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Telly Fanatic

VIP Member
They don’t, but they knew what they were doing by posting about them. They like stirring the shit however and looking down on others.
Yes she is a snooty bitch imo and on a older vlog she was basically slagging people of that go on caravan holidays as if that's beneath them

You’re not being private at all. You don’t mention what you do for work cos the truth is you don’t do fucking anything. Biggest bullshitters I’ve ever encountered.

I’m still unaware of ANYONE who can have so many alleged jobs at once but still manage to do what they please all day, every day, all the time, plus chuck in constant holidays. It’s an impossibility.
So they don't mind showing us what should be the most private moments.. in bed, him "cooking" absolutely basically everything they do at home yet they can't say where they work? because we all no they don't and this proves it 100%
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Dino Girl

Chatty Member
Right at the beginning of the 2nd vlog, there are 2 vehicles parked beside the Cock's lodge with the license plates blurred. Since they never bother to protect anyone's else privacy, I'm thinking they must belong to the Dodger's and Mark.
During their nausea inducing camera work (how can they be so bad at this) walk through of the main building, they show a man entering the Gents and his fumbling at his drawers 🤢 - how many reviewed this and you left it in?
If you want viewers to pause the vlog to scan the menu, you have to hold the menu still long enough and focus. Difficult I know when you can't even focus your eyes.
Nice to see that the Tattlers are getting to you (Hi Nick and Leighvil).

Just curious, in Canada we say it's hailing or we got hail. Do you really say hail stoning in the UK?
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So, in a vlog title, Were finally isolating. They never once isolated in the entire 3 days it was over. Another clickbait title to trick people into watching it, to see if they tested positive and having to isolate.

Nick was ever more vile than usual, he's so aggressive in everything he does or says.

Also, Nicks skin on his face when he was turning towards Leigh in the end scene looked terrible. Unsure whether it could be all the booze he consumes, or damage from shaving everyday, whatever has caused it, it looks horrendous.
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He basically registered for this as their YouTuber business address
Hmm so does this invalidate their entry to the US as tourists now they’re booking accommodation as a business ?
And I’d be very careful booking through them as a ‘travel agent’ I guarantee they are not ABTA certified to cover losses when travel companies go broke ?
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Get a fucking life Pouty. What a pathetic little man you are. Took about 7 tests in 2 days cos he had a little sniffle. It’s a fucking cold. It’s almost like he wanted to boast that he had got COVID. No-one cares you twat. Not sure I’ve ever encountered such a weak human being.

The ‘we worked solidly for 10 years with no weekends. It was 24/7.’ I call bullshit on that. Pouty needs a sit down after cleaning out the air fryer ffs.
It is bullshit about not having a single day off in 10 years. What about the time they spent in the Westwood? Trips to the canaries, Benidorm etc…

Also did they say the San Fran hotel was £70 a night or was that the parking?? If that’s the hotel and they are calling it expensive they should try getting a proper hotel. I remember mine was £500 a night and that was 6 years ago now.
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LOL at Prick not knowing that ndjua paste is meat. No wonder it tastes like Chorizo.

Thick twat.
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This whole "we worked 12 hours a day 7 days a week for 10 years" is utter bullshit. They know that people are starting to work out they're a pair of workshy scammers so they're trying to spin the narrative that this is well deserved after years and years of hard work.

Every time they've mentioned that trip to Vegas before we get the story about them going the Cher concert and how Prick hated it and it wasn't somewhere they would go back to again. Yet here they are going to Vegas again. A bit like how Prick was adamant he wasn't going to Disneyland Paris.

