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Haha that just goes to show how much time the pair of pricks spend reading here that they edited out the evidence already. 🤣
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Agree!!! They should instead have a report function for the comment to be deleted if it is hate speech/offensive or other extreme category.

But allowing influencers the choice to delete valid criticism of their videos just to maintain a good image is wrong.

Its like me saying to my employer to give me my annual review, which I will then edit to take out the bad bits and then you get to submit it on record so I have a glowing review
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VIP Member
Ok, I’m confused and need a re cap. What’s the situ with these two? Faked the timing of a cruise to avoid getting in trouble? I’ve tried to read the threads.. but there’s a lot. Now another one? Help!
Two cruises back to back end of august
Disneyland Paris mid ish September
3rd cruise October

Making up for not going on holiday for 10 years…. 🙄
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A healthy breakfast followed by another before lunch. Prick either take smaller bites and speak whilst chewing or have manners and dont speak with food in your gob.
So a snippet of someone creating an ice sculpture then to more food! So did they spend all afternoon in the bar or asleep?
Do we believe they chatted to someone over dinner or were they hiding what they ate and drunk? 7 blue moons in a day?

That many clothes for 4 nights! No way, more evidence they had back to back cruises. Nor would they have driven for 5 hours and then back again a couple of days later. What have they got in the boot as the cases are on the back seats, well one was.
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For some reason the Lanzarote ones have popped up in my recommended bit, and for some even stranger reason I subjected myself to watching this.

I didn’t realise that as well as being a chef, Nick is also a pilot…
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They had the last DLP vlog edited the day after they got back, but they posted about being busy editing a few days after their return if I remember rightly

You can see how they shiftily look at each other on many occasions 🤔

I believe Pouty genuinely enjoyed DLP, Prick however did not!

I agree with a poster further back that Leigh would basically be a nice person had he not met Nick. That man is poison, he is always marching ahead, shows zero interest unless it's food or booze and is constantly rude and abusive to Leigh

Saying Leigh bought all DLP had to offer yet I have not seen one thing Leigh had got for himself unlike Cat bum mouth dick face
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VIP Member
They are such vain self opinionated cowards, turning off likes/dislikes and vetting and restricting comments on YT/Instagram. Channel is dying and noone wants a rinse and repeat of their dreadful DLP vlogs either. Bye bye The Time to Go Guys
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Well-known member
In Yorkshire for the next three days. Keeping my eyes peeled at every cheap and/or free location for the twats.
They only go to farm shops and cafes. Prick is drunk at home every night so you definitely won’t bump into them in the evenings
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New member
Does anybody wonder how they have Gold Princess Medallions? I am pretty sure that you need to have cruised at least once with Princess to progress from Blue to Gold medallion lvl. What is the betting that their next cruise is Sky Princess/
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Thread Suggestion 13: Corrupt Caravan Codependents Continue Cruise Corruption Caused By Conned Contributions of Crazed Cultists.
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I knew 100% they’d slip up! Well done everyone for sussing it out. Only arsed that it was cheap, and could get pissed and eat a load of shite regardless of breaking the rules they’ve only thought about themselves. Rules are there for a reason to protect everyone. Especially given that there was a covid case on celebrity!
Im so glad people are reporting them! They need black listing!

The horns are a piss take too. I’d be soo pissed off if I lived near by if that happened all the time, a big pissing contest between all the ships horns!! 😳😳🤬🤬
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VIP Member
Massive hypocrisy going on here, don't be weird about going to breakfast at a hotel when you're jumping on one cruise after another! Cmon prick respond to these comments you look like nobs (you always have and will to be fair 🤣)
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They’ve spent some serious money over the past couple of months. Sure they go cheap when they can like the Paris hotel, but I’d still estimate a good 3-5k in 2 months or so. If I was paying £18 a month as a Patreon I’d honestly be so turned off that they’ve done 3 cruises, DLP, endless nights and trips away, with lots more planned.

That’s without the hair transplant and other frivolous purchases like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (sorry, James - or is it Parker?).

I’d love love love to know whether they’re A) burning through life savings at an unsustainable rate B) somehow conning enough Patreons into funding it [maybe I’m a minority but I don’t think they make as much from Patreon as some might think] or C) they’re growing their rental portfolio behind the scenes and using tenants’ rents to fund their lifestyle. Probably a mix of all three.
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Chatty Member
The ship L&R are on is the one P&P went on for their third cruise last week. Even if L&R don't vlog it I'm sure any Insta stories they do (and they've started already) will do more justice to the ship than whatever P&P will show whenever that vlog comes out (Easter?)
They're genuine guys with a real love for Disney not just fakers out for a fast buck

All their Disney look 50th rip off merch has gone off their shop this morning ? 😏
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The bit where they go to the bakery next to the hotel and and they can't even pronounce "boulanger" (boo-lon-ger with a hard g) and Leigh says today I learned "cafe au lait" is coffee with milk. Utter embarrassment. Did they not even do first year French at school? And they want to be full time travel vloggers. Hilarious.
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VIP Member
I suppose the 2nd cruise was before they went to DLP! But they could have edited that bit out of the cruise vlog

I think pouty is playing games with us now, saying words incorrectly and talking about food
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Calling bullshit that they won’t drive to DLP again. Prick will want all that cheap plonk, won’t be able to buy all that if he’s flying there

had to laugh that the convertible has died on its arse again. Would have loved if they had taken that to France and broke down over there
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2 hour drive for a PCR test…..🤨
The place they went to had an offer for £20 which is probably why they went there. They aren’t intelligent enough to think of the petrol cost in getting there.

I love the “we’re back from Manchester”…Warrington is not in Manchester bellends.

Fingers crossed they parked in the wrong part of Birchwood Shopping Centre and got a ticket 😂
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I'm going to be in Yorkshire next week. I'll keep an eye peeled for the Grifting Gruesome Twosome.
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