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That post just looks messy. Isn't his sister a teacher? I doubt she would jeopardise anything for her brother by writing a rushed, angry post on a Facebook group thats full of people slating her brother at any given chance. His family would also have been guided and helped just like the victims family have been. I get they would want to stick up for him or lash out at people but I just can't see it being true. I will eat my own hat if it though 🤷‍♀️
It’s scary how many people instantly believe this crap. Maybe she is hanging out with the Russian hackers who tracked him down through his phone? 🤔
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Poor lady. I can't imagine having to struggle with drug withdrawal on top of something so heinous happen to her daughter.
This is incredibly sad. Drug addiction is no joke, but to try and stay sober knowing the horrific crime that has taken place against her daughter would be near impossible. I really hope the judge shows sympathy and gets her the help she really needs rather than put her in prison
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First thing I thought was why on earth would you want to wait until June if you’re not guilty but then again it would mean more time to investigate etc and provide a better defence and it could help him if he is. I feel so bad for the families but I guess this is how the courts work. He does look like he’s lost weight already, he still gives me the creeps.
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I voted not sure, though the evidence we've been told about so far seems quite damning, I'd need to know more really to make a firmer decision. I'm also still a bit 🤔 about the very short time frame in which 1 person navigated an unfamiliar house in the dark and killed 4 people with a knife.
I hope that they have the right person as otherwise they've wrecked an innocent person's life 😕. Hopefully there's some more solid evidence yet to come out, I'm really interested to know if they found anything on his devices.
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So supposedly Jack d stayed on the sofa after the murders?! That surely wouldn’t have been allowed, it was an active crime scene?!
Jack D wasn't at the crime scene, he was at Kristi and Steve Goncalves' house on their sofa which would explain why they were fighting so hard for him during their early interviews about this case.
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I wonder if the internet sleuths/media will go quiet on this for the next 6 months? Due to the gag, I don’t think anymore can come out or happen until the end of June? Or do the gags finish before then?
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One shoe magoo

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i get why he is doing it but the point is in doing so he can jeopardize the case. This trial has the potential to really become some national circus that will be tried in the court of public opinion. It no doubt will be death penalty (if all families and state agree) and the stakes are so high. I don't think he is helping and that should be his goal.
It should be, totally but who knows what this kind of grief does to a person. I for 1 hope I never ever find out.
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I’ll be very surprised if he pleads guilty. I think he thought he’d done his research and was going to be able to do the perfect crime. I think he will want his day in court.
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Can someone please explain to me what it means that he's waived his right to a speedy trial? I'm so confused and don't understand what this means going forward.
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What do you think of the fact that the prosecution and defence are both in agreement that the house should be demolished whilst the parents of Kaylee, Maddie and Xana want it to remain standing until after the trial in case it could be used as evidence with a jury walk through?

The house is such an unusual layout that I think it’s hard to visualise it and work out how sound travels there, how the killings could be done in the time frame etc. I also think the proximity of the house to the other houses, the car park at the back etc. doesn’t show in pictures as I’ve seen lots of people shocked when they’ve seen the house in person about how close it is.

I just feel that once it’s gone a potentially valuable piece of evidence is gone forever.
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Well-known member
I'm with you guys, at the start of the investigation when they arrested BK, it all seemed very certain. The more I see, the less sure I feel. We don't know what either side have up their sleeves til the case, but that convincing 'beyond unreasonable doubt' - I'm not sure I could be so sure. Pleased I'm not a juror here, the pressure!
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I also found the part where they were talking about maddie so sad. They said that when the girls first met, maddies parents were abit full on in regards to making sure Maddie was safe at Kaylees house(which they remembered fondly) They said they were like that because in the Mogens words 'maddie is our only one' God, it made me well up 🥺🥺🥺 It easy to just focus on Kaylee and forget the other three. The whole thing is just beyond horrific. Another thing, like others have mentioned- the girls did everything right that night. They were aware. And I think this is part of what's making this crime so awful to take in. Its playing on people's minds and giving them sleepless nights because they did things right and still got killed. The house was full of vehicles on the drive, most probably lights on in thehouse, you would think safety in numbers, there was a male in the house and a dog. Maybe the only thing that let them down was the door (but we don't know that for sure, and even if it wasn't locked it shouldn't have meant some mad man come in and take their lives).
It's just like the bogeyman you fear about when you are little. Your bedroom is supposed to be your safe haven and it's everyone's worst nightmare.
I felt for kaylees mum when she started to break down when she said how she suffered, you could tell she couldn't even go there.
If Bryan is guilty I hope he suffers in jail, he deserves too. I want him to feel scared like they did that night. I feel for the teenage Bryan who was bullied, but I have no sympathy for him as the adult Bryan. I don't know why he thought he had the right to take away those 4 beautiful souls from this earth and ruin their families lives and his own family. Some people are evil through and through. I hope he rots in prison and has a miserable time in there.
Regarding the bolded text, I've been wanting to write this for a while but don't want to look like I'm victim-blaming. And I absolutely do not mean to victim-blame, because the only person responsible for this hideous crime is the murderer.

I feel like the girls were perhaps too open with their lives on social media, but then, many people their age are like this. Kaylee, Maddie and Xana all have open Instagram accounts (which are still accessible), while Ethan's is locked. I have no idea if BK found them by this way, so perhaps this didn't have an impact on their being murdered. But their Instagram posts clearly show who their friends were, where they lived, and the exterior and details of their house. There's TikTok videos of them doing impressions of each other and showing the layout of their house - both very personal things.

