassing.
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Chatty Member

Sue’s posted this. Not the world Sue, your noncey husband - he took your virginity and your childhood 😡
But you don’t have to keep having breaks, naps and trips.
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Chatty Member
University is not for everyone...but maybe a collage course that leads to a full time decent paid job.
There is many trades joiner etc that are very lacking in the UK.
My sister regrets going to Uni, she has a degree in Animal Care but works in a hotel and she's happy with that. Colleges pressure students to go to Uni but reality is you can get many jobs without going and also avoid Uni debt if you don't go. I'd recommend getting at least a Level 3 at College in any career path, that gets you quite a lot of jobs.
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Chatty Member
If Sue & Noel had a half a brain cell between them they would block her .
Good effort and well done to the commenter calling her out.
As for not wanting strangers in the house, they invite strangers in to their lives every second of the day by putting out there on social media. I know the layout of their house. The furnishings. Who’s in what bedroom and where it is. Where the kids go to school. It doesn’t take a mastermind to figure all this out as it’s there on social media. And I’m not a weirdo or to be worried about. But there is a minority of weirdos out there who will take an interest. Who are intrigued and enticed by what they see on tv and on social media. So for a few pounds, you’ve given away their security and safety.
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It should be about what's in the best interest of the children, and that's to visit where they live with their mum. It says a lot that he can't be bothered travelling to see them but expects three little kids to do a long journey for his convenience.

If Nicole doesn't want their faces or details in the media that should be respected. They printed the children's faces in that article and there is a chapter about them in the Radford's book. It mentions their date of births and what a great father Chris is.
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I can think of a good few reasons not to have any starting with no gloves or hairnets baring in mind its a food business
Their basic hygeine seems to be lacking
Dirty clothes and hats worn and as you say probably get coughed and sneezed on and handled with dirty hands.
no gloves or hair nets - thus the likelihood of chunks of Nowull's dandruff, stray hairs, chipped nail varnish and/or a plaster contained in each pie as an additional extra. 🤢🤢

what was even worse was the food standards agency report revealing that the state of hygiene was appalling - not only do they not wear gloves, they didn't even wash their hands, as the tap in the kitchen wasn't working AND there was no soap/hand-wash on the premises! also a lack of cleaning products with grimy, stained cloths being reused to wipe kitchen surfaces. ofc Sue tried to deny all this, but the report was accessible online. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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How does she spend her life either on holiday or planning holidays? I was going to say I’m not jealous but I am a bit. I work full time and can barely afford to take my kids camping for the weekend let alone on multiple expensive foreign trips every year plus to see Taylor Swift etc. Even if I could afford it, I only get 15 days annual leave so there’s no way I could fit that many holidays around a full time job 🙄
I bet your kids have a much better life than Sues 22. Holidays don't define a happy childhood. Having a normal, adult mother who sees her kids and teaches them the right values gives long term happiness. Being dragged around Disney parks by a mother mentally aged 13 must be a nightmare. Nightmares are never positive.
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Billy big bollox chris calling out his ex last night for not letting him see his kids. He's another one messed up by his parents. You'd think they'd want to do better
Maybe mummy and daddy can pay for a solicitor and go to court so he can see his children. I mean, it’s not like he can use his own money heaven forbid!
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Little me.

VIP Member
There must be one hell of a lot of people out there with sight problems. All telling the scrats how lovely they all looked. No no no no no. One looked like a tart, one like a prostitute and the mother like a drag queen. Aimee was the only one who looked anywhere near decent.
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