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Blue tick big sister Sophie & a few of the Walker girls have,
Close family they say
Happy loving family they say.
Even Millie's engagement hasn't been commented on.
Unless Sue is making a full vlog out of it for money money money its loving life @ Disney
Always out to make money so would not surprise me! She is one fake arse woman! Lol
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It’s an obsession, an addiction, which she was able to indulge courtesy of the generous tax credit system that was around while she was still procreating. Nowadays she’d be stuffed as they only pay for 2.
She’s gradually replaced babies with dogs and constant spending. When it all comes to an end, she’s gonna be in despair.
She was absolutely obsessed about having as many kids as she could. There were several pregnancies where she should have stopped as it could have killed her or the baby. As you said there was the tax credit situation which the Radfraud's took full advantage of, although to them it was not a benefit as Nowell had the pie shop and worked his fingers to the bone 🙄🙄

I don't know how long they can cling on to C5 airing their pre recorded false crap. As I've said before they are not anywhere as popular as they once were.
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Don't say the kids are sun burn as Sue will just post tomorrow with a photo of the child with white pale arm/shoulder/back with a bitchy comment aimed at Tattlers.
With a filter of course to hide the obvious and sore looking sunburn...
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Does Sue not realise that while the Tattle thread may not be nice for her to read, it does give publicity. They say there is no such thing as bad publicity and when the book/ TV shoes/ youtube videos are discussed here, some people will buy or view to see what the fuss is about. While not the intention of the thread it will make money for the Radfords.

People are also allowed to ask her questions or state an opinion without being doxxed.
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Wonder if they’ll just leave Tillie when she has her surgery? I mean, they wouldn’t want to miss a holiday would they?
They haven't mentioned it since a q and a last year but tells everyone they have an exciting summer planned when she should be recovering??
Strange when they filmed every minute leading up to and after her first op, recovery, mid recovery accident and doctors appt for the 2nd op.
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But they miss a few days/week at the start of every term!

It’s probably nearly 4/5 school weeks missed across the year which is over 10% of the school year.
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Honey JuJu

Chatty Member
I think Adam has gone to ground thanks to the minion army that would’ve followed her rant. The thick chavvy minions will have understood every word she’s said and armed with their “you’re just jealous” weapons of badly spelt and punctuated tyrant of abuse to silence the man who dared to call them out.
Adam, whoever and wherever you are I salute you 👋😂👏👏
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Or some minions not. How freakin creepy is this???? Af!
Or some minions not. How freakin creepy is this???? Af!
Ah the super fans of the Radfraud's where they can do wrong and they are excellent parents 🙄
This is one of the reasons I can’t understand TV companies making series about them and the fuss some people make!
Neither of them look or sound good on camera, neither do they have any sort of presence or wit, or even any comic timing or appeal at all.
As for the kids, totally feral and… sorry to say but the Radford genes are strong in most of them 🤢
I kind of understand the fuss around them when they first were picked up for the TV. However it was very quickly established that Nowell had groomed a young child. At that point the media should have ran for the hills. The grifters knew this deep down and alongside their obsession with popping out kids they carried on regardless.

I have no clue why they are still so popular, there has been a shift change in how the majority view them. Mainly since Sue couldn't physically have any more kids. They try and portray that they are a normal family but then bugger of to Disney several times a year.
It's painful to listen and watch both of them talk. You can tell that they're not that bright nor funny. As for the kids they're screwed from the moment they were born. They all look like clones of their mother the boys are clones of their father. Allowed to do what they want anytime they want with no consequences whatsoever
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View attachment 2908544

They having a flaming laugh? They’ve just come back from 2 weeks in Disney, and Millie and her bloke are having a nice couple of days away. God life’s hard isn’t it? 😡
I knew we shouldn’t have bought our own house and sent the kids to uni. Should’ve just knocked out kid after kid and sponged off the state instead ☹
Same! Don't know why we all bother!
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In her little rant she says she went two days without being able to bathe or properly feed mila as well as no power before going to Jakes parents.

Two days she spent moaning before doing anything about it whilst waiting for an engineer that's pretty bad on her part.
Not to forget it was a bank holiday weekend so engineers can only do what they can with who they have. Absolutely unacceptable to leave a property like this however it cant be helped sometimes. Seems more like entitled girl ranted online expects everything given to her right away. She was fortunate enough to go elsewhere but made them all suffer to whine.

I have had electric and gas issues most (not all) of the time they come out quickly but like the entire country everywhere is short staffed. She wouldn’t understand as never had to get a real job. MUA and working for dad doesn’t count.
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Lol I love her comment that she’s booking more hols! As if anyone in their right mind would want to go on yet another Disney hol in the boiling hot heat with that hideous inbred brood and her pedlo husband! She really is as thick as fuck and she should be thoroughly ashamed that she’s brought up a load of bone idle, grifting, thicko chavs who’s only ambition is to get knocked up repeatedly or live with Mummy and Daddy when they’re adults! Stupid illiterate cunt 😂😂 😂
Don’t hold back 😂😂😂
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Maybe give the dogs some water you thick moron Sue.

It’s really odd but I’ve seen a few large families dressing their different age kids in matching outfits…why is that?!
not sure about other families, but with Sue it's because she was SO desperate to have a set of twins among her massive brood and is disappointed it never happened, so instead she dresses the two sets of girls who are similar in age - Phoebe & Hallie, and Bonnie & Heidie - in matching outfits, as she knows that they are so close in age, people will assume they're twins.
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