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'With the kids older like lots of you guys, I have the freedom now, so book that class, I'm with you'

Um, kids going up a grade doesn't mean you miraculously stop working you deadshit and all this spare time just appears to do all this stuff?!

Maybe, just maybe give the mums with actual jobs a break and go work in the canteen more than twice.

Believe me Sezzy, we don't 'need you' with us in our fitness classes. We don't need your weird dalai lama condescending Ted talk. You hock shit for a living. Chill.


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These two are quite predictable with their posts, her last few posts have had little interaction on them. She knows by reaching out to the parents who have experienced loss she’ll get the interactions she needs. It makes me so sad that she uses their community this way, it’s so unethical. And not to take away from her experience, but a post like that needs to have a link on it directing families to the credible support services not just her saying this is the list.
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Brad proving that it's still dark outside as he leaves his his 'office' under the stairs.

He does realize this is normal for normal jobs yeah?!

The validation these dimwits constantly needs is fucked.
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It continuously amazes how little current and former members of the police force know about car seat safety. I have a family member who is a copper and terrible with this too. Twisted seatbelt on the one in the middle, not safe at all! 😬
Remember when they dropped 2K on new car seats on a whim?!

Good times.

Brad looks stoked to be with his family 👎

Knoxxy saying he is excited to see 'big people' poor darlin so used to garden gnomes.
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Severus Snark

Well-known member
For anyone checking out tattle life - we call him out on his blatant insensitivity to DV. This was posted to 2021.

He was DV liaison office?
View attachment 1124137
This is the very post that got me blocked. Posted during the time that Sydney and the Cenny Coast were in lockdown. Apparently questioning if this post was in good taste when many vulnerable women and children were locked down with their abusers was me not having a sense of humour and him being a DV liaison when he was a copper meant he knew the boundaries of what makes a funny DV joke, but also there was no DV themes in that post according to him. Then I got blocked.

This type of shit is why we are here Braddles. That your average sized wife looks like a behemoth next to you is just a bonus.
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What happened with their rings with the ashes in it? And they attacked the business that made them?
A stone fell out of one, they publicly shamed the business told everyone to not use them based on this... they then went after myself because I defended the business and stated their focus is on money not small businesses they posted my profile and threatened to fuck me up and sent hate to me and my business. I can only speak on my knowledge the business offered to replace the stone and they declined. They also made comments about the business owner that her pregnancy she announced around the same time was likely false and implied she would claim she lost the baby. Baby was very real, Sezzie also stated I was "obsessed" when I blocked them and never responded
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I see you. I am you.
No, hun, you went to a daytime Pilates class while the rest of us have been working all morning.
I'm so sick of her meaningless platitudes, she's as deep as a puddle.
Oh Sarah Sweetie. You are not Me. You are Chris Rock and I am Will Smith.
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Chatty Member
Just watched. Her response was great. I love that clip she shared from Sonya Renee Taylor (who I adore and I can’t say enough good things about her book!). It was really powerful and I look forward to any further commentary Sonya has on the situation.
I just watched her story where she briefly talks about Will Smith’s home life growing up… and that in itself explains so much. Sez could also learn a lot from watching her stories!

Anyway, I’ve detailed the convo talking the Will and Chris incident. Back to our regular schedule 🤣

Brad blowing his own trumpet again and talking about his meeting with the shadow minister. He says “we did it” but what did he do exactly? He had a conversation but what tangible actions will come out of said meeting? I bet she walked away thinking that was a waste of her time.

And how is she the single loudest voice for the sector? She’s the SHADOW minister. The loudest voice is the actual minister. What a fucking flog.
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Chatty Member
I don’t know about you guys but Spewy or no Spewy - there’s no way I’d throw a soiled blanket directly into my washing machine. I’d rinse it outside (depending on the time of day) or in the sink first. Sezzy’s advice was to roll it up and throw it straight in the machine. Can you imagine doing that with vomit 🤮 nah fam ✋🏻
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So is she having a go at catholic schools now? My kids go to a catholic school (we’re not religious but it’s a very good school). They’re allowed to have long hair. They’re also allowed man buns. In fact we have a number of sikh students (yes we even allow other religions!) with buns.

Oh and also, our fees are the same as their fees.

So their kids go to this “extremely progressive, inclusive, exclusive, uber expensive school” and they’re so much better than any other school… and yet our terrible, oppressive catholic school is actually exactly the same?

She just shows her ignorance every time she posts.
This is 💯 the same for my situation and the backwards, oppressive catholic school my kids go to. We have boys in pony tails, man buns, even boys with two mums 🤯🤪
Sit down beaky, your ‘expensive’ Christian school ain’t breaking any ceilings.
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And a special welcome to anyone reading here out of curiosity! ALL influencers use your likes and interactions to make an income!

Oooo she's not playing now. Like they've never screenshot and thrown mere mortals under the bus for disagreeing with them in the past. It's suck up or be publicly shamed as a troll.View attachment 1123469
Big words! Sarah, noone here is bullying you... merely bringing attention to you and your families despicable ways... where should we start? You both profit from vulnerable people online. Your content is sexist and at times racist.

Do better.
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The whole planner thing looked incredibly fake and like stuff was just thrown on there so she could make an ad. Again, seems super disingenuous to have Sarah and Brad both spruiking Every Plate *this week* and now to be talking about how much she loves meal planning.

Looking forward to seeing the photos of Brad’s big night out! Shocked that the kids are having another movie night 😂. Didn’t LDB watch that movie with her kids a couple of days ago and say that it was good, but way too mature for kids that age? I’ll take LDB’s advice over Sarah any day 😜
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I don’t understand what the Kearns goal is with the current adds for the green mask. Are they mocking the product? That add does not in any way entice me to click on a link to buy the product. In comparison Martha from MAFS just washed her face with a new cleanser and i‘ve clicked the link and started a shopping cart With that brand. She literally filmed herself washing her face minus any ridiculous jokes and i’m super interested in the product. Go-To do lot’s of videos for masks too - I splashed $200 last week with them.
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Selling Self Awareness

Well-known member
Hey Sezzy! We don’t talk about you on here in the hopes that you’ll stop doing what you’re doing.
We hope it may actually give you some insight into the absolute walking, talking contradictions you and your husband are.
If anyone so much as politely questions you, you publicly belittle them to within an inch of their lives, send your tribe after them, and then delete all the evidence, cause you know, you still need to capitalise on your bullshit to make a quick buck.
Let’s not to mention the time you threatened to dox a single mum, or when you tried to publicly destroy a humble small business instead resolving the issue like normal humans. You are privileged, cashed up bogans without a fucking clue, and absolutely no insight into your feral behaviour!! 😤
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