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Q and A or a way to plug the old vlogs by showing the thumbnails? 🤔

Prick telling him his choice of his favourite holiday was wrong! TWAT

And they claim in one answer to be inseparable and want to spend all time together but then say they'd renew vows in WDW but only for the holiday as they're not romantic!

Their faces when they don't agree with the others comments are priceless, yet they won't speak up!

And the question was "are you friends with other vloggers" not "which vloggers have you met"
I'm pretty sure they've met most of them one time, like Jojo, Hannah Ricketts and Yaz and Ash
We know they are friends with CLIF and the other guys no longer vlog so pointless
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Yes with some Paprika & oil infused with garlic & chilli flakes
yum yum !

Although you’re only a chef if you didn’t use salt or pepper and used an entire bulb of garlic in a meal for two … unless your breath is honking and you get acid reflux from the sheer amount of garlic you use , youre not a chef !

watched tonight’s slog and where does prick get off being so nasty to Leigh after he’s just had surgery ??

I remember after I had my C section how beaten up I felt and my husband was amazing , never complained , never mocked me for my mummy waddle when I went to the loo or how I had to traverse up and down the stairs … prick is a nasty piece of work , rolling his eyes about being a carer ! Sorry Nick you made the vow “In sickness and in health” .. time to suck it up and not make Leighvil’s surgery all about you !
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Now they’ve put up a post about Mel’s diner where they said they don’t like burgers - rubbish they like anything cheap
Have they been seen on a vlog eating there?

Yes they were hogging delivery slots when lots of clinically vulnerable couldn’t get them, then going to the shops because Prick had drunk all of the booze. Which reminds me no filming of him drinking brandy in bed in recent months
Tesco deliveries, Amazon food every bloody night, Hello Fresh, milk and egg deliveries, all while still going out.
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And Prick is going to absolutely hate Scotland. I don't think my telly would survive the missiles being chucked at it if he were to bitch about my beautiful country.
Orkney "it's just not Disney"
Or "ooh, it's just like (something) in Florida"

Its Loch not Lock.
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Tavi Huit

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Anyone else notice when they're in a restaurant / cafe and Nick is doing the filming and he films Leigh across the table, Leigh does this really weird stare off into the distance like he's trying to be all cool and casual and he doesn't know the camera's on him. If he's taking a drink he sort of holds the glass in his mouth for longer than he should. Then Nick will say something and he tries to look sort of shocked like...what oh you're filming me, I didn't realize. It's all very strange and performative, like bad acting!
Yep it's all a load of bo!!ocks- he is totally fake
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Won't see any vlogs for weeks and weeks at their rate. So far behind. The whole understanding of paying for their content surely was that it was recent and relevant. They are literally 2-3 weeks behind with filming. How can that be appealing?
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They have no idea how to cruise. I can't wait for them to try to use cash on board and get pissed when they won't take it. As far as using it for tips, which is OK, I didn't think they knew what a tip was.
Or having any cash , they always use credit cards
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Can you imagine if they still had the business and they got impacted by covid, not defending airlines because I also firmly told them to give me my money asap but this is a man who used unpaid volunteers to staff his business and worked them like full-time employees. To see him now pretend like he's morally pristine and in a position to call out businesses for being profit-oriented at all costs is hilarious.
He’s a c word.
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