The whole bit in the last vlog about his mum travelling with them to LA was definitely to address what we said here about it at the time about how they were basically dumping her in LA and she'd have to get home herself. Now the story it she's not actually a nervous flyer after all and Nick's brother will get her to the airport in New York. They literally cannot keep up with their own story.
I shouted at the TV...well pay the difference and upgrade her tight fisted git!!!
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Yeah slagging off his brother was disgraceful. Maybe the brother only had enough points for an Economy seat. I don't think that them now being in a different class is an accident. There was no way they would fly economy with her. They are selfish, snobby bastards.
I bet they knew from day one his brother was going to book economy but didnt want to lower themselves to that themselves now and making it the brothers problem and expecting him to fork out for them being selfish and booking premium. Typical narcissistic trait of meddling in others people plans, being selfish and expecting them to work around you me thinks
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Chewbacca is god

Active member
Have they both been smoking weed or something. Everyday good honest people being called Joe bloggs, we can this discount we can get that discount, my friends brother is a travel agent and he watched it and said that what hpricke was saying was the biggest load of horse shit hed ever heard. My god its just so annoying they put people down, anyone who is or has less than them are belittled, blaming his brother for the plane booking, if he's such an expert do it your fucking self, need I go on, it's all going to come crashing down and I for one can't wait to see it
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IBIS Budget? "Not what we expected" LOL
What happened to non-Joe Bloggs hotel for the special travel agent rate?

Also, they booked that hotel because of the parking? Eh? Last time they said they had already booked that hotel and it was a happy coincidence that they could book a space at that hotel though the app. Make your fucking minds up, you pair of testicles

(nothing wrong with a budget hotel, it's what I would go for one night)
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I think we all need to email the comoany who gifted them the stay and tell them who the Lodge Guys really are and do they really want thier brand associated with them
All the companies who gift them anything … surely these companies research who they gift to? Just a quick google search would bring up this site that’s how I found ‘my people’

did I see mark rock up in a porche ?
Does look like Porsche logo on the wheel trims … no wonder the Dodge guys moved them up from paying friends to the level of friends we can leech off! All their friends are only there at that level as they can provided them with elements of the lifestyle they are chasing.
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And why did they put that sausage pasta in the oven afterwards? They used powdered parmesan cheese!

Who am I to question masterchef Gordon Pricksay though? He knows best.
They don’t use fresh ingredients, it’s all processed. Can’t even chop an apple, milk is longlife, salad is out of a bag.

When have you ever seen them reuse carrier bags? Oh and let’s not start on recycling, everything goes out in the reusable carrier bags to the bin.

They truly don’t inhabit the same world as regular folk yet believe that makes them better people, the arrogance and delight on his face telling the camera how brilliant he was at getting bargains was punch in the face with a brick inducing - they are off the scale when it comes to being unrelatable but I guarantee-damn-tee you it will all fall down - and Tattle will be here to document it.
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Red Fraggle

VIP Member
Funny how when reading out comments they give both first name and surnames but when advising of new lodgers they only give the first name and Initial of surname. Me thinks yer talking shite. Me thinks you've just made them up. And Pouty saying he wouldn't be happy if someone with a cold was near him but was quite happy to visit the lounge, Next and Costa Coffee. He's an arsehole.
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Commented on an earlier thread but I'm back as the cruise vlog is imminent.... They boarded 17th June and back 24th - I saw them on board.
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It is also showing that they are not as well off as they are trying to pretend! If you are using an app for a free room in Vegas, and signing up as a fake travel company to try and get extreme discount rates then you are not that well off! I am all for bargain hunting to make your well earned money go further. But these 2 just need to give it up and get some paying jobs and be done with it!
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Chatty Member
Beginning of this vlog was more than five weeks ago (first episode of Obi Wan was end of May), just absurd and pointless now. Still another week til we get to relive the Jubilee, yay.
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I feel so frustrated with them now .. all the free shit they get for supposed promotion yet most of their followers probably can’t afford expensive lodge stays or specially food boxes along with other gifted items, particularly in these tough times, they happily accept so many gifts to their PO Box from followers who put thought and money into the gift for it never to be seen again unless it’s booze or food that they’ll consume immediately. As for all the other ‘vloggers’ hanging on their every breath makes me so angry they’re all just in this weird friendship to try and get view and followers from each other’s channels so they all cash in on the money.
I know they’re not the only ones guilty of this behaviour, it’s a huge issue on social media now, everyone is out for their share I guess. 🤷‍♀️ But it’s the blatancy of these two that irks me the most.
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