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Could b why the upgrading the cars a Ford transit key for a mini bus don’t look as good when throwing it in the swingers bowl with the rest of the keys
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Sue is always sucking up to Nicole on instagram, comments on most of her posts which she doesn't even do with her own kids. It's all so fake to show us jealous haters what a loving person she is.

What's the bet they've got the big kids minding the littlies for an episode plot? They've got nothing else to film unless she's secretly pregnant. They love making fun of their teenagers and how lazy and shallow they apparently are, even though they do more than Sue. I can see them doing an episode revolving around how stressed out the girls get caring for a million young kids and how Sue and Noel come home to a disaster house- a predictable plotline that we've seen on countless sitcoms and reality shows.

I wonder how they'll stretch the Radfords out to 10 hours of content. It sounds mind numbing. Can't wait to NOT watch it!
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You know when you go to your first midwife appointment and they are going through the questions in the green notes. Are you and the father related 😂 . Bet she is fed up being asked
That awkward silence when she says no followed with "are you sure?" 😂😂😂
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I only see another 10+ shirts going to landfill.
And yes they would never ever do this without the film the last series he was doing a fake run as well but that wasn't charity if I'm correct. Couldn't they come up with another idea?
Running..alton towers..getting too boring
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Hi Sue!
Where do you get your snazzy jumpers from? You also need to get your hair cut, it’s a fucking mess 😩
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I think we’ve seen time and again what their diet consists of. He does all these cooking videos but never actually feeds it to the kids. Any parent with the opportunity to, would feed their kids on fresh local meat and produce that’s come straight from the farms. Health wise, it’s got to be ten times better (at least) than the prepackaged stuff you get from supermarkets. So why don’t they buy fresh and batch cook? Cos they’re full of shit! Sue would rather drop feed her kids snacks and then something out of a packet for dinner that they can eat on their laps while in front if the tv for a quiet life. Can’t cut into the chill time 😂
Materialism, money and filming has sadly taken over. Whatever form of family life and routine they had is gone.. Now it's all greed and playing up to the camera. Only two people to blame.. Noel and Sue themselves. Regardless of age children and teenagers need guidance, discipline and direction. They have guided their family in the direction of chasing fame... How can the children relate to their classmates who live relatively normal lives... So very sad and I actually feel sorry for their family as they will always want more and more and will never experience proper family life 👨‍👩‍👦
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I don't know why I get sucked in but decided to comment on an article about Sue only spending £300 in Primark.

My head hurts after having to debate with morons all morning! :p
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Catching up on Casper's birthday. Anyone else notice how suddenly smooth noels skin was when he was filming himself at the start of the vlog. Jeez crusty what cream you using those frown lines have disappeared 🤣
Also Casper is the only one I've seen who appreciated each gift. Why is Tilly so grabby FFS. Let the lad open his own gifts. She's acting like a 3 year old. Noticed Katie told her off saying let him do it because she was grabbing his presents.


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Chatty Member
We used cloth nappies for all ours - so much cuter and I used to love seeing them blow on the washing line. When did Sue last bother with a washing line? The whole family is an eco nightmare :mad::mad::mad:
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Little me.

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They produced a shed load of kids, literally one on top of another because “ We just love being surrounded by kids”
Once they are old enough to pick up a bottle of milk themselves that’s it. Left to fend for themselves practically.
Having children is about nurturing them. I don’t think these idiots even know the meaning of the word. It’s not about feeding them crap and buying unnecessary presents. They have not got a clue.
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They are at Alton Towers because they have been gifted merlin passes. Lazy Susan is bragging about it in Instagram. It's " only" £50 to sign up and "only" £14.99 per month, and I bet when they run out, they won't renew them
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Yeah to be fair cbeebies and 21 yo in the same sentence could only work if the 21 yo is a parent..
Isn't he ashamed of that bunch?
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Was gonna say I don't think anyone on this thread would look down on someone for being a cleaner, I know I certainly wouldn't. However, I think Sophie has a rose tinted view of running a business and will get disillusioned with it quickly. If I'm wrong I'll gladly eat my words!
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Sue can you please provide some content?
We are desperate to get the next thread name up 👍

Cheers 👍

Can you imagine being in the local midwifery and HV teams for that area? I bet the allocation meeting is fun, everybody trying to get out of taking them, “I’ve had them three times already”, “well I had Sue AND the daughter so I’ve done my bit”. :LOL:
Can you imagine 🤦‍♀️ I bet the community midwives dodge the phone every time it rings just incase it’s a Radford 🥴
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Must be another freebie. Back at cbeebies at Alton Towers. Surely you would get bored, this is the 3rd trip in a couple of months. Funny how they can't get pie orders out on time, yet Noel can always manage time off for a trip. Thought he was running a 10k this weekend? Obviously not!
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Chatty Member
It is interesting how the eldest 3 seem to have work ethic and actually support themselves and then it diminishes when we get to the kids like Millie who grew up with "fame" and money. Chris, Sophie and Chloe probably remember a time where they were scrimping and saving to afford food. The ones after them were either too young to remember that life or are naive and entitled enough to think they don't need to work hard because they're a Radford. As they grow less relevant they'll be forced to be smart with their money again so it will be interesting to see if the youngest ones are as lazy as the middle ones. By the time Heidie is 18 Noel will likely be retired and TV channels won't be interested in them so she won't get the treatment that the current older kids have
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