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"It's been like a holiday"

That's because it is you twerps.

There are people who could only dream of having a 2 nite stay like that.
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What does that mean
I can still comment but they never show up to others but I can see them .. I only found out when I checked on a different you tube account and they were not there, so that’s why they were not being answered !

The cruise Paris trip’s gonna be fun ! It’s a two and a half hour train ride there from the port then the same back .. the ship docks at 8am and leaves at 5pm how much time you think they’ll actually get in Paris?
Why not do Paris when they’re at DLP where it’s much closer, you’d think a travel agent might have thought of that?
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They have no flair, no original ideas it's a copy and paste life. Every day is best, really? Every day is pretty much the same as the one before, a narcissistic haven where the admirers feed their ego. Did someone really ask them how they clean their hob and did Prick take it seriously enough to give us a cleaning demo?! A wake up call is long overdue for this pair...
He actually used baby oil not olive oil like he said!
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None of this video matched with previous information 🫤 I’m sure he said it cost £60 to fill the car the other day now it’s only £36! The room was tiny and not what they expected, did the industry rates not show the cupboard they are sleeping in then?
Oh surprise Prick got to control where everyone was eating even tho he said the other guy only likes chips with some kind of meat 😡
The 4 hour drive took over 6 hours!
They booked the hotel because of the parking app but then said the hotel rate included parking.
That just what I can remember I’m sure there was so much more !
The Niro fuel tank is 37 litres so they paid either £1.62 a litre (£60 to fill up) or £0.97 a litre if £36 to fill up. I wonder which is closer to the real figure, certainly not the latter one..
Prick on July 8th's vlog:

View attachment 1409985

Prick on today's vlog:

View attachment 1409986

Maybe Prick had reduced the size of the fuel tank to make a booze storage area..
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I don't know what's more sad. The fact that the post only has one like. Or the fact that the like came from them. Any half decent vlogger would have shared the post and encouraged their followers to visit the page.
Not quite the ambassadors they hoped for.
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You’re not being private at all. You don’t mention what you do for work cos the truth is you don’t do fucking anything. Biggest bullshitters I’ve ever encountered.

I’m still unaware of ANYONE who can have so many alleged jobs at once but still manage to do what they please all day, every day, all the time, plus chuck in constant holidays. It’s an impossibility.


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The number of FB posts asking them to explain the Virgin points thing and getting a second credit card etc has predictably grown immensely since their vlog "explaining" it.

I don't post there, merely read, but if I did, I'd be telling people to stay well clear of all that. You have to be incredibly organised for it to be remotely worthwhile or have tons of time on your hands, like the Lodge Cocks do. Who among us honestly has the time or inclination to check Tesco and Morrison's websites every day to see what offers they have on points before going shopping, sometimes going to two or three places to maximise points? Ridiculous. A lot of the folks on there aren't the brightest and copy the twats on whatever they do and I think Prick and Pouty need to be more mindful of this when recommending madcap schemes that supposedly save money.

Also, I don't understand why you would want to tie yourself into one airline. There are lots of deals to be had on flights at the moment but seemingly none of them with Virgin. It would be better to use a cash back credit card and spend the money you get from that on whatever flight deal you can find.
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Everything about their”work” is so sectretive. What they did in the past, what they do now. So suddenly they go public on his new travel” career” after 5 days training! 🤔🤔🤔
It's secretive cos they don't do anything!!! This isn't a secret cos they hope to sucker the sheep in
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Hmm so does this invalidate their entry to the US as tourists now they’re booking accommodation as a business ?
And I’d be very careful booking through them as a ‘travel agent’ I guarantee they are not ABTA certified to cover losses when travel companies go broke ?
You can travel to the US on business without a Visa, it's fine. However, can you imagine booking a holiday with that pair of twats? Never!

I think what I basically got from this vlog is that Prick has done training courses for being a travel agent just to get them cheaper hotels on their trips? Jesus Christ. Just shows you how much time that dickhead has on his hands and to call it "work".

