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So they’re out in a bar having a cocktail making session and Sue wears an outfit that looks like she’s away to a pick your own berry session. Those girls must be embarrassed by their mum thinking she’s one of “the girls”


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The things people will believe!
Authorities investigated and said he did no wrong ermmm she was a 13 yr old child in the eyes of the law he certainly did commit a crime, living arrangements shouldn't be an excuse

An you couldn't say she looks older either because she doesn't.
i may be misremembering this, but didn't Sue's mother claim that she didn't report it, because her GP advised her not to - which is all levels of wrong, as surely he had a safeguarding duty and should have lost his job protecting a rapist. according to her, the GP said that if she were to report Noel's crime, it would likely result in Sue and Noel running away together and would ruin their mother/daughter relationship as Sue would be angry with her parents that her boyfriend had been prosecuted, so instead she opted to support their relationship and pretty much raise baby Chris herself - presumably with the "it's okay you groomed, abused and raped my daughter - as long as you work hard and stay together" instead of protecting the victim - their 13 year old daughter - as she deserved. as a result, I'm not sure social services WERE involved - let alone that they investigated the situation and decided Noel had done nothing wrong because them sleeping together was consensual - that seems to be an assumption made by their fans as they think SS would have to have been involved due to Sue and Noel being in care, which they weren't.

and seemingly their GP didn't step in and report the abuse, so the fact Noel hasn't been reported/prosecuted for his crimes seems to have been twisted into the defense that social services and the police were totally okay with him breaking the law on the basis that he had a tough childhood living in foster homes, that Sue lied about her age/looked so much older than she was (?!) and victim blamed a child because "it takes two to make a baby". 🙄🙄
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Sue and some of the girls are flying off on a holiday again!
Very relatable🙄
And idiots that struggle to pay their bills and put decent food on the table will be spending £16-99 or whatever it is on a book to stroke their ego’s even more 😠
The fucking worlds gone mad.
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Chatty Member
Click bait. Foster kids are locked down in terms of privacy and that crowd don't do anything unless it makes content. As for adopting......yeah riiiiiight.
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the worst comment i saw was someone arguing that it was totally acceptable for a 17 year old to groom and abuse a 13 year old back in the late 80s, as statutory rape is a "woke" term and people wouldn't have had an issue with it "back then", because teens grew up far more quickly etc etc,

and when someone highlighted that statutory rape very much WAS a crime in the UK in 1989 and that the overwhelming majority of society would NOT have condoned kids being sexually abused, the reply was "do you know what rape is?", and then claiming that the crime of statutory rape takes away the meaning of TRUE rape, as it would mean there are thousands of rapists out in society. well yeah, because there ARE?! just because someone hasn't been accused of rape, held accountable for their crime or prosecuted etc doesn't magically mean they aren't a rapist! what in the Radford-loving logic is this?! how is rape involving a child victim not "TRUE" rape, ffs?! the lengths these idiots will go to defend the Radford predator is beyond belief - not to mention the disgusting amount of victim blaming because "it takes two to make a baby" - she was THIRTEEN! 😡

View attachment 2708755View attachment 2708756
That describes what noel did to a T and yet that person refuses to believe it
I can't actually believe how defensive they are nothing excuses an adult sniffing around young teenagers/children much less getting one pregnant!!! 😱😤
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Do this draw lots to decide who doesn’t get to accompany mum on her trips.

Honestly who would want to constantly holiday with their mother who is still trapped in a teenage mind. Acting and dressing years younger. You can’t stop heading towards 50, so dress for the age you are, not the age you think you are.

Now the babies have dried up and no cute newborn to treat like a dolly, it’s up to the rest of the family to raise them especially the older girls.

She’s a disgrace, she should’ve paid for Ellie and Aimee to go with their sisters and possibly Millie and stayed home and looked after her own small children.
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Millie seems to think Chester is old enough, capable enough and cognitive enough to be outright bad on purpose. Is he even one yet? It's shocking, of course you need to redirect many behaviours but she seems to think he should already know good from bad.
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Ahh bless little Chester plugging the iron in - he’s obviously got a few more brain cells than the rest of them. She needs to be stimulating him not sitting there cuddling the girls like they’re flipping dolls.
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Millie’s still pregnant here, yet she gave birth weeks ago in the series. What a load of tosh! 😂😂
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Do they even read back their replies before hitting post
None of their kids had a stable house or relationship before having kids except for Sophie back then
Does the other commenter know something we don't because millie doesn't work if she ever did it was a while back, none of them drive besides Katie and certainly wasn't a stable relationship with harley far from it.

Speaking of sue ought to start working herself that show won't hold up much longer.
Pretty sure Sophie had her first whilst still living at home, then got social housing points for overcrowding. Millie did a few months at maccies then a few months in a care home, then copied Sophie. Chloe has probably done the same - split up with jake, made homeless due to living with his family, get a council house. I don't hold out much hope for any of those girls doing it the 'right' way. Katie will be next, but at least she can drive I guess.
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And how long had they been having sex before she became pregnant?

Will the book mention him locking the kids in their bedrooms too?
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Little me.

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How many babies do you want? What a bloody ridiculous question to ask a young child.
Scratty is bloody obsessed with babies, it’s as though she can’t see any further than new prams and holidays. She is definitely not full shilling.
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Chatty Member
There won’t be 53 grandkids. The older boys don’t have the social skills to be in a relationship as they’re just hooked on their consoles so eternally destined to stay in one of those 10 bedrooms. Even if they did manage to find a partner, they’d end up back home after they split.
I’m finding the whole foster/adopt thing grating. The book is just bringing more attention to fake written down stories. I want to find the clip where he locks them in the bedrooms and removes the handles…let’s see how that story pans out eh?
Funny how the whole Millie thing wasn’t a big deal either. Pretty sure someone on here has the retaliation post of Harley being a wife-beater. Tell all sides of the story love.
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I’m not saying Amsterdam isn’t a beautiful city and there’s lots of culture there, but I can’t think what that lot are going to do. They’re really not into culture or educating themselves and I can’t see them taking in the delights of the cafés and red light district 👀😂
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Ooh maybe Noel and the 'boys' have gone missing, and Sue and the 'girls' are on a mercy mission to drag them out of the red light district with their pants round their ankles.
Please please let it be this 🙏😂😂😂😂
This shouldn't have made me laugh as much as it did, but that's the kind of shit she'd think.
I actually laughed out loud 😂
Coming up, the diary of a pie maker’s wife
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