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VIP Member
It must be strange for those kids when they grow up and find their births and early childhood memories have been dramatised and filmed for millions of people to watch.

When Millie's kids and Mila go to school or the supermarket and people recognise them and start talking about how they watched them on their first birthday party, when their parents were falling out, or when they were very ill or when their mother was not coping with looking after them. The way they are filmed is so intrusive and the children can't consent.
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Little me.

VIP Member
“Piece and quite and nerve wrack.”
Scratty needs to spend her half term learning some English grammar.
She’s a thicko.
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Fostering or adopting more children…. I despair.
Sue & Noel, these are often vulnerable children, not ‘props’ to be used for you to create more content or fulfil your strange fantasy of having the biggest family ever.
Focus on, and be grateful for, the children you have now. Your youngest isn’t even at school yet. You’ve told us how some of your children have challenges in their mental and physical health. They need your support. Be thankful that after the tragedy of losing Alfie, you were able to have five more children - that’s more than most people ever have.
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I think that's the sad thing: Sue feels she's done well out of being with Noel because in the end she got a holidays, motor home and a TV show. In reality though she's a victim, she wasn't allowed to have normal teenage years and mature. For much of her adult life she was very limited as she was consistently pregnant.
I wouldn’t have her life, for all the motor homes, nice cars or expensive holidays in the world.
It’s actually pitiful what happened to her.
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Unfortunately Jake always looks very wooden/uncomfortable/bored while being filmed. I fear his acting skills may not be up to the part.
He's totally the sort or lad who thinks he needs to make no effort with his personality because he's so good looking...
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Little me.

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I honestly think the older and middle kids will have witnessed a lot of nasty arguments and falling out over the years. We all know that poncy Crusty bollocks has a really nasty streak in him and if you light the touch paper with Scratty she just explodes. She’s proved that on her social media. If things aren’t to her liking she is rude and nasty.They like to portray they are a loved up couple but I’m sure when the kids slept on bare mattresses in rooms with no escape there would have been some nasty atmospheres in that house. Obviously now there’s not as much pressure on them to provide and they really do think they are Slebs.
People don’t change their personality so I should imagine there will still be nasty episodes between the two of them.
Also the promoting the” Comic” they will be selling seems to have gone very quiet thank goodness!!!!
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Prince fan 1999

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Read the comments on "Ok magazine UK" on Facebook. Can't believe some of the twats defending them🤦‍♀️
Calling Sue a slapper for putting it about apparently. I'm no fan of hers but that's disgusting. I need to step away from social media I think 😡😡😡
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Prince fan 1999

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Fake made up to get in the housing association flat. Exactly what I expected this episode to be
Notice how Nowall is always there when they're filming a "crisis". Does he ever work anymore? 🙄
I can't believe the attitude of the teen boys. Huge mum fail Scratty. Why are they not pulling their weight? Embarrassing.
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Chatty Member
They’d never be allowed to foster or adopt. Surprised they’ve kept the ones they’ve got. They’ll be on social services radar. Locking kids in bedrooms? Unsanitary conditions. Violence suggestions for partners. Police visits. It’s all documented for the world to see and no going back from what is out there once it’s published.
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have the privilege

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I’m not convinced max was even in the room when she was telling him off and they were filming through the door. I can’t remember actually being able to see him and her speech was “lumpy” so def scripted.
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After reading this I've lost all respect for millie she had a chance to stand up for her kids and threw it away
If its not bad enough they've used all the kids medical emergencies, births and pregnancies and their best friends poorly child for content they used Elodies recent hospital stay for content that poor little baby was rushed to hospital with respiratory issues tubes and wires only months ago
Sue visited whilst telling everyone how she was filled with cold and cough TO FILM CONTENT!!( sorry look after their grandchild in hospital) They had better not have filmed anywhere near or inside the hospital 😡

All whilst noel is left with the younger ones letting them do as they please eat so much sweets and junk food they were sick all night and still went to school the next day
You just wouldn't send them regardless of what might have caused it if your throwing up schools a no go.
Kids gaming in the early hours like its normal

This is going to be one heck of a messed up episode it makes then look really bad.
i really wish journalists would stop with the "raising 22 kids" nonsense. yes, Sue is a mother of 22 kids - but her and Noel are hardly arguing about "how to raise their 22 kids" - of the 21 kids they have raised (and I use the term "raised very lightly, given the lack of Sue's involvement in their upbringing 🙄), a huge number of them are either adults and don't live at home, or in their late teens, so it is weird to claim that they are arguing about how to raise their 22 kids when they are currently only "raising" the younger ones. i get that they use the "22 kids" reference in headlines and as the title of the TV show for the impact, but repeating it throughout articles doesn't make any sense. not only have Noel and Sue ever raised 22 kids - they have raised 21,and not simultaneously as the elder ones had left home before the youngest were even born - and certainly aren't raising 22 now. 🙄
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Chatty Member
Who are these fans?
Poor Noel - “he had a hard time growing up, in and out of foster homes…”. Poor troubled lad finding love where he could, who can blame him? Except THEY WERE BOTH ADOPTED INTO LOVING HOMES AS BABIES. The in-care neglected children finding each other spiel won’t wash I’m afraid. He was brought up the same as any other kid, so what other excuse is there for an older teen getting a child pregnant?…I’ll wait……
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