I know Moscow is a very safe place and the last time a murder happened was in 2015 I think, but if this horrible crime has taught us anything, it's that personal safety should be paramount, people should be vigilant and cautious about what they post online and what security settings they have on their profiles, and they should be mindful of the possibility that something bad might happen.

Student landlords also need to take more responsibility - having a key code for the door which many people knew, and easily-accessible sliding doors is madness. The code should have been changed often. I have experience of this too - in the UK I lived in a gated compound for a while with a code. About five years later I was near it with friends and for a laugh decided to see if the code still worked. To my utter amazement it did, and the gate opened.

As an aside, which may or may not be relevant to this (as we don't know if the sliding doors were left unlocked or not, and if they were unlocked, for what reason) I know Americans have a different attitude to locking doors than we do in the UK, especially those who live in 'safer' parts of the US. I actually had an American friend who lived in a mid-west rural town who never locked his doors, and couldn't understand why I was incredulous when he told me this. In fact he got irritated and said that to him, it's a matter of principle as his area is so safe, and he knew everybody. He just couldn't fathom that someone would break into his house. He also kept guns, and I don't know if that gave him a (false) sense of security too.

Yes, someone intent on killing will always find a way, but there are things people can do to mitigate this. Again, I am not victim-blaming. Thousands of young students in the US do what the girls did and don't get murdered. But I feel social media makes people act in ways they wouldn't normally, and divulge information (intentionally or not) that they shouldn't. You never know who is scouring Instagram/TikTok, looking for girls to stalk.
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Chatty Member
I just don't understand the roommate's situation at all. I have tried and tried to get my head around it and give them the benefit of the doubt, but I just don't get it. I think I've said before that if he stabbed M and/or K straight in the chest, they probably couldn't have screamed, however, he could have only done one at a time and K has been reported to have had many defensive wounds so surely she was making noise even if M was already gone. I know D heard some noise and thought it was K & the dog, maybe that's true. D also shouted apparently to be quiet, so BK would've known someone else was awake. Is that why he went after X & E, did he think they were the ones that shouted? Also, how did D not hear the noise from them being killed? I just don't understand why she didn't call 911. She had her phone and was messaging B. She saw him! People saying it's a party house and they were used to people coming and going, this wasn't a party. It was a man dressed in black with a mask on. That's not people having a party. A party is multiple people, talking, laughing, maybe music. She was supposedly frozen in fear. She was scared enough to be frozen in fear, she saw him leave. That's your cue to call 911. She wasn't frozen in fear all night, she was on her phone, texting. If she messaged all the girls and said was that creepy guy with you, and no one answered, that's an even bigger red flag. I get B might not have heard a lot being on the lower floor. But D saw and heard enough to be scared. Even if she didn't want to call 911, wouldn't you have called someone and said there was a creepy guy just here, no one's answering messages, can you come over. Bethany didn't go upstairs and didn't see anything at all. Did Dylan go down to her? Were they in Bethany's room all night? Or their own rooms? Even if D just thought it was someone dropping off drugs, for example, why was she frozen in fear? I just don't understand. It's definitely going to be interesting when the messages come out. I'm not saying either of them is guilty of anything or involved, but I just don't understand how they, or more particularly, D, just went to bed or stayed in her room until midday the next day without doing anything. I know I'm just going over what's probably been said 1000 times but it just doesn't make sense.
I agree it doesn’t make sense to me either but I think there is lots more to come out that maybe explain it all.
Was she doing something illegal, ( drink or drugs) and maybe scared she would be in trouble and didn’t know what happened beyond her door apart from seeing the stranger?
i have no idea why she didn’t call 911 but her and B must be absolutely traumatised and I hope for their sake they can try and live a normal life as possible as ultimately they were both lucky to have survived, why didn’t he go after them too or did he not know they were present ?
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Was he not arrested in the middle of the night? Strange time to be sorting bins out.

I don’t understand what the Gongalves family are hoping to gain from talking now. I’d be furious if I were the other families in case they jeopardised the fairness of the trial and caused a mistrial.

Quite a lot of brutal comments on Twitter suggesting that their motivation is mainly financial and wanting to sell their story to the highest bidder. Also pointed out by lots that in this recent statement they thanked people firstly for their donations/gifts and then acknowledged thoughts and support indicating what their order of priority is.
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Dobby Socks

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Just watching court TV, 12.10pm uk time. They are talking about the possible routes home he could've taken based on where his phone pinged. A local woman saying her dogs started barking really loud during the night, she lives right by a creek, they are talking about if it's possible he disposed of the weapon there on his way back
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New details coming out now that he wants to defend himself, can you imagine if he was to cross-examine the surviving roommates and families!!
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Casey Lytle did a really good tiktok yesterday regarding how possible it was for 1 person to commit these murders in such a short time frame. The weapon is very strong and very sharp so would have caused a massive amount of damage relatively easily. A stab to the heart would have resulted in unconsciousness in seconds. As he was attacking 2 at a time in close quarters with the element of surprise. The attacker always has the advantage as they know what they’re there to do. The attack would have started before the victim was able to recognise the magnitude of the threat. He thinks he could have spent as little as 2 minutes in each room. It’s really horrifying to think how quickly so many lives were destroyed.
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