What next? Pilot licence so he can fly his own plane?
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He is always like this, he seems to want to share details when he can make money but minimal when he can't.
you beat me to this,100% they would have named the restaurant and given all the details should they have got a money deal! honestly who does her think he is? he is not famous not even in the you tube world! even actual famous people do not act like this arrogant prig! It not even funny, he thinks he's going to get away with that old chestnut of 'just Nick being funny and people don't understand his humour' like his excited dance walking onto a cruise ship that he 'always does' when caught out being insulting to someone with a mobility issue, he's nothing but a absolute knob! wake up and smell the BS sheeple before they bleed you all dry!
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Do we think that they really would have expected Hannah and Mark to cancel their cruise just because Pouty had the shits? Why mention it otherwise? Of course they fucking would.
Couldn’t believe what I was hearing then! Do they honestly think they are fucking royalty? Imagine even having the audacity to think that the others they were going on the cruise with would cancel and rebook cos Baldy had the Tom tits. Jesus bloody Christ.

The sad thing is the sheep probably would’ve done. Anything to have the privilege of spending the 2 weeks with their masters.

Talking of shit it sounded like Prick nearly shat himself again. Having to charge up 3 flights of stairs to get to the khazi in time and then looked fit to collapse. This is the problem with the pair of them. They have so much time on their hands, have access to the caravan park gym and probably nice country roads to jog down but are too damn lazy. They could almost eat whatever they liked if they actually broke a sweat each day.

Hahaha looks like he’s in for a lot of ironing! 😂 costs £36 to fill the car??? Oh really. How’s that then when the fuel tank capacity is 45 ltrs? So I’d make it around £70. Lies lies lies to make it sound like he’s beating the fuel prices.
36 shirts for 2 weeks!!!!!!! Prick, you are one massive prick.
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She was a nervous flyer so that's why they were going to the US in the first place. Now she is not a nervous flyer but prefers to have someone with her at the airport, but apparently she will be fine flying home from New York alone. Ok.
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The vlogs with H&M are the worse they have done yet, they have added absolutely nothing, just because P&P fancy the absolute pants of him doesn't make him/them watchable!
They actually SUCK the life out of the vlogs she is completely vapid and follows them around like a bored child and Mark is just DULL... they both have zero personality. The reason they're there is cos they do as they're told and it makes the CCDs feel important
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Why would the CDC have anything to do with dropping testing for cruises that leave from Southampton, UK? Prick is so thick.
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The mark/scar under Pricks eye, has that come from the injections to reduce the eye bags?
With any luck it's come from someone smacking him one.

I am at a complete loss as to why people keep giving these twats money to go on holiday. Yes, I get people are lonely and enjoy the social aspect of being a subscriber but surely there are better ways of addressing this that throwing money at a pair of front-bottoms to be on permanent vacations. This year so far we have had

Months in Florida at the start of the year
Multiple AirB&B stays
Canbridge and Cock's Lodge Spa break
Back to Florida to stay in that grotty townhouse
A cruise
DIsneyland Paris

I'm sure I have missed other trips too. Then we have the epic road trip coming up.

Absolute fucking joke.
Makes no sense to me either. The concept of giving money to people who have more money than yourself baffles me. I could understand if they felt a connection to them and by not being a patreon meant not being able to watch any of their slogs but you can watch them for free anyway. Why not put that £5+ a month towards buying yourself fish and chips or a toasted teacake rather than pay to watch these turds go out to eat them every day.

I think in some patron's deluded minds the Caravan Frauds give a shit about them. They don't. They care about anyone. No-one but themselves. The Jades and Hannahs mean nothing to them either. They are current flavour of the month but will be dropped as soon as someone more beneficial contacts them with promises of free stays, lunches etc.
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Hahaha looks like he’s in for a lot of ironing! 😂 costs £36 to fill the car??? Oh really. How’s that then when the fuel tank capacity is 45 ltrs? So I’d make it around £70. Lies lies lies to make it sound like he’s beating the fuel prices.
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